Chapter 401 Sharp swordsmanship!
He quickly found the hill, a cold light flashed in his eyes, this mountain should be the best hiding place.

He quickly climbed up to the top of the mountain, where he searched for a boulder to hide. Here, his concealment is better, and he can guarantee that he will not be spied on by others.

Behind a boulder on the top of the mountain, Qin Feng hid his figure, and he perfectly covered his aura.

But he was not idle, he was carefully observing the surrounding situation.

The forest was extremely quiet. Apart from him, there were no animals, not even birds. Only the low hissing sounds of those beasts made him feel very depressed.

Qin Feng knew that this mountain was an excellent hiding place.


Qin Feng took a deep breath and circulated his internal energy. He felt that his breathing became smoother and smoother, and infinite power gushed out of his body.

Qin Feng adjusted his body to the best condition, then he slowly closed his eyes, his ears moved, listening to the surrounding movement, while listening, while observing the surrounding terrain, his brain was spinning rapidly.

In this area, apart from those beasts, he never saw a single living person, which made him a little puzzled. Why didn't those well-trained killers come here? Could it be that they were afraid?

He guessed in his heart, he felt that those killers did not dare to act rashly, they should be waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the old man to appear, and then kill them in one fell swoop.

Thinking of the sinister and cunning smile of the old man before, Qin Feng couldn't help shivering, thinking to himself, that old man is not a good stubble, but also has a vicious heart, his cultivation is not weak, he may have reached the innate state, Even a Martial Dao Grandmaster in the Xiantian Realm.

The innate realm, for monks, is an unattainable realm.

Qin Feng's face was solemn, and his heart became extremely nervous. He was waiting, waiting for the old man's arrival.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Qin Feng lay there motionless, his heart beat fast, and his breathing became rapid.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and finally, the sound of rustling came from a distance.

Qin Feng was overjoyed, he knew that the old guy had arrived, he opened his eyes quietly, and looked out through a hole on the mountainside.

A total of twenty or so black-clothed masked men appeared in this forest. They all wore black cloth, and they could only see their cold eyes.

"Hmph! How dare you lurk here." Qin Feng snorted coldly, a smear of frost appeared on his face, he was ready for a fierce battle.

The masked man in black snorted coldly: "Young man, you are quite courageous. You even dare to inquire about our leader's affairs, but don't worry, our leader will not let you off lightly."

Qin Feng said disdainfully: "I don't think you may be able to get me. If you want to kill me, it's up to you?"

The masked man in black was furious, and Qin Feng's tone of voice was so arrogant that he was supercilious, which made him very angry.

"Junior, since you don't eat fine wine for toasting, then we don't have anything to be polite about."


As soon as the black-clothed masked man finished speaking, more than [-] black-clothed masked men quickly surrounded Qin Feng. While attacking Qin Feng, they cut down the surrounding trees.

Qin Feng sneered: "It's just a trick."

He swung his long sword, cut off a towering ancient tree with one sword, and then strode forward to a masked man, punched out, and the punch turned into a ball of golden light.

"Bang bang bang!"

The masked man in black quickly resisted, but Qin Feng's punch was so powerful that he flew the masked man in black, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Feng punched out a few more times, hitting these black-clothed masked men one after another fiercely, and immediately sent them flying backwards.

Qin Feng's figure instantly appeared next to another masked man in black, and then he slapped it out, and it was directly printed on the man's chest.


There was a sound of bone cracking, and with the sound of bone cracking, Qin Feng's palm spread along the black masked man's chest, directly breaking his ribs.

"Ah!" The masked man in black screamed, spewing a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground and struggled, but still couldn't get up.

"You are not his opponent, let's go!"

Qin Feng shook his head. None of the twenty or so black-clothed masked men was his opponent. If he continued to fight, it would be difficult for him to win.

