Sharing the system with the global boss, I am invincible!

Chapter 408 The Strength Is Overwhelmed by One Blow

Chapter 408 The Strength Is Vulnerable

A smile appeared on Qin Feng's face, and he greeted him with a punch.

Qin Feng's fist and Old Wang's fist collided, and the two forces collided together, setting off a violent wave of air, blowing off the snow on the surrounding walls, and drifting down one after another.

Qin Feng's body remained motionless, while Old Wang was blown away, his entire right arm was broken, and blood spurted wildly, making him look extremely miserable.

The old king's strength was simply vulnerable to Qin Feng. This time, Qin Feng had the upper hand. He put away his fists unhurriedly, and walked towards the old king slowly.

"Hmph, just because you are worthy of confronting me, you are still too far away!" Old Wang got up from the ground, clutching his broken arm, and said angrily.

"Really?" Qin Feng snorted coldly and said, "How do you know if you don't try it?"

While speaking, Qin Feng stepped on the Nine Heavens God Thunder Step and rushed towards the old king. His body was like a ghost, and he rushed in front of the old king in the blink of an eye. .

The old king's face changed drastically, and he frantically waved the sword in his hand to resist. His sword collided with Qin Feng's claws, making a crisp metal collision sound.

Lao Wang's long sword suddenly bent into a ball, while Qin Feng's claws were still as hard as iron, and he went straight to grab his throat.


Old Wang let out a muffled groan, and Qin Feng slapped his whole body and flew away, smashing several big trees before barely stopping.

This is because Qin Feng didn't try his best, otherwise Lao Wang's head would have already moved.

There was an unbelievable look on Lao Wang's face. I really dared to doubt that I was killed by Qin Feng. In my opinion, Qin Feng's strength is definitely as good as my own, but how could I slap myself away? how about going out?
That is how the matter?

Qin Feng walked over, looked down at Lao Wang condescendingly, looked at Lao Wang with ice-cold eyes,

"Tell Patriarch Ni, if I send some garbage over to trouble you, then you are being polite. Let me prepare a coffin and send me to the Hall of Yama to report."

After finishing speaking, Qin Feng turned and walked towards the cottage.

Qin Feng thought while walking, it seems that Tie Chang intends to let himself help our Tie family get rid of his enemies.

I was also puzzled, how could Tiechang be so sure that he would come?

"Who are they?" Suddenly, there was a stern shout from behind, and a white figure slowly slashed towards Qin Feng's head.

Qin Feng was startled, I turned my head quickly, and saw a long knife slowly slashing towards my front head.

As soon as Qin Feng raised his leg and kicked under the tip of the long knife, he heard a crisp sound of ding dong, and the long knife was kicked out by Qin Feng.

Immediately, Qin Feng looked back at the man in white who was attacking him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked warmly, "Who is he?"

The man in white holds a long knife in his hand. He is thin and wears white leather armor. He looks like a fellow. Only one face is exposed inside, and his eyes are sunken deep, giving people a gloomy and terrifying look.

"You are the captain of their family's guard, he can call you White Eagle, and he came here to trouble him today!"

Bai Ying said hotly, I am short and big, and I exude an eerie and strange aura, I look like a crooked monk.

"Bai Ying, so it's him!" Qin Feng saw that the person who came was Bai Ying, the captain of the Tie family's guard, and immediately remembered Tie Chang's advice.

"It seems that Tie Chang didn't lie to you about that matter. He came to seek revenge. Since they are here, you can play with them. Do you think they can use any tricks?"

Qin Feng smiled lightly, and gradually released the aura below him.

Seeing that the aura under Qin Feng was getting more and more terrifying, Bai Ying's expression changed immediately, and he hurried forward a few steps.

In that way, I may be the opponent of that elder brother. I never thought that the elder brother's strength is so powerful.

It seems that what Tie Chang said was wrong, that elder is a low hand.

No matter how determined Bai Ying was, his figure flashed, and he turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the night.

I am the captain of the guard team of the Tie family. I am good at using hidden weapons and my body skills are very powerful. I didn't know whether Qin Feng was paying attention when it was over.


There were two loud bangs, and two stones shot from Qin Feng's side and hit Qin Feng's body.

"It's wrong, it seems that he has little ability."

Qin Feng's eyes shone with excitement. My physical defense has reached the first-class level, but those two stones made me feel pain.

"Hmph, you have to see what he can't do!"

Bai Ying looked at Qin Feng from a distance, with a ferocious look on the corner of his mouth, I held the long knife in both hands, and my figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Feng.

