Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 396 Fast pace!Developed to the level of the Republic of China period!

Chapter 396 Fast pace!Developed to the level of the Republic of China period!
After the distribution of the land, everything here is fine.

The empire began to develop.

Subsequent releases of various high-tech.

It also allowed the empire to develop rapidly.

Qin Feng has so many high technologies in his hands, can't he still develop this planet?

After the land is distributed, a large number of seeds are distributed.

Then came some farming.

There are also a lot of chickens, ducks and geese.

Well-developed aquaculture.

Qin Feng naturally led them to start developing industries.

What is produced is naturally some white sugar and table salt.

There is also industrial iron and copper smelting.

After a few years, everything here has begun to have the level of the Republic of China on Blue Star.

The current Qin Feng is also very happy to see his hard work in the past few years.

Even those beauties on Blue Star.

Called some now.

"Hinako Sano, baby, take a look here, this is a planet that your husband developed."

As far as this planet is concerned, there is no big high-tech yet.

But it has developed very rapidly.

Hinako Sano, now I can only see rows of houses, these houses are so beautiful!

"Husband, is this the city you built? It's simply too beautiful! These cities look a bit ancient. And they look like the period of the Republic of China."

When she came here, I felt like I had come to the period of the Republic of China, exactly the same.

"That's right, these are all built in the style of the Republic of China. Of course, everything here will not remain the same. With the development of technology, there will be more railways. There are also some roads. They will all be invested It's under construction. It will look like two years later, everything here will be exactly the same as the technology on the blue planet."

Qin Feng finished speaking these words.

His wife is also very happy.

Hinako Sano smiled lightly, and kissed her husband on the face.

"I told you about these beauties, I just picked a few to tell this secret."

"Anyway, there are only a few of you who know this place now."

"Luo Yu's words are more obedient."

"Of course I told her all that."

"And Luo Xiyan's words, I also told her."

"As for Sayuri Miyazaki, she has always been loyal to me. Of course I will tell you."

"As for Empress Goryeo, Sikong Xuanmei naturally told me too!"

"Then husband, will we live here in the future? Everyone will live here in the future, and then it will be a secret base for the few of us." Hinako Sano said.

Of course, this is what Qin Feng thinks now.That is, the girls who gave themselves the best experience were called over.

As long as they keep the secret here,
Qin Feng can let them stay here forever.

Of course, Qin Feng believed in them very much when he chose them.

I believe that these girls will be able to keep the secret. ,

Anyway, these girls gave Qin Feng a very good experience, now Qin Feng mainly wants to be with them.

Take you on a tour of the largest city on the planet.

Qingfeng must have returned to the palace with a few girls.

"Husband, is this your palace? It's too beautiful."

Looking at the palace here, they were all very excited.

This is simply a modern European-style palace!

Those palaces are very majestic.That palace is also very beautiful.It's like a castle in the west.

Moreover, such a palace is also very large in area, probably hundreds of thousands of square meters.

Such a large-scale castle, wandering freely from the castle.Basically drive a car.

And the roads in the castle are all cement roads.

And the cars they brought over were also those sports cars, which were very cool and beautiful.

"Is it still possible to drive in this place? It's great that you can drive in the castle when you can't walk in the future."

"Yes, yes, I also said that it is too far to walk from here to there for such a big castle. Now that you can drive, it will be much more convenient."

"I won't get tired of such a place even if I live here all the time."

"Who said it wasn't? The blue planet has been bored for a long time. Now that there are our people there, it seems that there will be basically no problems. Mr. Qin, he is also out of the mountain now. The planet he is managing .”

"It's better here. The air here is also good, and the food is delicious. There are a lot of weird plants that are very interesting."

"Especially the people here, they are all so kind. And they are all very obedient, they are all their slaves."

"Although they are slaves, we treat them very well. We will pay for their living expenses together!"

A girl looks at such a palace and likes everything here very much.

After all, it's a planet outside, it's much more fun than playing at home.

"Hey, everything is good in this place, but there is no network. If you want to play with your mobile phone or computer, what should you do?"

"Yes, yes, everything is good in these places, but there are no modern equipments. If you want to play computer, can you only get a local area network?"

"Now, we can get some computers over here, and then get some local area networks. After that, we can also play some stand-alone games by ourselves."

"What do you play in stand-alone games? But now I think the Meteor Welfare Sword is more fun. That is a game with some cold weapons. You can choose some long guns, some sledgehammers, and some daggers. But you need to go up, down, left, and right key, and then the trick can be released."

"Oh, oh, don't say it, I'm so moved by this environment, and if I set up a computer in this hall and play games, even a stand-alone game is very yearning."