The masked man in black stared at Qin Feng with resentment in his eyes. He snorted coldly, "Little bastard, don't think you're guaranteed to win. Our leader has arrived nearby and will come to kill you soon."

Qin Feng said lightly: "Do you think your leader can kill me?"

The masked man in black roared, took out a dagger from his arms, and slashed at his neck.

"You!" Qin Feng was taken aback, and quickly stretched out an arm to block it.


A crisp sound sounded, and the dagger pierced into Qin Feng's arm, blood splashed out, and Qin Feng's brows frowned.

His eyes were wide open, he didn't expect that the masked man in black would choose to commit suicide, the corners of his mouth twitched in disbelief.

"You actually chose to commit suicide. You are really a hero, and you are worthy of being a devil who has practiced evil kung fu!" Qin Feng sneered.

The black-clothed masked man's face was as pale as paper, he gritted his teeth and said, "You kill me!"

Qin Feng sneered and said: "I won't kill you, I will kill you!"

He pulled out the dagger stuck in his arm, then lifted the masked man in black and threw him to the ground.

His eyes were full of ferocity, and his body exuded a strong evil spirit, like a bloodthirsty hungry wolf, which made the twenty or so black-clothed masked men feel frightened.

These twenty or so masked men in black exchanged glances with each other, and they rushed towards Qin Feng together, trying to capture him.

With one kick, Qin Feng kicked the masked man in black who rushed to the front into the air, and then he slapped the masked man in black who was closest to him away.

These people swarmed up and used secret techniques one after another to attack Qin Feng. For a while, various moves greeted Qin Feng, which caught Qin Feng by surprise.


Qin Feng was hit on the shoulder by a fist light. This is a masked man in black, with a vine wrapped around his body, and he swung the vine vigorously, making Qin Feng a little hard to guard against.

His face darkened slightly, the attack power of this vine is not weak, if he is forced to hold it down, he will definitely be injured.

Thinking of this, he used his true energy and slapped the vine flying with his palm. His eyes were cold and his figure was as fast as a ghost, and he chased after a masked man in black.

This masked man in black can be regarded as having some strength. His speed is no worse than Qin Feng's. While avoiding Qin Feng's attack, he counterattacks Qin Feng.

Qin Feng's strength is far superior to the masked man in black, and his attacks are easily dodged by Qin Feng. With a flick of his wrist, a steel needle pierces the chest of the man in black.


The steel needle penetrates deep into the flesh.

The masked man's body was slightly stiff, and his eyes showed fear. He wanted to run away, but unfortunately he couldn't escape Qin Feng's control. He felt that the heart in his chest was crushed.

He wanted to ask for mercy, but he couldn't say a word, because he felt that his heart was slowly failing, and his consciousness was gradually blurring.


His body fell to the ground, Qin Feng grabbed him, then turned around and ran towards the outside of the col.

"No, the leader and the others are here!" A masked man in black shouted.

The rest of the masked men in black quickly followed Qin Feng's pace. Although they all wanted to commit suicide, they were unwilling to lose their lives. After all, their task was to kill Qin Feng, not commit suicide.

Galloping all the way, after a while, they came to the halfway up the mountain, and saw dozens of cars parked there under the hillside.

The faces of this group of masked men in black were as pale as paper. They could all see that Qin Feng had already locked them in, and it was impossible to leave.

Qin Feng came to the front car, pushed open the door of the car, and threw the person inside out. He was very powerful, and an old man in a black robe was thrown out by Qin Feng. hit the ground.

"Ah!" The old man groaned in pain, he struggled to stand up, and looked ahead.

"Qin Feng, it's you, why is it you!" The old man was extremely surprised. After seeing Qin Feng clearly, his eyeballs almost fell out, and he looked like a ghost.

Qin Feng sneered and said: "So what if it's me, do you think you guys can kill me? Let me tell you, none of you can escape today, all of you can stay with me!"

