Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 388 Your Majesty Knows This, What Should I Do?

Chapter 388 Your Majesty Knows This, What Should I Do?
Qin Feng had long expected that these families would definitely not allow him to carry out reforms.

So these families will make some resistance, which is also within his expectation.

However, the performance of those families before made Qin Feng feel a little soft-hearted again.

If these families are not particularly excessive, then he will definitely not take some actions next.

But now that these families are preparing to rebel, this is also unacceptable to him.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Feng gave orders directly to the guards around him without the slightest hesitation.

"Didn't I have people mobilize some troops to come near the places where those families are?"

"Those troops should not have withdrawn yet."

"Just arrest all the people from these families."

After hearing Qin Feng's words, the guards next to him were also startled.

It can be said that these families also have a very high status in the entire Flame Empire.

If these families are dealt with, or even arrested directly, the impact will be very large.

It seems that Qin Feng really felt very angry this time.

Otherwise, he would definitely never do such a thing.

It was precisely because of this that the guards at this time naturally did not dare to show any different attitudes.

So without the slightest hesitation, he agreed immediately.

And when the guards were preparing to contact those troops, the officials who had gone to court at this time naturally gathered together.

Many of these officials also came from these families.

Although their status has become higher and higher, the relationship with the family has become less obvious now.

But if something happens to the family, it may cause them a lot of trouble.

In addition, some people also obtained the support of those families in order to have a higher and higher status in the court.

It is precisely because of this that they must ensure that these families continue to prosper no matter what.

But today Qin Feng directly told everyone in front of everyone that these families were preparing to rebel.

Naturally, they didn't know where Qin Feng got the news.

But in their hearts, they are very sure that no matter when they rebel, it is a very serious crime.

So under such circumstances, if Qin Feng will pursue this matter, it will be a big trouble.

And as an emperor, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the rebellion of his subordinates.

It is precisely because of these thoughts in their hearts that they naturally have more worries in their hearts.

"I didn't expect these people to have such courage now, and they are even preparing to rebel."

"It is estimated that His Majesty must also feel very angry in his heart now."

"It is very likely that all these families will be punished in the future."

"We all have an inseparable relationship with these families."

"Now let's discuss together how to solve this matter."

After one of the officials finished speaking, the rest were silent.

Of course they knew in their hearts that they had no way to stop Qin Feng.

Because when they blocked them, they didn't have any reason to look for.

If you try to stop it now, you will just make yourself uncomfortable, and it will naturally not help you solve the problem.

In addition, they did not dare to do anything to get out of No. [-] Middle School.

You must know that Qin Feng did not show mercy to those officials who were going to resell the grain before.

So many people were all directly dragged to the street outside for a public trial, and they were killed directly.

Under such circumstances, if they dare to do such a thing again, I'm afraid it will definitely not end well.

At that time, not only did I not help, but I also lost my life.

Such a result is naturally unbearable for them.

It was precisely because of this that although the frowns of these people at the scene became tighter and tighter, none of them dared to speak.

After seeing everyone with this expression, the person who was extremely anxious before felt even more anxious in his heart.

"Let me tell you, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, and we all have to find a way."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid those families will find a way to bite us back before they die."

"After so many years, I believe everyone's body is not particularly clean."

"At that time, if something unexpected happens, it will be bad for us."

After hearing these words, the frowns of these officials became tighter and tighter.

This is indeed a very big worry for them.

After a while, one of the officials couldn't help but sighed.

"In any case, risking our own lives is not a good choice."

"What's more, they are too courageous this time, and what they do is beyond our control."

"Since this is the case, let's pass on the news that His Majesty already knows about their actions."

"It's up to them whether they can solve this matter in time, or whether there are other solutions."

After hearing these words, the people next to them couldn't help but sighed and nodded.

Judging from the current situation, this is naturally the best choice for them.

It was precisely because of this that at night, these officials sent people directly to prepare to deliver the news.

However, Qin Feng has long expected that the relationship between these people and those families is very close.

It is precisely because of this that he had already sent some people to watch these people's homes before he said this today.

Therefore, every move of these people's family naturally cannot escape Qin Feng's eyes.

When Qin Feng found out that these people were planning to send people to contact those families, he couldn't help but snorted again.

But Qin Feng didn't move at all at this time.

Because of course Qin Feng knew very well in his heart that the people he sent out should have already contacted the army.

Then I'll do it right away.

No matter how fast the people sent by these officials are, it will be too late.

And if the behavior of these people is exposed now, these officials will naturally be dealt with.

But after dealing with so many officials just now, it is not particularly appropriate to deal with a batch now.

In Qin Feng's heart, of course, he felt very angry towards these officials who did not think about the court.

