Chapter 392 Two Conditions
After hearing these words, Qin Feng didn't have any surprised expression on his face.

Because of the perennial drought, the food reserves of these three empires have become increasingly low, which is something he expected.

But now for him, it is natural that he needs to change this situation immediately.

In fact, if the kings of the Ice Empire and the Blizzard Empire didn't come to him, I'm afraid he would find a way to help them.

It's just that now that the other party has found him, Qin Feng can naturally raise some other conditions.

The reason for this is, on the one hand, to obtain more benefits and make some arrangements for future development.

On the other hand, for the Raging Flame Empire, it is considered to be in a period of serious internal turmoil.

If under such circumstances, I agreed too happily, it would naturally cause the two empires to have other ideas.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Feng's tone became extremely calm at this time.

"As for your lack of some food, I already knew about it."

"However, in our flame empire, although there is a lot of food, these food cannot be provided to you for free."

"You need to buy according to the market price."

"In addition, you need to promise me one condition."

"It's our Flame Empire. Next, we will send some scholars to your country to carry out enlightenment."

"In the future, all children under the age of 12 must be forced to enter the academy to study."

"All the costs incurred in this regard will be borne by our Flame Empire."

"As long as you can agree to my conditions and purchase according to the market price, our Flame Empire is willing to help you through this crisis."

After Qin Feng finished speaking, many ministers under him suddenly felt a little anxious.

At this time, he naturally didn't know how to deal with it.

In their view, the decision Qin Feng made was completely wrong.

Because if they do this, the cost they need to invest is relatively high.

And it is not in any good for them to come and provide education to other empires.

But now Qin Feng has made such a decision in front of the kings of the two empires.

So in this case, even if they wanted to refuse or block it, it was too late.

If they dare to come out in this place, it will naturally cause the two empires to feel that the relationship between them and Qin Feng may not be particularly good.

Then in this case, it is naturally possible to take some other actions.

In this case, things may become more complicated by then.

If other empires seized the opportunity to cause trouble to the Raging Flame Empire, they would not want to see it anyway.

The kings of Ice Empire and Blizzard Empire were slightly taken aback after hearing Qin Feng's words.

Then the two began to think carefully.

It is of course no problem for Qin Feng to send some people to their country to carry out education.

Of course, the kings of these two empires knew very well that if a country had more scholars, it would naturally have more room for development.

So in this case, it is also a good thing for them.

Instead, Qin Feng was going to let them buy grain at a relatively high price, which made them feel a little headache.

Because the two great empires have been suppressing the Raging Flame Empire before, they naturally benefited a lot from the Raging Flame Empire.

Naturally, there is a lot of wealth in their hands now.

Even if some of the money is spent now, of course there is no problem.

But if they think about it carefully, they still feel a little reluctant.

It is precisely because of this that the first thought in the hearts of these two kings is to prepare to start a war.

If you can grab all the food from the Flame Empire into your own hands, then naturally you don't need to agree to Qin Feng's conditions.

In addition, there is no need to spend any wealth.

But when they think of the Flame Empire, the fighting power of these armies with new weapons now makes them feel a little headache again.

Whether they are willing to admit it or not, they must admit that the fighting power of the Raging Flame Empire's army is much stronger than theirs.

So under such circumstances, if they compete with the army of the Raging Flame Empire, they will definitely lose in the end.

In this way, for them, the end will naturally become more miserable.

It was precisely because of this that even though he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, the kings of the two empires finally couldn't help but nodded and agreed.

After seeing this appearance, Qin Feng felt extremely proud at this time.

In his opinion, education is actually the most important thing.

In this way, he was able to complete the cultural invasion in these two great empires, thus subtly influencing more and more young people in their two great empires.

And as long as these young people are affected, they will naturally have more respect and affection for the Raging Flame Empire.

After these young people enter the officialdom of these two empires, they will naturally have a greater impact on the political structure. If they want to buy these two empires in the future, it will become easier.

Because of this, Qin Feng at this time did not hesitate at all, nodded and agreed.

"Now that this matter has been reached, then all officials are going to make arrangements to make this matter well.

After hearing Qin Feng's orders to his subordinates, the kings of the Ice Empire and the Frozen Empire left.

And after the kings of the two empires had just left, some officials finally couldn't help but walked over directly.

"Your Majesty, it is acceptable for us to sell these grains to them now."

"After all, if their country lacks so much food that many people cannot survive, it may also trigger a war."

"But we don't need to educate these two great empires at all."

"In this way, it will cause us to spend a lot of money, which is also very unfavorable to us."

After one of the officials finished speaking, the rest of the people nodded one after another.

At this time, in their hearts, they certainly felt a little incomprehensible about the decision Qin Feng made.

