Chapter 410 Six Dangerous Places

Below the pool, he found a dark cave, which was so narrow that only one person could pass through it.

"It seems that this is the bottom of the lake."

Qin Feng walked into the cave and looked down.

The cave was very dark, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on below. He carefully swam along the mountain wall towards the end of the cave.

The deeper you swim, the more surprised Qin Feng feels.

Because he found a black ancient tomb in the depths of this pool.

The ancient tomb is very huge, with a minimum height of 60 meters and a width of more than ten meters. It looks very magnificent.

The corner of Qin Feng's mouth raised slightly, he guessed that this place should be the master of the dark forest, the burial place of the Dark Lord.

He swam down along the wall of the ancient tomb, and finally reached the bottom of the ancient tomb.

This ancient tomb is very long, and it is pitch black inside. You can't see anything, and only a little light can be seen in the deepest part.

"The dark forest is really a dangerous place!" Qin Feng sighed in his heart, he couldn't help but rejoice that he escaped in time just now, otherwise, he might have died in this ancient tomb.

He continued to dive, and finally, he came to the bottom.

He found a round platform at the bottom of the ancient tomb. There were many patterns carved on the round platform, which looked very old. Qin Feng didn't know what these patterns meant.

But he knew that those patterns must have been left by the guardians here.

"This ancient tomb is really amazing. It can form an area inside the dark forest. No matter who it is, it is impossible to find it!"

Qin Feng was amazed in his heart, he jumped off the round platform and landed on a rock.

He raised his head to look at the ancient tomb, and saw that in the center of the ancient tomb was a tall altar with a row of words engraved on the altar, which looked like some kind of symbol, but he didn't recognize it.

Qin Feng studied it carefully, and he found that these words were very obscure and difficult to understand, and he didn't understand them at all.

"Forget it, let's see if there are any treasures here?"

Qin Feng thought in his heart, and then walked towards the altar, wanting to find treasures on this altar.

But at this moment, suddenly, he heard a crashing sound.

Qin Feng turned his head and looked around, and then he saw snakes coming out of the stone wall.

The snakes are two to three meters long. Some snakes have huge heads, and some snakes have extremely long tails. The snakes' eyes are shining red. They look dangerous, and they seem to be likely to bite Qin Feng at any time.

Qin Feng was startled, and he quickly ran "Xuanwu Nine Transformations" to hide his aura.

Snakes have relatively weak visual nerves, so even if Qin Feng hides his breath, they still cannot detect him.

"Huh? What's going on, these snakes didn't attack me?"

Qin Feng was amazed, he wanted to get closer to see why the group of snakes gave up attacking him, it was really weird.

At this time, the group of snakes suddenly retreated and disappeared.

"It looks like the snakes won't attack me anymore."

There was a smile on Qin Feng's face. The group of snakes did not attack him, which proved that they did not dare to approach him. This proved that there must be treasures in this ancient tomb, which is what Qin Feng most desires in his heart.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

Qin Feng walked to the center of the ancient tomb, then squatted down and looked carefully.

"Strange, why is there a key on top of this altar?"

He stared at the key, puzzled in his heart, because the key was very small, he wanted to pull out the key above the key with his hand, but after a tentative movement, he found that the key did not move at all.

This key seems to have a strong defense.

Qin Feng tried several times, but still couldn't remove the key.

After thinking about it, he decided to wait until he left here before pulling out the key.

"Forget it, anyway, it's already evening, and I'll come back tomorrow morning to pick up this key."

Qin Feng decided to leave, because the air here is very hot and oppressive, if he stays any longer, he will probably suffocate to death soon.

He was just about to leave, when suddenly he saw that the ancient key was engraved with very complicated letters, he was curious, so he studied it carefully.

When he saw clearly the connotation of this key, he was extremely shocked in his heart.

The letter on this key is impressively "secret door", and on the back of the secret door is a line of big characters, which reads "the method to open the secret door, the key of the secret door", and there is a palm print on the secret door.

"Is this key the key to open this secret door?"

