Chapter 394 Investigate Clearly
After Qin Feng's order was issued, all the officials in the entire Raging Flame Empire began to get busy again.

After all, many businessmen now are very careful when doing business, and they are also afraid of danger.

It is precisely because of this that many merchants are now less and less special when conducting transactions or delivering goods outside.

It's just that the Raging Flame Empire is in the process of rapid development now, and naturally many people have more and more wealth in their hands.

So under such circumstances, there are still relatively many kinds of products they need.

And if these merchants have no way to transport all kinds of goods frequently, it will naturally cause people in many places to be unable to buy what they want.

On the other hand, this situation will also lead to many people earning less and less money.

Under such circumstances, it is naturally very unfavorable for the future development of the entire Raging Flame Empire.

If this problem can be solved quickly now, it will naturally be considered a good thing for the future development of Love Empire.

As more and more troops began to provide assistance to all merchants, for the troops sent by the other two empires, the chances of doing it had become less and less.

After all, the weapons used in their hands are still some relatively traditional weapons.

And now the army of the Raging Flame Empire has all been equipped with new weapons.

So in this case, when there is a conflict with the other party, it will eventually lead to a dead end for all of them.

It is precisely because of this that many people feel a little unhappy in their hearts.

The king of the Ice Empire finally showed a hint of annoyance when he saw that his subordinates had not gained anything.

"The flame empire has earned so much money from us, even if we snatch some things back, it's just to make up for our losses."

"But I didn't expect that he would not even give us this little money now. It's too much."

"Now we have to find a way to solve this problem and teach them some lessons."

After one of them finished speaking, the rest naturally nodded immediately.

But at this time, if you want them to find a solution to the problem, it will not be so easy.

On the other side, Qin Feng naturally found some better soldiers in the army and began to train them.

Qin Feng directly named them after the Jinyiwei in history. Of course, their functions are not much different from the Jinyiwei in history.

Not only is it necessary to supervise the officials in the imperial court, but it is also necessary to have a certain understanding of the situation of the other two empires.

After they finished the training, the first task Qin Feng sent them was to investigate who was robbing these goods.

After receiving this order, it naturally caused these soldiers to be extremely excited in their hearts.

Without the slightest hesitation, they just nodded and agreed.

Because they know very well in their hearts that now they are all troops trained by His Majesty himself.

Under such circumstances, among all the armies, they are naturally the most loyal to His Majesty.

And it is also able to gain the most trust from His Majesty.

It is precisely because of this that they must do their best for the next thing, otherwise, I am afraid that His Majesty will be disappointed with them.

In this way, if they are expelled from the team, the loss for them will be too great.

It will naturally have a great impact on your own future.

It is precisely because of this that all the members of Jinyiwei have begun to devote all their energy to the investigation of this matter.

Since Qin Feng also used some more advanced methods when training them, these soldiers also mastered some more advanced knowledge.

Although the people from the Ice Empire and the Storm Empire are very careful in their actions, it can be said that there are no traces of what they did in this era.

However, under Jin Yiwei's investigation, some problems were still found.

Afterwards, all the members of Jinyiwei immediately reported this matter in the court hall.

After hearing this news, many officials felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

On the one hand, they did not expect that the kings of these two empires would have such courage.

You must know that the overall combat effectiveness of the two empires is not comparable to that of the Raging Flame Empire.

According to the thoughts in the hearts of these officials, these two empires should now seek development honestly like the previous Flame Empire.

In any case, it should not anger the Flame Empire.

Otherwise, if the Raging Flame Empire launched a war, it would be unbearable for the two great empires.

But I don't know if it was because the kings of the two great empires felt too confident in their hearts, or because of other reasons, they would do such a thing.

And another thing that shocked them was that these Jin Yiwei's abilities were really too strong.

And these Jinyiwei are all trained by His Majesty himself, so it may be difficult for them to buy.

Although Qin Feng didn't tell them directly, he would let these Jinyiwei people supervise them officials, but those who can become important officials in the imperial court are naturally not fools.

If these people also supervised them, then naturally many things they did could not escape Jin Yiwei's eyes.

After Qin Feng knew what they had done, what kind of attitude would he have towards them?
I am afraid that by that time, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that are missing in their hearts that many people can't help but sigh again.

It seems that being an official is also a very dangerous profession in the future, and he must be honest in the future, and dare not do anything wrong or evil.

But Qin Feng didn't think about these problems at this time.

After getting this news, he also felt a little shocked, and at the same time, in his heart, he already had an idea that could solve the problem.

But now Qin Feng also wants to see if these officials can keep up with his thinking.

That's why I couldn't help asking.

"Now that everyone is clear about this matter, do you want to start a war next?"

