Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 390 Did They Do Something Good?This is all people's fat and people's ointment!

Chapter 390 Did They Do Something Good?This is all people's fat and people's ointment!

For these ordinary people, they don't have a particularly clear understanding of what is right or wrong about a matter, nor do they care much about it.

What they care more about is what kind of life they can live.

Will they encounter any kind of trouble themselves?

Now these scholars say that if all the heads of these families are killed, it will cause turmoil.

It will also cause their hard-won good life to be affected to a certain extent.

So in the hearts of these people, many people have already chosen to believe.

Now for them, it is not easy to have the opportunity to fill their stomachs.

And his own children have been able to come and enter the academy to study.

Such a day is already very satisfying for them, and of course they don't want to be damaged in any way.

It is precisely because of this that many people have gathered here.

After seeing this appearance, many scholars looked at each other a few times, and there was a smile on their faces.

This is the best effect they want to achieve.

In the hearts of these scholars, it is very clear that if they want to put pressure on Qin Feng, the more people there are, the better the effect will be.

Now that so many people are participating in it, the effect will definitely not be bad.

At this time, someone went to the palace to deliver a letter to Qin Feng, so naturally they did not escape the eyes of those officials.

After seeing this scene, those officials also felt a little happy in their hearts.

They don't particularly care about what these families will eventually become.

After all, now they can get rid of these families and gain a firm foothold in the imperial court.

But the heads of these families must not have any accidents.

If it is possible for these family leaders to have an accident, it is very likely that they will speak out about the collusion with them before they die.

In this way, I am afraid that they will definitely not end well.

And after these scholars made these noises, I am afraid that the next matter should be nothing.

When the two groups of people were relatively happy, Qin Feng had already received the news, but in Qin Feng's heart, he was not happy, and even felt a little angry.

He also never thought that these scholars would have the courage to do such a thing.

It can be said that these scholars did not take him as the emperor in their hearts.

If not, no matter how courageous they are, they would never dare to do such a thing.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Feng couldn't help but snorted coldly at this moment.

"Since they want to make trouble, I want to see what they are capable of."

"Now so I'll go right away."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, a pair of guards next to him immediately agreed, and followed Qin Feng through the busy street outside.

And when these scholars saw Qin Feng coming again, they smiled slightly at the corners of their mouths, but immediately showed a look of compassion, and knelt down directly.

"Your Majesty, the heads of these families are very important to our large-scale development."

"Your Majesty, don't listen to any slander and kill people from these families."

"If not, it will definitely cause turmoil in our Flame Empire."

"During the severe drought in the past few years, these families have come to help the people solve their daily problems."

"If they are dealt with without any reason now, I am afraid that many people will feel chilled in their hearts."

When these scholars said these words, some of them were still telling the people around them that when years of severe drought caused some people to lack food, these families generously opened warehouses to release food.

At this time, many people are of course very simple.

Now, after hearing the news, they naturally have a high regard for these families in their hearts.

It is precisely because of this that they feel a little wronged for the people of these families at this time.

In their view, since these families can do so many good things, they are definitely good people and will not do anything wrong.

Now that His Majesty wants to punish them, he must have been bewitched by some people, so he made such a wrong decision.

At this time, after Qin Feng heard these words, he felt even more angry in his heart.

But before Qin Feng lost his temper, another motorcade came outside.

Although the convoy's packages are relatively tight, due to the long journey, there are still many boxes that have opened some holes due to the bumpy road.

After seeing the gold and silver treasures inside, many people were taken aback for a moment, their eyes showing shock.

Judging from the current situation, these boxes may contain gold and silver treasures.

For ordinary people, this is a bit unbelievable.

How wealthy a family must be to afford that much money.

And why was the money transported to this place?
At this time, the generals escorting the convoy were also a little curious to see Qin Feng here.

However, as a general in the army, his thoughts are naturally very direct.

Since I met Qin Feng at this time, it is better to report the news to Qin Feng directly.

It is precisely because of this that when everyone was a little curious, the official was asked to walk a few steps forward and come to Qin Feng.

"Your Majesty, all these gold and silver treasures were confiscated from these families."

"However, there are too few carriages in our army. I'm afraid only about half of them will be transported this time."

"The rest will have to wait until we go back and ship them back."

After hearing these words, all the people opened their mouths in surprise, and Qin Feng was also extremely shocked at this time.

You must know that there was not so much money in the national treasury before, so it can be said that any of these families is rich and powerful.

After realizing this problem, Qin Feng naturally felt extremely angry.

Then he looked at the people in front of him and nodded, telling them to send these things to the treasury first, and then looked at the people around him.

"Before you were talking about these families who have done a lot of good things, but if the money is used for normal business, I am afraid that even a dozen generations of them will not be able to accumulate so much wealth."

"So where did the money come from?"

