Chapter 10 Sending Luo Siying Home
"Li Tian, ​​!" Zeng Xiaopeng stood in place, and his address to Li Tian also changed, "I, I'm not hungry."

Seeing that Li Tian was unmoved, Zeng Xiaopeng turned to look at Luo Siying with pleading eyes, "Siying, look at this..."

"Li Tian, ​​look..." Luo Siying hesitated to speak, he understood that Li Tian was trying to vent his anger on him, and at the same time, Zeng Xiaopeng was responsible for the whole thing, but after all, they were all classmates, she was a little embarrassed, but also It's hard to speak.

"Is there anything else?" Li Tian looked at Zeng Xiaopeng, "Say something directly!"

Li Tian deliberately pretended not to know, and asked Zeng Xiaopeng to speak up by himself.

"That's right, the order tonight?" Zeng Xiaopeng said cautiously.

"Didn't you come to buy this order? As you wish, I did the right thing, right?"

"Brother Tian, ​​you are right, I was wrong, I was wrong!" Zeng Xiaopeng didn't dare to refute, he paused, "It's just that the family doesn't care, I can't afford this bill."

"Brother Tian has a lot of people, please help me tell Mr. Zhou." Zeng Xiaopeng no longer cared about face, and it would be too late if he didn't speak up. He knew the meal was coming to an end when he saw the other people gobbling it up. .

"Oh... this is it?" Li Tian looked at Zeng Xiaopeng meaningfully.

"That's right, Brother Tian, ​​it's about this!" Zeng Xiaopeng nodded his head.


"How about it!" Li Tian had an idea, "Since you like drinking very much, then I will satisfy you."

Then he turned around and whispered a few words to Zhou Yunchen.

After a while, the waiter brought five bottles of Latour red wine again.

"You finish the five bottles of Latour red wine, and you don't need to worry about tonight's order." Li Tian raised his eyebrows, "It is both young and wild, I think you will like it."

"Do you accept this small punishment?"

Li Tian waited for Zeng Xiaopeng's reply.

At this time, Zeng Xiaopeng responded without thinking, "No problem, thank you Brother Tian!"


Li Tian felt that something was wrong.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm being careless. Look at this fellow, his bitter face can hardly conceal the joy in his heart." Zhao Xing reminded from the side.

"..." Li Tian was speechless for a while, as if this was the case.

Zeng Xiaopeng opened the Latour red wine on the table, and the glass was filled immediately. He really likes to drink this wine, and usually he can only look at the treasures at home, but he can't drink it.

Li Tian's request was not too much for Zeng Xiaopeng, on the contrary, he was excited and excited.

'300 million didn't have to be paid by myself, and I also earned five bottles of Latour. Zeng Xiaopeng secretly rejoiced, and swallowed his full glass of red wine in one gulp.

Blink of an eye.

Zeng Xiaopeng killed a bottle, which stunned Li Tian and everyone present.

If it weren't for the water that was thrown out by what he said, Li Tian would have replaced Latour red wine with Erguotou.

"God, Brother Tian, ​​if you still don't feel relieved, you can add two more bottles."

"..." Everyone was speechless.


Li Tian still underestimated the brazenness of this guy.

After seeing off Zhou Yunchen, everything remained the same, and she ordered the bill to be waived.

When Zeng Xiaopeng drank five bottles of red wine, he disappeared in a flash. He couldn't stay in such an atmosphere.

In fact, this meeting was much shorter than any previous one.

Zeng Xiaopeng's episode is one reason, but there are more reasons for it.

Boys feel that the gap is too large, feel inferior, and feel uncomfortable.

Girls feel that the eldest brother is gone, and they are not in the mood.

After leaving the hotel, everyone dispersed.

"Shall I take you home?" Li Tian, ​​who was walking side by side with Luo Siying, asked.

The right time, the right place, and the right people are all in, why don't you take the initiative to attack at this time?

"Okay." Luo Siying agreed generously, without being twitchy, which made Li Tian feel a lot better.

There was a 'boom', and the low-pitched sound echoed in the street.

Some students who have not gone far looked at this scene, and they could only feel envy and hatred.