His figure leaped out like lightning, waving the dagger in his hand, a silver arc cut through the night sky, and attacked the several black-clothed masked men in front.

Those masked men in black were shocked and dodged the knife one after another.

They cursed Qin Feng's despicableness in their hearts, and even used a dagger to sneak attack, but they had no choice but to barely cope with Qin Feng's attack, and there was no way to kill Qin Feng for a while.

Qin Feng fought all the way, and those masked men in black also tried their best, regardless of their own lives, to fight with Qin Feng.

Qin Feng didn't dare to be negligent, he knew that if this group of black-clothed masked men fought desperately, it would definitely be a vicious battle.


Qin Feng slashed out with a sword, flying a masked man in black. The masked man fell heavily on the ground and passed out.

The rest of the black-clothed masked men saw their companions knocked to the ground by Qin Feng, they were extremely angry in their hearts, and their eyes were full of madness.

Qin Feng chopped off the head of a masked man with a sword. He looked at the black-clothed masked man who was lying dead on the ground, and there was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I'd like to see what skills you guys have!" Qin Feng's eyes were extremely cold, and he held two long swords in his hands, his figure turned into an afterimage, and quickly moved towards the remaining few A masked man in black attacked.


The swordsmanship in Qin Feng's hands was unparalleled, and every time he stabbed the vital points of those black-clothed masked men accurately, beheading those black-clothed masked men to the ground.

Seeing how powerful Qin Feng was, those black-clothed and masked men turned pale with fright and wanted to run away.

They were just about to run away, when they suddenly saw Qin Feng striding towards one of the masked men. The man's body froze, and his eyes showed horror. He wanted to run away, but it was too late.

A bloodstain was drawn by Qin Feng on his neck, and the blood spurted out, and he fell straight on the ground without any life.

"Huh!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, the long sword in his hand trembled, and a burst of energy surged out, sending one of the black-clothed masked men flying, and the man's body hit the wall, knocking the wall out A big hole, the whole person was buried in the wall, and never got up again.

"Ah, kill, kill him, don't let any one go!" the old man shouted.

When the remaining three or four masked men in black heard the old man's order, a fierce light burst out from their eyes, and a fierce aura emanated from them.

"Bang bang bang!"

Qin Feng fought with several black-clothed masked men. Every time he swung his sword, one of the black-clothed masked men's arms or legs would be cut off. They screamed again and again, and they all fell to the ground after a while. made a sound.

When the old man saw that Qin Feng had killed all their companions, his body trembled, and his heart was filled with deep panic.

"Qin Feng, you bastard, today I will fight with you!"

The old man looked determined, and a powerful true essence burst out from his body. He rushed towards Qin Feng, and smashed the crutch in his hand towards Qin Feng's head.

"Looking for death!" Seeing this scene, Qin Feng snorted coldly, thrust out the long sword in his hand, and slashed at the old man's arm. He continued to rush forward, chopping off his head in an instant.


The old man's body fell to the ground, blood gushing out.

The other two masked men in black saw this scene, their faces turned pale with fright, and they were about to run away.

They didn't expect to defeat five of their high-level warriors with just one move, and even without using spiritual weapons. This ending was beyond their expectations.

Qin Feng's eyes were extremely cold, and he swung the long sword in his hand again, and two heads flew up.

The faces of the remaining two masked men in black were full of despair, and they looked at Qin Feng with fear in their eyes. There is no cruelty that a killer should have, this is simply a devil!

They wanted to escape, but it was a pity that Qin Feng had been prepared for a long time. He was like a phantom, and he came in front of the two of them in an instant, and beheaded them. Everything was done in an instant, and the two of them didn't even have the ability to resist. .

Qin Feng collected the two corpses, then he walked forward and continued to kill the rest of the black-clothed masked men.

"Plop! Plop!"

Qin Feng's speed was too fast, they had no ability to resist at all, and they were beheaded by Qin Feng as soon as they met each other.

(End of this chapter)

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