It is precisely because of this that I will ask directly now.

But after hearing these words, Qin Feng still shook his head with a smile.

"In fact, being able to develop education in these countries is the most important thing for us."

"Although this matter may not bring us enough benefits in a short period of time, it will bring a lot of benefits in the future."

After hearing what Qin Feng said, everyone felt even more puzzled in their eyes.

Soon after Qin Feng finished explaining, he suddenly realized, and looked at Qin Feng's eyes, feeling even more admiration.

Regarding this issue, they had never thought of it before, but after listening to Qin Feng's explanation, they finally understood what was going on.

It is precisely because of this that they support Qin Feng even more now.

At the same time, I felt an incomparable fear in my heart.

Through what Qin Feng said, they also knew why Qin Feng carried out education reforms in the Love Empire.

It seems that their Majesty's thinking has far surpassed theirs, and arrangements have already been made.

So in that case, naturally, those families had already considered that there would be resistance.

No wonder they didn't have time to send people out to deliver the news, and all those families were caught.

Under such circumstances, if Qin Feng didn't know anything about what they did, they wouldn't believe it anyway.

It is precisely because of this that they feel even more fear in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, Taotao already knew what they had done, but there was no punishment for them.

If Qin Feng wants to trouble them or settle accounts after the fall, it will definitely end in a very miserable end for them.

It is precisely because of this that these officials will inevitably be more careful in the future, and must not come to trouble Qin Feng.

After the kings of Ice Empire and Blizzard Empire went back, they naturally didn't dare to waste any time, and immediately used a large number of front desks in the treasury to come to the Raging Flame Empire to buy food.

After all, they are not the only country to buy food now, but two countries are short of food.

So in this case, if they buy food at a slower rate, it will naturally cause another country to buy more food.

In this way, if one's own country lacks food, it will be bad at that time.

As for the people of these two great empires, they naturally have no opinion at all.

Anyway, the money is in the treasury and has nothing to do with them, but they are the ones who are hungry now.

Now as long as they can come to buy food, it is naturally a happy thing for them.

And for the people of the Raging Flame Empire, of course, they also felt an incomparable surprise.

Now by planting these grains, they can solve their living problems and they feel very satisfied.

I didn't expect that these grains could be sold to the other two great empires, bringing them very high profits.

So in this case, it is naturally a very happy thing for them.

It's just that now the imperial court has issued an order to sell the grain that was planted before to the two empires, but the sweet potatoes that have just begun to be planted cannot be sold.

Faced with this situation, although it would make them feel a little regretful, they finally chose to agree.

After all, they still need to set aside some of these grains as new seeds, and they also need to ensure their own future life.

So the overall loss is not particularly large.

After the two empires got the news, the kings of the two empires frowned slightly again.

They naturally also know that the Raging Flame Empire is able to make the food extremely abundant now because of the planting of this new food.

If they can get these grains, they will naturally be able to sow them in their own country.

In this way, after a period of time, their food will naturally be satisfied, and they will definitely not be short of money to spend.

But I didn't expect Qin Feng to make such an arrangement, so that their plan could not be carried out at all.

It is precisely because of this that the kings of the two great empires feel a little annoyed in their hearts, but they are helpless in the face of such a situation now.

However, in the hearts of the kings of the two empires, they have also secretly made up their minds.

In any case, they couldn't be bullied like this all the time, so they had to find a way to obtain the new weapons owned by the Raging Flame Empire.

As long as they have new weapons, it is unknown whether the Raging Flame Empire will be able to sell food to them in the future.

If the Flame Empire is unwilling to sell at that time, then they don't mind letting the Flame Empire learn how to behave again.

So under such circumstances, the kings of the two empires did not hesitate at all, and immediately prepared to send some spies to the Flame Empire.

But Qin Feng naturally knows nothing about these things now.

Now the national treasury has become extremely rich, whether it is the wealth brought from the commodity trade between the two empires, or the huge wealth brought from those few families, Qin Feng's current economic situation has been relieved a lot of.

It's just that Qin Feng is very clear in his heart that the flame empire must become richer next.

It is precisely because of this that road construction activities were once again carried out throughout the entire Love Empire.

Through this method, not only can the money in the national treasury be distributed quickly, but also the traffic conditions of the Raging Flame Empire will become better and better.

At the same time, he also handed over many formulas to the craftsmen for research.

But for this matter, Qin Feng did not have much confidence.

After all, there are many formulas, all of which were researched after a long time in later generations.

It is not an easy task for these people to learn quickly.

And when Qin Feng was thinking about these questions, suddenly another person hurriedly ran to the palace.

"Your Majesty, now we have fired colored glaze, and it has been fired into various shapes."

"We're going to get rich next time."

(End of this chapter)

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