The end of the college entrance examination has become tens of billions of gods

Chapter 1 College Entrance Examination Result Release Day

Chapter 1 College Entrance Examination Result Release Day
On July 2020, 7, the sun was shining brightly.

Today is a day of joy for some and sorrow for others.

The day of the college entrance examination.

In Huijing District, Guangzhou-Shenzhen City, a young boy with a slightly immature air was sitting in front of the computer screen panting heavily, and entered the examination admission number with slightly trembling hands...


As the webpage changed, Li Tian slowly moved his hand covering the screen, as cautiously as scratching a lottery ticket.

Zila, Li Tian swung his hand horizontally.


At this moment, I just want to ask for the psychological shadow area of ​​the computer screen.

Total score: 448
"Hold the grass!" Seeing the score, Li Tian kicked his feet and jumped excitedly.

But then there was a "boom", and the boy fell to the ground and passed out.

The bookshelf on the computer table is crumbling, well, Li Tian is undoubtedly the king of destruction.

'Ding! '

'Without money, the system cannot be activated successfully! '

When he was in a daze, a reminder sounded in Li Tian's mind.

As a scumbag, the score of the college entrance examination was more than 100 points higher than that of the simulated exam, and this happened just now.



After an unknown amount of time, Li Tian was awakened by bursts of high-frequency mobile phone notifications.

Touching his heavy head, "Hiss... I thought I would be reimbursed for this."

'Ding, the system cannot be successfully bound without money. "

"Who?" The sudden voice startled Li Tian, ​​"What the hell?"

'Ding, congratulations to the host, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed, and you will get a monthly card of danger prediction. '

'Do you want to activate the danger prediction card? '

'Ding, congratulations to the host for getting a novice gift pack. '

'Do you want to open the novice gift package? '

"Who is it?" Li Tian panicked.

At this time, the helpless Li Tian could only continue to listen to the continuous sound from the system, even though he had a question mark on his face.

Then more information flooded Li Tian's mind.

Host: Li Tian

Level: 1 (0/100)

Skills: none

Face value: 77
Points: 0
Mall: Primary

at the same time.

"Crack!" Li Tian touched his hot cheeks, and said to himself, "Isn't he dreaming? Could it be that he broke his head and had auditory hallucinations?"



Wait, Li Tian frowned. With his 188cm tall figure, coupled with his fresh and handsome appearance, he was only rated as 77 points for a spirited guy. I'm afraid it's not poisonous.

Could it be that he hit his head and affected his appearance?
Li Tian checked the information in his mind again, and found that there were two unopened items, and his heart moved.

'Ding, activate the danger prediction card, and the system will provide the host with danger prediction services within one month. '

'Ding, the novice gift package is open, and you can't get points if you don't have money to get [-] points. '

Danger prediction?Li Tian sneered in his heart, what danger is there for me as a commoner?Could it be that there are always people who want to harm me?
What are points?

Li Tian, ​​who was in deep thought, was once again brought back to reality by the notification sound of his mobile phone.

Turn on your phone.

The class group of Senior Class 38 has become a mess.

Shen Yuanqing: How did the students do in the exam?Hahaha……

This Shen Yuanqing was the gloating type, anyone with a discerning eye would know that he did well in the exam, so Li Tian chose to dive and continue looking at the chat records.

Wu Xinghuai: @沉元青, deputy squad leader, how come, the batch is stable?
Shen Yuanqing: @吴兴怀, must drop!Has Xinghuai scored more than 250 points?
Wu Xinghuai:. . .

Shi Ruizhi: 80 points less than the simulation, cool (three crying emoticons)

Qiao Xiaoyun: Played normally (compassion expression)
Liang Zhuang: I vomited, so I had to re-read. The students first went to the university to explore the way, and then take the little brother with them.


There was a lot of chatter in the class, and it was very lively.

at this time.

Senior Class 38 monitor Zeng Xiaopeng appeared in the class.

Zeng Xiaopeng: Good afternoon, everyone. Because I have to pick up the car today, I have delayed my communication with you.

The message sent by Zeng Xiaopeng was pushed out of the chat window in an instant.

