Chapter 100 Purchase of Commercial Center
Blink of an eye.

Li Tian and Xiao Caizhe came to the Galaxy Group office area on the ninth floor.

"Hello, I have made an appointment with Manager Xing."

Xiao Caizhe explained his intention to the front desk staff, "My surname is Xiao."

"Please wait!"

The front desk made a call.

Then he got up and led the way, "Please follow me."

next moment.

Li Tian and Xiao Caizhe, led by the front desk, came to a living room.

"Please take a seat, Secretary Liu will be here soon."

"it is good!"

Just as the front desk exited the conference room, a tall woman walked in, "Hi, I'm Mr. Xing's secretary. Who is Mr. Xiao?"

The name of the appointment data record is Xiao Caizhe, Secretary Liu asked politely.


Xiao Caizhe stood up and shook hands with Secretary Liu politely.

"Hello Mr. Xiao, do you need office space or shops for business?"

Secretary Liu asked straight to the point.

"We're going to be a supermarket."

Xiao Caizhe responded.

"Then you probably need a few shops."

Secretary Liu nodded and continued to ask, "By the way, do you need to buy it from Mr. Xiao? Or rent it from Galaxy Group?"

In her opinion, Xiao Caizhe was talking about the venue in his own name, and he probably just wanted to run a small individual supermarket, so she naturally thought of a store.

If it is a large supermarket, it must come to negotiate in the name of the group.

"It's like this. There are temporary changes on my side, and I may need to have a direct interview with your Xinghe manager."

Xiao Caizhe saw that the person who came here was just a secretary. Regarding the negotiation of a large flat of more than 3 square meters, it was obviously not enough, and he couldn't make such a big deal.

"Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xing authorized me to be responsible for the lease and sale of shops, so it's the same when talking with me."

Secretary Li said with a smile.

It's just a few small shops, but she can still be in charge, and she doesn't need to meet her immediate boss at all.

Furthermore, the higher-ups thought it was just a personal appointment and not a big project, so they sent her to handle it.

"It's not a store, what we want is a large flat floor in the commercial center."

Xiao Caizhe explained to Secretary Liu.

"The Great Flat?"

Secretary Liu was taken aback for a moment. The Daping floor has a single floor of more than [-] square meters. What is the size of the supermarket this person wants to open?

However, even though she had some doubts in her heart, she didn't show it on her face, and she still reminded with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, our group doesn't rent out the flat floor alone. If you need it, you need to rent the three floors together."

She had to remind her in advance, otherwise the leader came over and found that the person in front of her only needed one layer, and if there was an oolong, it meant that there was a problem with her ability to work.


Xiao Caizhe nodded lightly.


Xiao Caizhe's response caught Secretary Liu by surprise. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded, "Those two wait a moment, I'll go and invite President Xing over here."

If Xiao Caizhe really had the intention of packing and renting the three floors together, then she really couldn't be the master of the project, and had to ask the general manager to handle it personally.

"It's work!"

Xiao Caizhe made a gesture of please.

When Secretary Liu walked out of the conference room, Xiao Caizhe asked Li Tian, ​​"Mr. Li, when the general manager of Galaxy Group comes over, will you talk to him personally?"

Just now after Secretary Liu came in, Li Tian didn't speak the whole time. Xiao Caizhe understood that Li Tian thought the other party's position was too low, and he didn't bother to speak. That's why he made such a suggestion, so as not to overwhelm the host.

"It's okay, let's chat casually together, and if you have any opinions, you can also raise them in person."

Li Tian waved his hand and said casually.

He believes that as long as the other party has the intention to sell, the only question left is how much money to make.

"it is good."

Xiao Caizhe didn't shirk, and nodded in response.


next moment.

Secretary Liu walked in with a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Xiao, this is the general manager of our Galaxy Commercial Center, Mr. Xing."

Secretary Liu politely introduced the two parties.

"Hi, Mr. Xiao!"

Xing Gaoyuan first extended his right hand and greeted with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Xing!"

Xiao Caizhe shook hands with Xing Gaoyuan, then turned to look at Li Tian behind him, and introduced, "This is the owner of the Lida supermarket chain, Mr. Li."

Hearing this, Xing Gaoyuan was stunned for a moment, then took two steps forward and smiled, "Mr. Li, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

The people who can sit in this position are all good people, Xiao Caizhe's simple introduction, he immediately understood the profound meaning.

However, what he didn't expect was that the unremarkable young man behind Xiao Caizhe would be the real boss.

He was so young that he regarded Li Tian as Xiao Caizhe's assistant when he came in.

"Xiao Liu, go pour two cups of tea and come in!"

Xing Gaoyuan just finished shaking hands with Li Tian, ​​and immediately gave orders.

Li Tian felt in his heart that the general manager had to be on the stage to feel the demeanor that this big company should have. Otherwise, he would not even have a small cup of tea when negotiating with the secretary.

"Mr. Li, are you planning to let the Lida supermarket chain enter the Galaxy Commercial Center?"

Although Xing Gaoyuan had never heard of the name Lida supermarket chain, he still asked politely.

If he doesn't know each other, it doesn't mean that the other party has no strength. After all, they can rent their group's more than 3 square meters of commercial center to be a supermarket in one go.

"That's the plan!"

Li Tian responded indifferently, since he had the intention to buy, he didn't tactfully, and asked directly, "May I ask the three major flats, does your company have any intention to sell?"


Xing Gaoyuan suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. Didn't Secretary Liu tell him that there are clients who want to rent three floors?After a pause, "What does Mr. Li mean?"

Recently, Galaxy has been worrying about these three floors of commercial centers.

When the commercial center was first built, the area was planned too large.

During the period, Galaxy also sought out some large supermarket companies to settle in, but they were all rejected due to the oversupply of space. Some large multinational supermarkets had already established branches in the local area, so it was nothing.

At the beginning of the construction, it was planned that these three floors would be a large supermarket, but now it is impossible to divide it into other industries, and if it is divided, the entire commercial center will look completely different.

Xing Gaoyuan has been under a lot of pressure recently. He is in charge of the entire Xinghe coco city investment promotion project. Now that such a large space is vacant, the higher-ups are already very dissatisfied and urged him to make arrangements as soon as possible.

As long as these three floors of commercial centers are abandoned, it will affect the prosperity and development of the entire Xinghe coco city center.

This matter has become an urgent matter for Xing Gaoyuan to solve.

Just now, when he heard Secretary Liu's report, he was overjoyed and rushed over in a hurry.

"I mean ... buy this three-story commercial center."


(End of this chapter)

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