Chapter 1059 Unspeakable Hidden
Li Tianlei's resolute approach made Shen Jianpeng dazed for a while.


He looked at Li Zhengping at a loss.

"Old Li!"

"It looks like we're all getting to the point where we can retire."

"Now Li Tian can support himself."

Shen Jianpeng smiled helplessly.

Are today's young people so powerful?
For a project worth nearly [-] million yuan, the huge profit share has just been finalized!


"You don't have to feel sorry for yourself!"

"I think what Li Tian said makes sense, so I will do as he said."

Li Zhengping knew that Shen Jianpeng must be guilty.

after all.

Contributions paid do not match profits received.

This made Shen Jianpeng feel ashamed.


"That's the only way to go now."

Shen Jianpeng let out a long sigh of emotion.

Shen's kitchen.

"Aunt Four!"

"I'm here to help you."

Li Tian walked towards He Guifang who was frying steak with a smile.

"Xiao Tian?"

"How did you come?"

Seeing Li Tian from the side, He Guifang hurriedly said, "Aunt Si will be fine soon, you should hurry up and drink tea outside!"


"Fourth Uncle and Dad are talking about something, I'll come over to help you when I'm free."

While talking, Li Tian looked around to see if there was anything he could do to help.

"Xiaotian, you don't need to look for it."

"My fourth aunt has done all the things that should be prepared."

"You... If you're really okay, just chat with me."

He Guifang said with a smile.

Due to the relatively close relationship between the two, and He Guifang and Ning Xuehua are also friends who talk about everything.

Therefore, He Guifang also treats Li Tian with affection.

"Okay, Fourth Aunt can talk about anything she wants!"

Li Tian immediately agreed to He Guifang's proposal.

"What are the two of them talking about?"

He Guifang asked curiously.

Li Tian: "..."

The fourth aunt who dares to love is not just chatting, but wants to gossip!

For such a big matter in Shanqian Village, Shen Jianpeng would definitely mention it to He Guifang afterwards, and Li Tian didn't need to hide it, so he said frankly, "They are discussing about buying a piece of land."

"Oh... I heard your fourth uncle mention it."

"Is it the land over Shanqian Village?"

He Guifang nodded in response.

"That's right, that's right!"

"My aunt knows it all."

Li Tian responded.

"I thought the two of them were secretly chatting about something again, and I didn't let you be there!"

He Guifang said to herself.

"No no."

"They didn't send me away, I walked away by myself."

Hearing this, Li Tian explained.

It seems that He Guifang has misunderstood something.

He thought he was being dismissed by the two of them.

No wonder you want to gossip.

"Alright, alright."

"Let's not talk about the two old men."

He Guifang smiled, then turned to look at Li Tian, ​​and asked in a slightly mysterious voice, "Li Tian, ​​do you have a girlfriend now?"

The voice just fell.

Li Tian said a little bit dumbfounded, "Fourth aunt, you're very nice, why bring this up?"

"You are old now, isn't it normal to mention this?"

He Guifang said with a smile, "Still... your mother hasn't let you fall in love yet?"

"If that's the case, I'll have to talk about Xuehua properly later."

"The children are at this age, and they are still so tightly controlled."

She chattered on and on.


"My mother doesn't care about these things now."

Li Tian smiled helplessly.

"That's almost there!"

He Guifang nodded, and immediately continued to ask, "Xiaotian, you haven't told my fourth aunt yet, do you have a girlfriend after all?"

The other party stared at this question firmly.


"Fourth aunt, fate is a thing, pay attention to resignation!"

"I am not in a hurry!"

Li Tian responded ambiguously.


I must guard against these aunt-level characters.

In case of leaking words, it will spread throughout the world within two days.

At this time, Li Tian's desire to survive doubled.

next second.

"After listening to you, my aunt will understand."

"It means you're still single."

A look of excitement appeared on He Guifang's face, and then she looked at Li Tian twice, "Xiaotian, Fourth Aunt asked you something, but you have to tell me the truth, don't be shy, do you understand?"


Li Tian hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Seeing He Guifang's reaction, to be honest, Li Tian felt a little guilty at this time.

Is the other party going to start something?

at the same time.


He Guifang cleared her throat first, then put down the spatula calmly, and asked with a smile, "Xiaotian, what do you think of my Rongrong?"


Li Tian was caught off guard by the other party's question.

Shen Rongrong is the daughter of the fourth uncle's family, and now He Guifang, a mother, asked this question, which really made Li Tian a little speechless.

Although Shen Rongrong is good-looking, the relationship between the two families is so close that Li Tian never had any evil thoughts.


To be precise, it should be that there has never been any idea between a man and a woman.

After all, once she and Shen Rongrong get on good terms, there is really no way to escape, the two of them will definitely enter the grave of marriage.

Unless the two families completely fell out, there would be no chance of separation.

The character Shen Rongrong is no longer a hidden mine buried in the ground, but a live grenade.

Not only that.

He Guifang raised such a question.

Li Tian didn't know how to reply for a while.

If you say that the other party is good, you are indirectly expressing your intention.

on the contrary.

If you say that the other party is not good, isn't that slapping He Guifang in the face?
too difficult!
Followed by.

"what's wrong?"

Seeing that Li Tian was in a bit of a dilemma, He Guifang was very puzzled and asked, "Does Xiaotian have something to hide?"

" and Furry have long ago..."

Li Tian's reaction made He Guifang start to speculate.


"No no no, no."

"Aunt Si, don't get me wrong."

"I really have nothing to do with Furry!"

Li Tian's desire to survive was full again, and he waved his hands hastily and said, "I have always regarded Rongrong as my younger sister, and I have never thought about other things."

Seeing Li Tian's flustered look, He Guifang couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing, "Why are you nervous?"

"Since fourth aunt dares to ask you, it proves that I will not object to your two matters."

" are all grown up, you can have some ideas."

Not to mention the close relationship between the two families, Li Tian's tall and handsome appearance is the standard of son-in-law He Guifang is satisfied with.


Old Li's family and their Shen family are well matched.

Li Tian and Shen Rongrong are a good match.

This idea has been buried in He Guifang's heart for a long time.

It's just that both of them were younger before, so they never had a chance to mention this matter.


Li Tian went to college, and Shen Rongrong was about to graduate from high school, the time was ripe.

With the opponent's figure and appearance, He Guifang was worried that he would be hooked away in a short time.

When it's time to act, you must act decisively!


(End of this chapter)

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