When Qin Feng saw the palm print on the secret door, he was puzzled, but soon he understood the reason.

The key to the secret door is actually the key used by the owner of this ancient tomb during his lifetime, and after his death, the key to the secret door remains here, allowing future generations to inherit his mantle and inherit his inheritance.

"This ancient tomb is really amazing. Even the secret door has a key. It seems that I will have to find the key here in the future."

Qin Feng muttered in his heart, he already knew the secret of the secret door, and now he was full of interest in it.

He decided to find the secret of this ancient tomb tomorrow. He believed that there must be many secrets hidden here.

Thinking of this, he secretly made up his mind that tomorrow he must find out the secret of this ancient tomb.


At this time, he suddenly saw a stone door next to the altar, which looked a little damaged.

"Is there an agency here?"

He thought to himself, then stretched out his hand and pushed the stone door.

Shimen remained motionless, there was no other way, he patted off the dust on Shimen again.

The stone door finally opened, and there was a stone ladder inside.

There are two to three hundred steps in the stone ladder, winding down, Qin Feng stepped up carefully, and walked down the stone ladder, he found that there was a stone room under the stone ladder, and there were all kinds of gold and silver treasures piled up in the stone room , looks very gorgeous and luxurious, and there are many precious antiques, Qin Feng even saw many antiques such as jade and jadeite, which are very valuable, which surprised Qin Feng.

There are indeed many treasures here, Qin Feng thought in his heart.

Soon after, he discovered that there was a gate under the stone ladder, with four large characters engraved on the gate—secret door.

After the secret door was opened, a picture scroll appeared above the stone gate, and a map was recorded on it, and the location of the secret door was marked on the map.

The word "Ancient Tomb" is written on the map.

"So this is the ancient tomb, and behind the ancient tomb is a castle!"

Looking at the map above, Qin Feng couldn't help exclaiming. He didn't expect that there was a huge ancient castle behind the ancient tomb. Looking at the markings on this map, this ancient tomb should have been built for a long time.

What is the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb? It is really incredible that he owns such a big castle.

He guessed that the identity of the owner of this ancient tomb might not be simple, otherwise he would not have such a huge ancient castle.

Thinking of this, he became excited. If he could enter the ancient tomb, there would definitely be a lot of gains in it, and he could even get the treasure he dreamed of.

After thinking about it, he decided to go into the ancient tomb to see if there was any opportunity inside.

Qin Feng walked into the ancient tomb and entered the ancient tomb smoothly.

The inside of this ancient tomb is very large, covering thousands of square meters, and the inside is very empty. There is only one staircase leading to the bottom. Qin Feng walked down the stairs continuously.

He didn't know how far he had walked, but he finally stepped down a step, and a vast space suddenly appeared in front of him.

The space is very large, spacious, and very neat and clean.

Qin Feng walked to a hall, where there were many antiques, including ancient swords, guqin, and a lot of porcelain.

"The things in this ancient tomb should have been handed down a long time ago. It seems that the owner is very rich."

Qin Feng said secretly in his heart, his eyes swept around, in the corner of the ancient tomb, he found a huge copper tripod, and all kinds of strange flowers and birds were carved on the copper tripod, lifelike.

Qin Feng walked up to the bronze tripod and looked carefully. This ancient tripod was a big tripod. The appearance of the tripod was very rough. It was engraved with dragons and phoenixes showing auspiciousness, which looked very majestic.

At this time, the copper rust on the copper tripod slowly fell off, revealing the simple material. Seeing the copper rust, Qin Feng couldn't help being surprised and said: "This tripod is good, the material is hard, and it is difficult to be corroded."

After speaking, he gently touched the ancient tripod with his hand, and there was a faint fragrance from the ancient tripod, which smelled very pleasant.

"It seems that this tripod is a treasure." Qin Feng exclaimed.

This ancient tripod is a
The key actually emitted a pale yellow light at this moment, and then turned into the appearance of a hidden door. There was a night pearl inlaid on the top of the key, and the night pearl gave off a faint light.

"This key is amazing."