"Can they explain this clearly?"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, everyone at the scene was speechless.

At this time, the people were shocked when they saw the money, and they didn't know what to say.

And those scholars also felt secretly bitter in their hearts, and they kept complaining about that general.

Even if he wanted to transport the money to the capital, why did he send it at this time?

Even if it was a coincidence that they transported it here at this time, why did they publicly say that the money was confiscated from these families?
Of course, they knew very well in their hearts that the reason why these families were able to obtain so much money was of course the money obtained by cooperating with officials and squeezing the people.

In addition, I have done a lot of other bad things.

If it wasn't for this, then these families would naturally not need to expend so much energy trying to find a way to control the court.

There is no need to support them, these scholars must be able to seek a certain position in the court.

After seeing that everyone was silent, Qin Feng snorted again.

"Since you don't know, I'll tell you about it today."

"The reason why these people can get so much money is because of the hard-earned money they got from the people by squeezing the people."

"It is precisely because of this that I will punish them this time, and let them pay the price."

"If that's the case, do you think it's still a problem to punish them now?"

After hearing Qin Feng's words, all the people were stunned again, and there was some disbelief in their eyes.

You must know that their life is just getting better now, and it was normal to not be able to fill their stomachs before.

But even if life is better now, they don't have much money in their hands.

And the money came from the oppression of the people, so under this situation, how long have they been oppressing the people?

How many people lost their families because of them?

After some people thought of this question, it naturally caused their hearts to be even more angry.

It was precisely because of this that all the people changed their attitudes at this time, and spoke with anger in their eyes.

"Your Majesty, these people are so insane that they should all be killed."

"Only in this way can we be worthy of the people oppressed by them and maintain the fairness of the law."

After one of the common people finished speaking, the people around him even spoke in agreement.

After seeing this appearance, Qin Feng smiled slightly, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

Judging from the current situation, all the common people are quite reasonable.

So if this is the case, it will be easier to solve this matter.

According to Qin Feng's inner thoughts, he directly took advantage of this opportunity to start the public trial of all these people again.

And when the trial of these family members starts, even if they don't say what they are planning to rebel, I am afraid that the fate of these people will be extremely miserable.

At this time, after those scholars saw this appearance, they felt even more panic in their eyes.

They didn't expect that things would still deteriorate to this level, leaving them without anyone's support.

Under such circumstances, I am afraid that Qin Feng will immediately prepare to deal with these people.

And if all these families are killed, they will naturally have no one to support them.

This is not so easy for them to gain a firm foothold in the imperial court in the future.

Since this is the case, Qin Feng must be made to change his mind.

After having such an idea, one of the scholars pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth and walked out.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, these families have made great contributions to the development of our Raging Flame Empire."

"What's more, there is no investigation into whether they have other civilians."

"If they are dealt with suddenly under such circumstances, it may easily lead to unjust, false and wrongly decided cases."

"So I still think His Majesty must be cautious about this matter, and let him go first."

"Wait until the matter is investigated and dealt with."

"If His Majesty refuses to agree, I will become a faint king, and I will never step into the court or serve Your Majesty in my life."

After the scholar finished speaking, the eyes of several scholars next to him also brightened.

What this scholar said now can be said to be murderous.

So under such circumstances, if Qin Feng directly refuses, it will leave an impression of disrespect for talents, and the image of Qin Feng will be greatly affected.

So even if it is to maintain his own image, Qin Feng will definitely choose to obediently let him go.

According to the thoughts in the hearts of these scholars, of course there is no problem.

If it wasn't because Qin Feng came to this era, maybe even the original king of the Lieyan Empire would follow the practices of these scholars after discovering this problem.

But after hearing these words, Qin Feng snorted directly.

Then he turned his gaze to the scholar who spoke just now, and these people who followed behind him.

People like you who can't tell right from wrong, even if you want to enter the court, I will not give you this chance.

"Since this is the case, come here immediately and register all their names."

"If they dare to take the imperial examination in the future and prepare to enter the imperial court, they will be punished as the crime of deceiving the emperor."

Accompanied by Qin Feng's words, there will be guards immediately after it is over, and they promised, and came over with a pen, ink, paper and inkstone.

But at this time, the scholars around were completely dumbfounded.

They also did not expect Qin Feng's attitude to be so resolute.

You must know that the crime of bullying the emperor will be beheaded.

So in this case, they really cut off the possibility of having any contact with the court.

Faced with such a situation, they naturally felt extremely regretful in their hearts, and they couldn't help looking at the people around them.

In their hearts, these people have always regarded them as superior and respected them very much.

If the common people can help them speak at this time, then naturally they can also help them solve their current situation.

At least they can be given a step down so that they can take back what they just said.

However, these thoughts in their hearts are doomed to be in vain, and these people did not take any action at all.

(End of this chapter)

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