Chapter 1220 A Blockbuster

Due to Wei Tianhong's temporary change of path, Li Tian became suspicious.

Not only that.

They followed all the way, so there was no guarantee that the other party would find out what was going on.

The small path ahead is not only narrow, but also very few vehicles.

The reason why Wei Tianhong turned into such a road was to test whether they really followed in, so as to judge whether there was anything tricky?

At this moment.

Various possibilities are constantly being deduced in Li Tian's mind.

The path ahead is close at hand.

Too late to think about it.

Li Tian easily enlarged the navigation map, so as to see whether the direction in which the path extends can reach Nansha Wharf.

next moment.

I saw two forks at the end of the trail.

One is to go to Nansha Wharf, and the other is to return to the city.

at this time.



Shan Xiaogang once again asked Li Tian for his opinion.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

"Not with!"

"We're going straight to the pier."

Just when the vehicle reached a fork in the road, Li Tian suddenly made a sound.


Shan Xiaogang didn't ask any more questions, and immediately followed Li Tian's instructions and drove directly towards the pier.

a time.

The two cars just staggered.

As the distance widened, Li Tian didn't look away resentfully until he couldn't see the other party's taillights.

"Li Tian!"

"Why don't we follow?"

"Didn't they run away again later?"

Ni Xiaoxiao asked very puzzled.


"Shouldn't be able to run away."

Li Tian responded with a faint smile.

Followed by.

"Brother Shan!"

"Do you think we will be inadvertently exposed?"

Li Tian asked the question just now again.

"will not!"

Shan Xiaogang shook his head.

"How can you be so sure?"

Li Tian asked with a curious smile.

From Shan Xiaogang's expression, it is not difficult to find that the other party already has his own answer in his heart.

next second.

"Boss, the reason is very simple."

"If the other party had discovered the clue early in the morning, how could they still bring us to this location?"

Shan Xiaogang responded unhurriedly.


"How to say?"

Li Tian still didn't quite understand what Shan Xiaogang meant.

"Well... that is, if they found out that they were being followed early in the morning, they would have taken us to the garden long ago."

"It will not lead us to a place like Nansha."

"You know, Nansha Wharf is like a dead end, no matter how stupid they are, they still know how to guide us to places with convenient transportation."

"Once any moths appear, it's easy for them to escape, right?"

Shan Xiaogang expresses the meaning even more concisely.

"I understand a little bit."

"It means that they didn't find anything suspicious. Just now, they suddenly turned into the small road, just to make the last layer of insurance, to see if anyone is following them?"

Li Tian expanded and extended from Shan Xiaogang's meaning.

"That's roughly what it means!"

Shan Xiaogang nodded and said.

"Then why didn't you remind me just now?"

"Since you know their intentions, you should remind me earlier, lest I make a wrong strategy."

Li Tian asked helplessly.

Shan Xiaogang can basically figure out the other party's purpose, so why ask yourself?
Make yourself exhausted.

"Ha ha……"

"Boss, only thinking can make progress."

Shan Xiaogang said lightly.

Followed by.

"If you let me follow up just now, I will explain the pros and cons of the matter to you in time."

"However... the boss is still very powerful after all, so he knows not to follow up."

He sincerely admired Li Tian.

At such a young age, he can always make good decisions.

Take the incident just now as an example, from the time when Wei Tianhong turned into the trail, it took less than 1 minute to count, but Li Tian was able to react quickly in such a short period of time.

Such abilities are not within the reach of ordinary people.

Can't help but.


"Can you tell me the reason why you decided not to follow?"

Shan Xiaogang was very curious about Li Tian's impromptu decision.

I don't know where the other party's evidence comes from?

Or justified analysis?
The reason has to be explained by Li Tian himself.

next second.

"The reason is very simple."

Li Tian also described it with a faint smile, "Did you notice that I checked the navigation map just now?"


Shan Xiaogang nodded.

"Well... I just want to see where this trail ends."

"If it is a parallel line with Nansha Wharf, then I will definitely ask you to follow."

"After all, if the final destination does not have the Nansha Wharf we estimated, then there must be a problem with our prediction, so we must follow up in time."

Li Tian said with a smile.

Followed by.

"Conversely, as long as the trail can extend to Nansha Wharf, it is possible that they want to take a shortcut, or as you said, conduct the last insurance verification to see if anyone is following them."

"After I glanced just now, I confirmed that there are two directions of eyes on the trail, one is Nansha Wharf, and the other is returning to the city."

"It's impossible to return to the city. If they want to go back to the city, why should they go to this ghostly place?"

"So, my intuition is that their ultimate goal must be Nansha Wharf."

"After comprehensive consideration, I decided to go directly to Nansha Wharf and wait for their appearance."

Li Tian shared his opinion with Shan Xiaogang.

As soon as this word comes out.


Shan Xiaogang squeezed out two words from his mouth.

Although Li Tian's prediction was not particularly perfect, his thinking was clear and his direction was very correct.

Be clear.

Li Tian has not received any professional training, and he has this powerful predictive ability.

Leave time.

His boss is sure to be a blockbuster.

at this time.

"What are you all talking about?"

"Why didn't I understand at all!"

Ni Xiaoxiao in the back seat listened to the conversation between the two in a daze.

"It doesn't matter if you understand or not."

Li Tian turned his head slightly and said with a faint smile.


Ni Xiaoxiao grumbled a little.

Although she couldn't understand their thoughts, she could feel their cleverness and wit.

just like.

Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianyong were already under the control of Li Tian and Shan Xiaogang.

There is no escape.

There is a sense of infernal sight.

Followed by.

"Brother Shan!"

"Let's go directly to Nansha Wharf!"

"Let's just sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit!"

Li Tian looked into the distance and said calmly.

same second.

"no problem!"

As the voice fell, Shan Xiaogang suddenly accelerated his speed, and then drove towards his destination.


(End of this chapter)

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