Qin Feng looked at the key to the secret door and was amazed in his heart. This key can not only open the gate of the ancient tomb, but also open the treasure chest. It is really a magic weapon.

The mysterious function of this key made Qin Feng more and more curious. He wanted to see what kind of secrets were hidden in the secret door.

He inserted the key into the ancient keyhole, and the secret door suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and then a dark cave appeared in front of him.

Qin Feng took a deep breath and walked into the cave.

The cave is very deep, there is no light inside, the surroundings are quiet, there is no sound at all, only Qin Feng's own footsteps can be heard.

He walked slowly inside for about ten meters, when a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him, he walked over and found that it was a stone door.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and pushed the stone door open. The stone door opened slowly. He walked into the stone door. The stone door closed slowly, and the inside was extremely dark.

Qin Feng looked around and found that there were a lot of wooden furniture around, and there were many murals hanging on the walls, which looked a bit old, and there were many words on them.

"I don't know if there will be anything I need in here. If not, forget it. After all, I only have half a day. If there is a chance, forget it."

Qin Feng thought to himself, he didn't dare to take risks, after all, he was not sure whether there would be treasures inside, if there were, it would be troublesome, if not, wouldn't it be an empty joy.

He weighed it in his heart and decided not to take the risk.

Just when Qin Feng was about to leave, suddenly, something happened in the stone room.

Groups of green flames suddenly ignited, illuminating the entire stone room in an instant.

The green flame quickly burned all the things in the stone room, and Qin Feng could clearly see the situation inside the stone room.

The stone room is very empty, there is nothing in the stone room, but there is a huge iron box facing the stone door, which looks very old, and various ancient patterns are carved on the iron box, these patterns seem to be It is somewhat similar to the ancient totem, but slightly different, which makes Qin Feng feel puzzled.

"What is this?"

Qin Feng looked at the iron box, feeling very strange.

Qin Feng walked over, he wanted to open the iron box, but unfortunately the iron box was so heavy that he couldn't open it at all.

This made Qin Feng frown. He pushed the iron box hard, but it couldn't be pushed at all, and the iron box didn't move at all.

Qin Feng was secretly surprised. He tried to use the true essence, but found that he couldn't activate the true essence in his body at all.

"It seems that my cultivation base is not strong enough, so I can't open this iron box at all."

He shook his head and thought to himself, "Since I can't open the iron box, I won't waste any time. Get out of here quickly, so as not to waste too long in it. If you don't find anything in the end, it will be a big loss."

This time, he entered this ancient tomb to find something. If he didn't find anything here, wouldn't his trip be in vain?
At this time, he was already a little disappointed.

At this time, he suddenly felt an icy chill attacking him, he trembled all over, and quickly circulated the true energy in his body to resist the chill.


He looked down at the ground, only to see a layer of hoarfrost on the ground, and the ground was cracked by frost, and the hoarfrost spread rapidly, covering the entire stone room in the blink of an eye.

Inside the stone chamber, the temperature dropped sharply.

"It's amazing, it can turn the stone chamber into as cold as a snow mountain."

When Qin Feng saw this scene, his face was shocked, and he was deeply moved.

He didn't expect the power of ice in this place to be so terrifying. He didn't feel the slightest chill in the stone house just now, but he felt it here.

It seems that this ancient tomb is not simple. There is a big secret in it, but unfortunately, he did not discover it.

"It seems that the inside is not that simple. This ancient tomb must be an ancient tomb fairy palace. Such a place is absolutely extraordinary."

Qin Feng sighed in his heart.

He carefully observed the frost on the ground, trying to find clues from above, his eyes kept shuttling among the ice crystals, looking for the source of these frost.

At this time, Qin Feng found that there were small cracks on the ice crystal. The cracks were very shallow, but Qin Feng could feel them.

"Is there a crack in it?"

Qin Feng thought to himself, whether there is or not, he is still going to dig it out.

As soon as he thought of it, Qin Feng immediately started digging. Unfortunately, although these frosts are weak, it is too difficult to pry them open.

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