"I'm very good at this game. I used to play this game when I was a child. I remember that my parents didn't want me to play the game, so we played it secretly. In this game, the dagger is the most powerful equipment. Right. Also, the sledgehammer has the highest damage. The dagger is relatively light, and you can play some combos. But the university, if the damage is high, sometimes it kills people with a few hits."

"I remember that there are some bows and arrows with cold weapons in this game. No, no, it's darts that can hit people from a long distance. But hitting people doesn't hurt at all, it's like scraping, it doesn't hurt at all. "

"Who says it's not? Those kind of muskets and some boomerangs can naturally hit people from a long distance, but the damage is not high at all. Sometimes they can't be killed even after seventy or eighty blows. "

"I have played this game. In this game, it is difficult to pass the level with some man-machines."

"I still like the map on Christmas Eve. You can go to play some candies and pick up weapons."

Just when everyone was chatting very happily,
Qin Feng finally stood up and spoke.

"I tell you guys, don't talk about this! What's so interesting about that stand-alone game? Is it more interesting to have a local area network or an online game? You wait for a week first, and I will get a network cable here. If there is some technology, a planet here can be covered with the Internet very quickly."

"Husband, do you really want to install the network on this planet quickly? This is a huge project, can it be completed in seven days at a time? If this kind of workload is on the blue planet, it is dozens of It took years of development to reach today. As for the 3G network, it has also developed for many years, and the [-]G network has also developed for many years.”

"At present, the 4G network over there has developed very maturely, and now they have begun to develop 5G networks."

"Anyway, I don't believe that my husband can quickly develop this place and cover the network. This matter is really too difficult, and it cannot be handled in a short time. This matter will take many years, no matter how high-tech the technology is. Not so fast."

Seeing that they didn't believe his appearance, Qin Feng smiled slightly.

How would they know some of the high technology that they hide?

Qin Feng has a high-tech like this.

That's a super powerful network overlay.

You're going to install this thing at the north and south poles of the planet.

And both sides of the equator.

Then the planet will be covered by the network very quickly.

And network boosters these network overlays
They are all very powerful.

As long as the network coverage is installed in these four places, the entire planet will have a network.

Of course, these are just mobile phone networks.

If you want to install the network cables of those computers, you need to use network cables.


Qin Feng remembered.

There is a super network cover that can play games anytime, anywhere and have a network anytime, anywhere without a network cable.

If such a cover can be installed in many places,
It can be realized completely, and the computer does not need a network cable.

Of course, in Nanjing, if this thing can be installed, it will be very powerful.

About this thing, Qin Feng only remembered it at this time.

"Does my husband really have such a magical thing? Why didn't you take it out earlier?"

"Yes, yes, with this thing, this place will be more fun."

"It's just a castle of tens of square meters, with some exotic flowers and plants, such good air, and such good plants!"

"Everything here makes me yearn so much. If there are computers and mobile phones here, it is a perfect home."

"Will everyone be very happy when they get out their mobile phones and computers? Will these indigenous people play at home like crazy when they see such things?"

"They must not be allowed to do this. Some strategies must be introduced to prevent them from indulging in these fun games. But I have a hunch that once these games appear, these indigenous people will play them as they are, because they have never been exposed to them. If you live something like this, you will definitely be very obsessed.”

"My husband is really great. I think our husband is the best! Now, as long as this thing is fully covered, we can play mobile games in a few days."

"He also said to play a little meteor and butterfly sword on a local area network, but our husband gave us such a big surprise."

Seeing them happy, Qin Feng was also very happy.

There is no way. I have too many high-tech technologies. Isn't it a simple matter to develop?
If we can stay here forever,

Qin Feng is naturally willing.

But if you live a good life, you can't stay here forever.

There is a more important thing that needs to be done by Qin Feng.

That is the high-tech planet in the distance.

Although they haven't found this place yet, Qin Feng doesn't know what's going on with them.

But no matter what, I have to go and explore this planet.

"Women, listen, don't be too happy, just stay with me tonight."

"Don't forget, the most important thing is to serve me well. That's the most important thing for you. Those things about eating, drinking and having fun are all after serving me well!"

We all heard my husband say that.

Naturally, they all laughed.

Then start talking.

Husband wants to see what clothes they wear?

Anyway, black silk or white silk is fine.

They're all old couples, and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

"Well, come with me to my castle, to the chambers of my great palace."

Immediately afterwards!Qin Feng walked in the front.

I could see a professional convoy in a while.

These convoys are all white cars.

They do not belong to any one brand.

These people were arranged to pick them up.

After all, as I said before, this castle is really big, covering hundreds of thousands of square meters, so if there is no convoy to pick them up, they have to walk back, and the bedroom is very far away.

"Your Majesty! The motorcade is coming, please get on board with your ladies."

The person who came was a team captain in a formal suit.

"Okay, everyone get in the car with me, and then go back to our bedroom."

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(End of this chapter)

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