But to be fair, although these people have selfish intentions, some of them are doing fairly well in their positions.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Feng naturally needs to be extra careful when dealing with them.

If this matter is not handled properly and causes some problems, it will also affect the stability of the entire country for him.

This is naturally a situation that Qin Feng does not want to see.

So sometimes you still need to play dumb.

As long as it is beneficial to the development of the country, then Qin Feng naturally doesn't mind pretending to be such a fool.

At this time, after receiving Qin Feng's order, those troops also showed excited expressions on their faces.

Fighting the Ice Empire and the Flame Empire on the battlefield before made them full of confidence in their fighting power.

It's just that after they repelled the coalition forces of the two empires, Qin Feng didn't let them continue to launch a counterattack.

Under such circumstances, for these generals, of course, they also feel a little regretful.

Later, they heard that the Ice Empire and the Flame Empire were fighting, which made them even more anxious.

But Qin Feng let them come to the vicinity of these families to station.

So under such circumstances, they can only obey the military order, and they have no way or opportunity to participate in the war.

Now that they have finally received such an order, they will naturally not miss the opportunity.

Therefore, the general who led the team did not hesitate at all, and waved his hand directly at his subordinates.

"Now His Majesty wants us to control all these families, but trust us."

"Everyone must do a good job on this matter."


After the general finished speaking, all the soldiers under him naturally agreed immediately.

Then everyone took advantage of the night and rushed towards these families directly.

At this time, the people in these families had already fallen into a deep sleep.

In the past few days, they have been recruiting more ordinary people.

Originally, according to Li Kang's inner thoughts, it should not be difficult if he wanted to find enough peasants in leisure time, and then rebel with them.

Although at the beginning, these ordinary people must feel a little scared.

But if the rebellion has really happened, it will be too late even if it is afraid.

Because with what they have done, as long as it is spread to the palace, there is only one dead end waiting for them.

Then in the end, we can only go to the dark side with them. Only after the negotiation with Qin Feng is completed, this matter can be resolved.

And at that time, the life and death of these ordinary people has nothing to do with them.

But what they didn't expect was that although their plan was very good, more and more people had already fled.

So in this case, not only did they waste a lot of money, but the efficiency of doing things was naturally greatly affected.

It is precisely because of this that these people are going to wait until the next day, after calling all the people, they must first let their own servants take care of them.

As long as these people have no chance to escape, the rest of the matter will be much easier to solve.

After having these thoughts in their hearts, all the family leaders fell into a deep sleep.

But before they slept for too long, the sound of shouting and shouting came from outside the yard.

Naturally, the commotion became louder and louder.

It is precisely because of this that the heads of these families all frowned tightly.

But in the end, because of the worry in his heart, he immediately got up, put on his clothes and walked outside.

Now is the most dangerous time for their families.

In the hearts of these family leaders, they feel that they have been bullied by Qin Feng.

But they were bullied by Qin Feng, of course there was nothing they could do.

Now that there are still people coming to them to make trouble, isn't it a little too disrespectful to them?
Even in the future, their families may become weaker.

But it also takes a certain amount of time to have some impact.

But now, as the education reform has just started, some people are ready to trouble them, and they are simply tired of work.

With such thoughts in mind, the heads of several families walked out of their rooms very angrily.

But when they came outside the yard and saw that all the families in their house and others had been controlled by the soldiers, they were shocked.

At this moment, expressions of incomparable horror appeared on their faces.

"Generals, do you know what you are doing here late at night?"

"If there is anything inappropriate, please ask the generals to point it out."

"As long as we do something inappropriate, we must change it as soon as possible."

After these Patriarchs finished speaking, they immediately took out some banknotes from their bodies and prepared to stuff them into the hands of these generals.

On the one hand, it is to make the people in my family suffer less, and on the other hand, it is also for temptation.

If these people are willing to take their money, it means that the matter is not particularly serious.

Next, as long as the relationship can be dredged, it should be possible to turn major events into minor ones.

But if they are unwilling to accept the money, I am afraid things will become a little tricky.

At this time, after these generals saw these families and took out the money, they just snorted coldly, and the expressions on their faces did not change at all.

If it was before, they might really have accepted the money.

After all, the entire Flame Empire had always been in the weakest state before, and these soldiers might encounter the power of their lives at any time on the battlefield.

If they can come to gain some benefits for themselves, they will naturally not refuse.

But now the military strength of the Flame Empire has improved so much, it can be said to be the most powerful country.

So under such circumstances, of course they hope to achieve better development in the court.

It is definitely impossible for them to choose to join forces with these people now.

"Hurry up and collect your stinky money now."

"Aren't you planning to rebel? You really have a lot of courage."

"Why don't you have such courage now?"

(End of this chapter)

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