Zeng Xiaopeng: @Everyone, please be quiet!
The squad leader who didn't give up sent another one, and also @everyone by the way, but everyone still pretended to be dead and blind.

Wu Xinghuai: @梁庄, let me just say, you don’t listen to me, hahaha, make an appointment at the Internet cafe tonight, all night?

Liang Zhuang: Follow me!

Zhou Xue: @梁庄, please ask classmate Liang to speak in human terms (smiling expression)


With a black question mark on Zeng Xiaopeng's face, he decisively took out his ultimate trump card and sent a red envelope in the group.

20 random amount of 20 yuan, 1.3 seconds to be empty.

Devil hand speed?
Li Tian was taken aback for a while.

Shen Yuanqing: Squad leader Zeng is here, welcome!
Shi Ruizhi: The squad leader doesn't talk too much, please go to the VIP seat domineeringly (thumbs up).

Liang Zhuang: Thank you very much.

Zhou Xue:? ? ?
Wu Xinghuai: As I said before, this kid Xiaopeng will definitely be promising when he grows up, promise, he has already picked up the car, cowhide.

Looking at the chat records, Li Tian was once again shocked by the intelligence of his classmates. Anyway, he didn't know if they were human beings, but they were really dogs.

Zeng Xiaopeng spent 20 yuan and got the result he wanted, and he enjoyed the moment very much.

Zeng Xiaopeng: Alright, students, the past is over, and personal successes and failures will be submerged in the long river of history. We must look forward to the future, for the sake of the country and the people...

Cai Jiebin (teacher): Zeng Xiaopeng, you have something to say.

The head teacher couldn't stand it anymore and stopped it in time.

Zeng Xiaopeng: Classmates, the class leader is pleased to pick up an Audi A6 today, let’s go to the World Grand Hotel tonight!
Yang Wei: The squad leader is mighty, a five-star hotel (thumbs up).

Shen Yuanqing: As expected of our class leader, I will arrive on time.

Wu Xinghuai: I originally planned to go online at the Internet cafe, but since there is a dinner party, I have to go.

Liang Zhuang: me too
Zhou Xue: (Crazy expression)
The class became lively again, and everyone was obviously looking forward to the dinner in the evening.

Li Tian, ​​who was diving at this time, understood Zeng Xiaopeng's intentions very well. It was nothing more than picking up the car today and holding a party to pretend to be X.

The fact that he bought a car for his family after the college entrance examination is already known to everyone, so in the class just now, everyone pretended to be stupid and no one paid attention to him.

Zeng Xiaopeng's family is well-off, and he is used to being a high-profile person, and he likes the feeling of being superior to others.

Zhaoxing: @罗思颖, do the study committee members want to participate?
"This guy, finally can't hold back?" Li Tian cursed secretly, with a smile on his lips, Zhao Xing and him were high school classmates and buddies.

Zhaoxing's speech undoubtedly resonated with all the male students, and everyone secretly gave Zhaoxing a thumbs up in their hearts.

Luo Siying is recognized as the class flower of the 38th class of high school. She has a beautiful appearance, a height of 1.6 meters [-], and a bubble from B to C that does not match her age. All the male compatriots who know her really call her top Can't live.

The grades dominate the top [-] in the age list all the year round, and she has been rated as the goddess of learning bully in the school post bar for three consecutive years. She is the goddess in every boy's mind.

Wu Xinghuai: @赵星, Brother Xing is mighty, I give you a thumbs up.

Shen Yuanqing: @罗思颖, Goddess, you must participate. If you don’t go, it’s boring.

Cai Yongwang: I will go as soon as the goddess goes.

Zeng Xiaopeng: Don't be impatient, everyone. The study committee will definitely participate. Please rest assured.

at the same time.

Luo Siying: @李天, will classmate Li Tian go?

Luo Siying's words were like a depth bomb that exploded in the class.

Everyone was wondering what the hell was going on, why did Luo Siying ask Li Tian such a question, could it be that if Li Tian didn't go, she wouldn't go?

What is the situation, could it be the two of them?

No, they don't have much contact with each other. Could it be that there is something hidden that they don't know about?


(End of this chapter)

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