The long knife in my hand glowed with a silver-white cold light, and it went straight to Qin Feng's neck.

Qin Feng turned around suddenly, reached out and grabbed the long knife, trying to grab the long knife.

Bai Ying laughed hotly, and moved the long knife half a meter sideways in an instant to avoid Qin Feng's attack, and took advantage of the opportunity to slash towards Qin Feng again.

Qin Feng leaned his body to dodge the knife. Immediately after I reacted very slowly, I approached behind Bai Ying, and punched Bai Ying's chest with a heavy punch.

A solemn look flashed in Bai Ying's eyes. Qin Feng's attack was too fierce, and my physical body was also terrifying. The power of this punch just now made my heart palpitate.


Bai Ying flipped his wrist, and his palm was octagonal. He grabbed Qin Feng's wrist suddenly, and at the same time, the long knife in his hand stabbed towards Qin Feng's abdomen.


Qin Feng's elbow suddenly lifted and hit Bai Ying's belly. Bai Ying grunted and took a step forward. beads of sweat.

There was surprise in Qin Feng's eyes. The white eagle was able to hold his own elbow just now. It seems that the guy is complicated, probably a little stronger than Wu Delong just now.

So what?
Qin Feng went down without any fear, and fought with Bai Ying peacefully.

Although the strength of the white eagle is wrong, compared to Wu Delong, I am not as good as I am, and my actual combat skills are also good, completely in the upper hand.

However, Qin Feng has a way with Bai Ying. After all, Bai Ying's body skills are so good that Qin Feng can't chase after him. Moreover, Bai Ying can always avoid Qin Feng's attack at critical moments, which makes Qin Feng helpless. .

"He escaped or escaped!"

Qin Feng snorted hotly.

"Hehe, whether you run away or escape, you don't even think about surviving him. His strength is stronger than Wu Delong, so he must die."

Bai Ying smiled warmly, I can tell that Qin Feng is at the peak of internal strength.

Although Qin Feng is weaker than Wu Delong, his strength is only at the bottom among the practitioners at the peak of internal strength. I think my strength is inferior to Qin Feng.

"Is it?"

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth raised an arc, and my palm suddenly changed, and a silver needle was thrown towards the white eagle quietly.

When Bai Ying saw Qin Feng throwing a silver needle at himself, my pupils suddenly dilated, and I slowly threw the long knife in my hand towards Qin Feng.

Qin Feng let out a hot snort, and suddenly exerted force with his wrist, directly shaking the flying long knife away, then leaped forward, came behind Bai Ying's face, raised his left leg and swept towards Bai Ying fiercely, the air There seemed to be a bang.

The white eagle was so frightened that its ghosts froze, and hurried forward, narrowly avoiding Qin Feng's retreat, then jumped up, jumped off the treetops, and distanced itself from Qin Feng.

"He has practiced martial arts, and his strength is so weak?"

Bai Ying stood in mid-air, staring at Qin Feng and said in a deep voice.

"Talk nonsense, come here if you want revenge!"

Qin Feng was too lazy to talk nonsense with Bai Ying, so he rushed directly to Bai Ying.

Bai Ying snorted hotly, clenched the long knife with both hands, jumped up into the air, swung the long knife in his hand, and slashed towards Qin Feng fiercely. There was a sound of breaking wind, and Qin Feng immediately dodged to the side, dangerously And narrowly escaped the attack of the white eagle.

Waiting for Qin Feng to take a breath, Bai Ying swung his knife again to kill him. I know that Qin Feng's strength is very weak. If he blindly fights with me, I'm afraid he will suffer in the end.

So I adopted Youdou, I swung my sword and revolved around Qin Feng, trying to use that method to force Qin Feng to fight with me, but Qin Feng had already guessed my intention, and while blocking, dodge.

Although Bai Ying's sword is fierce, Qin Feng's speed is slower than Bai Ying's, and Bai Ying can't do anything to me.

Bai Ying frowned tightly. I felt that I had met an opponent. Qin Feng was slower and more cunning than me.

That is how the matter?

Why do I suddenly have such incredible speed?Could it be that I have taken some kind of drug?

Thinking of that, Bai Ying's heart is cold and he dares not to slack off in the slightest. Once Qin Feng seizes the opportunity, he may suffer disaster.

Qin Feng also noticed the strangeness of the white eagle, but I didn't ignore it, but continued to attack the white eagle, and suppressed the white eagle after a face-to-face encounter.


A loud noise exploded in the forest, and towering ancient trees collapsed.