After Qin Feng finished speaking, all the officials on the scene were speechless.

For these officials, they actually feel rather resistant to war.

Because they haven't completely come out of the weaker situation before the Flame Empire.

Although the Flame Empire had an advantage when facing the two great empires before.

But they are still afraid of the Flame Empire. If they take the initiative to attack, they will be at a disadvantage under the siege of the two empires.

It is precisely because the previous life was so miserable, so now that they have this better life, they feel extremely cherished for this kind of life.

It would be a pity for them to give up their current life.

However, what the two empires did this time was indeed a bit excessive, and even in their view, it was unacceptable.

So under such circumstances, Qin Feng took the initiative to attack them, which is naturally a relatively normal thing, and I am afraid it will teach the other party a lesson.

As for those generals, they naturally felt very excited in their hearts.

For them, now that they are equipped with new weapons, they know that the combat effectiveness of their troops has improved a lot.

For these generals, they naturally hope to have the opportunity to let these troops under them perform well, so that they can make military exploits.

But because the Raging Flame Empire has never launched a war, and the two empires don't dare to make trouble now, they didn't get a chance.

And now that such an opportunity finally came, naturally he wanted to seize the opportunity when it arrived, so he opened his mouth immediately.

"Your Majesty, these two great empires dare to rob us of our supplies. This is really too much."

"We have to teach them a lesson, otherwise we don't know what they will do in the future."

"As long as His Majesty orders, we are willing to lead the army directly to start a war with these two empires, and we must wipe them out completely."

Accompanied by a leading general, after finishing speaking, the rest of the people also nodded one after another, looking at Qin Feng eagerly.

After hearing what you said, general, Qin Feng couldn't help sighing again in his heart.

Although he felt a little disappointed in his heart, it was actually understandable.

After all, these generals originally devoted all their attention to war, so they didn't think too much about politics and other aspects.

In addition, now they naturally hope to let their troops perform well.

It is precisely because of this that at this time Qin Feng did not pay attention to the other party, but looked at other civil servants.

At this time, the civil servants did not make any response, because in the hearts of many people, they also felt that launching a war was the best decision.

But among these onlookers, there are naturally many smart people.

Although it seemed to them that a war should be launched, after seeing Qin Feng and listening to the words of those generals, but not responding, they knew that what I said did not satisfy His Majesty.

Since His Majesty was not satisfied with launching a war, His Majesty must not want to start a war.

It was precisely because of this thought that some civil servants stepped forward tentatively.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, it may not be particularly appropriate for us to start a war."

After hearing these words, Qin Feng felt a little joy in his heart, and then nodded immediately.

"What do you think, tell me right now."

After listening to Qin Feng's words, all the officials naturally understood Qin Feng's inner thoughts.

Many generals felt a little disappointed in their hearts, and the civil servant felt a lot calmer in his heart.

It was precisely because of this that he nodded immediately without the slightest hesitation.

"Although launching a war can come and destroy these two great empires, there is no way for us to completely wipe out the people of these two great empires."

"In this way, for a long time, the two great empires will also feel hatred towards us."

"In this way, even if we defeat these two great empires and occupy their territory, it may be difficult to calm down."

"At that time, we will need to send more troops to manage this place, and we will also need to deal with possible rebellions at any time."

"Overall, it will become somewhat unfavorable for us, so now we have to use other methods."

After hearing these words, Qin Feng nodded with a little satisfaction in his heart.

Although these people did not say all the reasons, it is very good to be able to think of them.

Although many generals knew in their hearts that Qin Feng would not launch a war in the future, it would still be a pity for them to give up like this now.

It was precisely because of this that after thinking for a while, he couldn't help but speak.

If this is the case, then I am afraid that even if we have the army to protect, there will definitely be some people sporadically robbing the supplies of ordinary people or sand piles here.

"If we keep sending troops for protection, the investment will be relatively large."

"This situation is also very unfavorable for us."

After the general finished speaking, the rest of the people frowned slightly involuntarily.

Although they have no solution to this problem now, they have to admit that what the general said is still reasonable.

However, after hearing these words, Qin Feng smiled slightly again.

"There are actually many ways to prevent them from snatching our supplies."

"Then let our caravan begin to officially sell these materials to these two empires."

After hearing these words, many officials were a little surprised again.

You must know that some of the products produced by the Flame Empire are produced using the latest technology.

In order to avoid being learned by the people of these two empires, they did not sell related products like these two empires.

Among the trades between the two empires, grain was the most sold.

Now that Qin Feng is going to sell a large amount of these materials, isn't he afraid of being learned by the other party about the relevant technology?

It is precisely because of this that many people looked at Qin Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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