Inside the Porsche.

"That Zhou Yunchen is so beautiful!" Luo Siying sighed.

"Not as beautiful as you!" Li Tian responded naturally while driving.

A standard reply from a scumbag?

Luo Siying stared at Li Tian deathly, "Did you put honey on your mouth today?"

"I'm telling the truth!" Li Tian didn't change his face.

"I believe you." Luo Siying said angrily, "I can see that she is interested in you."

"Don't make trouble, we are just a cooperative relationship." Li Tian retorted.

This kind of thing, admit it and lose, okay?

It is simply a proposition.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

Luo Siying changed the topic and asked Li Tian when she bought the car, Li Tian said that she just picked up the car today.

"By the way, Siying, which city school do you want to apply for?"

"I should choose between Kyoto and Shanghai." Luo Siying turned to look at Li Tian, ​​"What about you?"

"I only have a score of 448. No one wants me to run so far. If there is no accident, I will be in the province."

"Xueba is different for you. With a score of 657, many people are vying for you." Li Tian glanced at Luo Siying and said.

"No, if you don't want it, you don't want it. Just now at the party, you denied passing notes and borrowing books." Luo Siying's voice was as soft as a mosquito, but Li Tian still heard it.

At this time, Li Tiancai realized that there was something wrong with his previous words, and quickly added: "Haha, I mean, many schools are vying for you."

How could Luo Siying's clever little mind get it wrong? She was just complaining about Li Tian who was eager to defend herself at the party just now.

Suddenly, the atmosphere was a little awkward again, Luo Siying said again, "We are so far apart, it may take a long time for us to see each other again."

Seeing that Luo Siying's expression was a bit dark, Li Tian asked teasingly, "Can I understand that you are inviting me to fly to see you?"

"You are so narcissistic!" Luo Siying blushed.

"You are so beautiful!" Li Tian replied without showing any weakness.

Luo Siying looked out of the car window with a smile on the corner of her mouth, ignoring Li Tian, ​​a guy with a honey mouth.

Half an hour later, Li Tian sent Luo Siying downstairs, and without stopping too much, he went straight on his way home.

After all, today is a big day for the college entrance examination results to be announced, and the two elders in the family don't care about it. Could it be that they have completely given up on the scumbags?

Walking into the living room, Li Tian's father Li Zhengping and his mother Ning Xuehua both looked at Li Tian meaningfully at the same time, choosing not to speak in a tacit understanding.

A few seconds later, Li Zhengping was the first to break the embarrassment, "Well...cough cough, where did you go today?"

"The college entrance examination scores have been released, and the class had a dinner party." Li Tian lay on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest, and said leisurely. In fact, he was thinking about when the system would trigger rewards.

Seeing Li Tian lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, Ning Xuehua couldn't help feeling a little worried, and asked tentatively, "Tian'er, did you fail the exam?"

Ning Xuehua's words brought Li Tian back to his senses, and he sat up straight, "Why did you fail the exam? You two big brothers only now think about caring for your son. I was wondering if I was adopted by you. "

After speaking, Li Tian raised his eyebrows.

"Don't make trouble, what's the matter?" Li Zhengping was short of breath.

"Haha, it's more than 100 points higher than the model, and more than 20 points higher than the undergraduate line." Li Tian said and took out a screenshot of the college entrance examination score and raised it.

Li Zhengping and Ning Xuehua both breathed a sigh of relief after watching it.

It's not that they don't care about Li Tian, ​​it's just that they have seen Li Tian's hard work this year in his third year of high school, and they don't want to put any pressure on him, and they went home early in the afternoon just to wait for the news of the rankings. At home, so I waited anxiously until this time.

"Boy, you escaped unharmed. I also thought that if your grades are too bad, I will let you go to the company to help with chores, serve tea, pour water, and exercise." Li Zhengping said with a smile on his face.

"Cleaner??" Li Tian glared at Li Zhengping, "I appreciate your kindness." I went back to my room first.

Li Tian was in a hurry to go back to the room because the reminder sounded in his mind that he could not use the system if he had no money.

'Ding! '


(End of this chapter)

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