Chapter 1224 No Man's Land
At this moment.

Wei Tianhong was most concerned about whether he could wait for the boat as soon as possible, rather than these small details.

If the water monkey didn't come, he really didn't know how to escape next.

after all.

This time, the action was rushed.

Therefore, Wei Tianhong only worked out a retreat plan, which was to leave by water.

If this escape route is unsuccessful, there is no backup plan.

At that time.

He could only hastily redo his escape plan.

However, the effect would be much worse.

One mistake, the freedom of the two of them will be completely ruined in this place.

Not only that.

Successful evacuation is easier by water than by land.



"Brother doesn't mind, I won't say more."

Wei Tianhong twisted his wrist and said.

Blink of an eye.

The speedboat on the river has already moored at Nansha Wharf.

next moment.

Two connectors got off the speedboat, and they walked towards the two brothers Wei Tianhong unhurriedly.


Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianhong also greeted each other.

the other side.


"Has Zhao Guangzheng's people arrived yet?"

Shan Xiaogang asked in a low voice.

"There is... no news yet."

Li Tian glanced at the phone hesitantly, and then said.

Zhao Guangzheng's deployment this time is a bit weak.

I don't know if it is due to the reason of remote command, which led to the reduction of work efficiency.

after all.

The high-level executives of Guangshen had received an order to fully cooperate with Zhao Guangzheng in handling the case, so among the various departments, they gave each other the green light.

But the situation in Nanzhou is a little different.

Without specific instructions from the central agency, doing things seems much more procrastinating.

next second.

"Hmm, cough, cough."

Shan Xiaogang coughed twice.


His gaze moved to Li Tian, ​​"Boss, if they don't come, these two people will leave on the boat."

"Once they are allowed to withdraw, I'm afraid there will be no chance to catch these two people in the future."

Shan Xiaogang's face was full of regret.

'So what do you mean? '

Li Tian asked hesitantly.


"What I mean is... since the troops from Nanzhou haven't arrived yet, why don't you let me take action on your behalf to prevent the two from leaving."

"As soon as the people from Nanzhou arrive, I will hand it over to them immediately."

In Shan Xiaogang's cognition.

The two opponents dared to forcibly break into the Huaxia Kingdom, so they obviously didn't take the Huaxia Kingdom seriously.

These two soulmates still want to go back and forth?

Seeing this place in Huaxia Kingdom as no man's land?


A sense of responsibility ignited in his heart, that is, he must keep the other two.

As soon as this word comes out.


Li Tian hesitated.

"what happened?"

Shan Xiaogang hurriedly asked back.


Seeing that the other two were about to board the boat and leave, Shan Xiaogang seemed very anxious.

If there was a delay, Wei Tianhong would have run away.

no! ! !

They must not be let go so easily.

next second.

"You want a one-on-two?"

"Isn't it a little dangerous?"

Li Tian knew what Shan Xiaogang was thinking.

But considering the other party's safety, Li Tian still issued a soul version of torture.

The voice just fell.

Shan Xiaogang laughed.


"You do not trust me?"

He smiled slightly at Li Tian's remarks.

"It's not that I don't trust you."

"It's just... I still know the reason why poor people don't chase after them."

Li Tian waved his hands again and again, and then continued, "If you attack them now, they will definitely do their best, so I'm worried that you will be under some pressure."

"Don't underestimate the great power of desperate resistance."

He reminded aloud.

same second.


"When I fought against Wei Tianhong before, most of the moves were made by him, and I basically never made any moves."

"So, you should be relieved."

Although Shan Xiaogang is very eager to stop the two from leaving.

But Li Tian is his immediate boss, so he still needs to consult the other party first.

It is disrespectful to Li Tian to make claims without authorization.


Shan Xiaogang didn't know if Li Tian had any follow-up actions or concerns.


He was determined to do it only after Li Tian nodded.


"you sure?"

Li Tian scanned the distance and the two sides were shaking hands while talking and laughing.

can be seen.

The two brothers Wei Tianhong and Wei Tianyong are about to board the speedboat.

Choices are often just a matter of thought.


Shan Xiaogang nodded heavily.


"That can!"


Li Tian quickly stretched out his hand, and then patted Shan Xiaogang's arm, "Be careful!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

"You're waiting for me in the car!"

Shan Xiaogang's voice fell.

in a blink.

His figure had already appeared in front of Alpha's car, and he rushed towards Wei Tianhong's direction quickly.

This can be seen.

Shan Xiaogang left the determination of the two brothers Wei Tianhong.

Between lightning and flint.

Shan Xiaogang's figure quickly approached the four of them.

at this time.

The two people who got off the speedboat had already discovered the abnormality of Shan Xiaogang.

same second.

"Brother Hong!"

"Who is that person?"

The leading man immediately pointed in the direction of Shan Xiaogang.

Follow the reputation.


When Wei Tianhong saw Shan Xiaogang's appearance, his entire face was distorted.

Just one step away! ! !
How did this damned Hun Dan follow him to this place?
after all……

How does the other party know where he is?
at the same time.

"Big brother!"

"He He……"

Wei Tianyong choked several times, and was speechless for a while.

until this time.

Only then did he understand Wei Tianhong's concerns.

It turned out that my eldest brother was not a mother-in-law, and the other party's worries were indeed valid.

Although Wei Tianyong has never fought against Shan Xiaogang, he is very clear about this person's strength.

Someone who can be better than his elder brother is really terrifying.


"Brother Hong!"

"Do you know?"

The leader, after seeing the complicated expression on Wei Tianhong's face, could guess a thing or two.

The other party came fiercely, and it was aimed at these two brothers.


Friend or foe.

Temporarily unable to distinguish clearly.

But... Judging by the seriousness on Wei Tianhong's face, the visitor was not kind.

same second.


Wei Tianhong glanced at Shan Xiaogang resentfully.



"Let's retreat quickly!"

As the voice came out.

Wei Tianhong directly grabbed Wei Tianhong's arm and rushed straight towards the speedboat.

At this moment.

He couldn't even care about the people sent by the water monkey.


As long as the two of them can escape successfully, nothing else matters.


Once the two sides fight, the two brothers will definitely be held back by the other side.


Time is life.

Even if it is a second later, their danger will increase by one point.


Who knows how many ambushes are nearby?


36 counting is the best plan! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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