Bai Ying vomited blood and fell to the ground, his whole body was stained red, and his body was dripping with blood.

"Brother Baiying, accept it!"

Qin Feng clasped his fists and smiled, then walked over to clean up Bai Ying.

However, at this moment, footsteps were heard nearby.

"save you!"

The white eagle lay on the ground and roared.


Bai Ying's eyes watched a white shadow slowly grazing towards the outside, Qin Feng frowned slightly, and then my eyes saw that figure, and his face sank.

I actually heard a strange voice, that voice was Baihu who had been talking with me for a long time, that Baihu was only weak in strength, but also ordinary in mind, he was a person with the same progress.

Sure enough, before the white tiger appeared there, I had a lot to say, and rushed towards Qin Feng in a roundabout way. I held a short blade in my hand, and the blade flashed, and it was drawn towards Qin Feng's throat. The moves were strange and unpredictable. Defense is victory.

Qin Feng's reaction speed is very fast. When the white tiger moved, my arms shook, and a muscle suddenly bulged under the arms, like two horned dragons were particularly prominent.


Qin Feng blocked Baihu's short blade, Baihu's arm shook, and another short knife took the opportunity to slash Qin Feng's arm.


Qin Feng took a deep breath, I looked up, and saw that there was a bloodstain on my right shoulder. Fortunately, I was wearing a leather jacket, and the knife only scratched my superficial skin.

The white tiger snorted hotly, and rushed towards Qin Feng again. My body flickered like a ghost in the dense forest. In the blink of an eye, Qin Feng's body was covered with bloodstains.

“What kind of freak is that guy!”

Qin Feng's eyes narrowed. The white tiger's attack was really weird, and the speed was extremely slow. If my speed was slow enough, I'm afraid I would have been defeated long ago.

"Oh shit!"

Qin Feng cursed secretly, his figure flickered slowly, avoiding the attack of the white tiger, and then suddenly rushed towards the white tiger, raised his left knee suddenly, and slammed towards the white tiger.


Baihu leaned forward to avoid Qin Feng's attack.

"so slow!"

"That big guy is such a freak!"

"Are you still going down?"

Before seeing Qin Feng and Bai Hu fighting, these subordinates of Baiying stopped their hands one after another, and then looked at the field solemnly. The battle made us feel deeply afraid.

"They go first!"

Bai Ying gritted his teeth and said, I already smelled a strong breath of death from Qin Feng's attack, which made me cautious.

Qin Feng's strength is really too weak, even vaguely surpassing himself, he is definitely my opponent, and the arrival of the white tiger also disrupted his rhythm, he must find a way to turn the situation around, if so, he will definitely Will be killed by Qin Feng outside.

Bai Ying looked at Qin Feng with a bright face, but Qin Feng grinned and revealed a row of thick white teeth, with an indifferent expression on his face. That scene made Bai Ying feel a chill, and it made him tremble all over. Trembling, it was a moment ago that Bai Ying regained his panic.

I took a deep breath and hurriedly closed my eyes.

I have already decided that I will kill Qin Feng at any cost. As long as Qin Feng is solved, the leaders of my other families will be enough to worry about.

And I suspect that with my own ability, even if these eight Patriarchs unite, I will still be afraid.

"Since he wants to die, you will fulfill him."

Bai Ying opened his eyes, and a fierce aura emanated from his body instantly. At the same time, a bloodthirsty murderous intent shot out from my eyes. With a flick of my wrist, the short blade in Bai Ying's hand was unsheathed instantly.

The short blade of the white eagle is made of ordinary materials, it is extremely sharp, and cuts iron like mud. My speed is extremely slow, and I came to Qin Feng's face in an instant, and the short blade in my hand stabbed towards Qin Feng.


Qin Feng dodged sideways, and then punched out, hitting the short blade, and the short blade made a crisp sound of gold and stone colliding.

Qin Feng's eyes changed, and there was a pain under my arm, and I felt that the bones of my hand were scratched by the short blade.

"Hehe, Qin Feng, you will send him back to the west tonight."

Bai Ying shouted hotly, and his figure flashed towards Qin Feng.

My speed was extremely slow, and I approached Qin Feng in the blink of an eye. I raised the short blade in my hand and slashed towards Qin Feng's neck at an extremely slow speed.

Qin Feng is willing to advance together, I also jumped up, stretched out my hand to grab Bai Ying's arm, and then twisted hard, click!With Bai Ying's scream, Bai Ying's left arm was directly dislocated.

(End of this chapter)

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