Chapter 14 The Duke Is Awesome?

The time a man and a woman spend alone always flies so fast!

After a while, the car slowly drove into Times Square.

After getting out of the car, Li Tian smiled and said, "Thank you for the little anchor's driving service, it's very comfortable."

Su Qinhan looked forward to the whole journey, but Li Tian didn't say a word, she got out of the car to thank her for the driver's service, she couldn't pick it up for a moment, so she could only say 'uh oh'.

"By the way, how long have you been live broadcasting, why are you so rubbish?"

"It's been more than a month, and it's been like this." Su Qinhan was a little disappointed, "I can't tease people and talk nicely, and I can't keep my brother, I'm not charming enough."

"That..." Su Qinhan was a little speechless, pursing her lips, as if to cheer herself up, and then said: "Well, there will be a guild battle at eight o'clock tonight, can the boss come and make up the list for me?"

"If I can't pass even one round, the guild will fire me."

Su Qinhan really had no choice, that's why she asked Li Tian for help. If the guild didn't want to fire her, she wouldn't be able to say that.

The main reason for the low gift list in the live broadcast room is related to her personality.

"If you have time, go shopping and contact again." Li Tian did not directly agree.

"How can we get in touch? Do you have my contact information?" Li Tian's answer made Su Qinhan stunned.

"No." Li Tian locked the car door.

"Then how do you contact me?" Su Qinhan asked.

"Fate, goodbye!" Li Tian waved as he walked.

Su Qinhan froze in place, what's going on?Where is she?
Li Tian really left like this?

'Did little loli miss a hundred million? '

'Nimma, the boss is so cool, I love it. '

'Anchor, the boss didn't like you, are you crying? '

"Little loli also has today, I laughed..."

'Anchor, where's your face?Friendly reminder, on the ground. '

'Anchor, the big guy wants to play hard, he just hides in the corner and peeks at you, don't believe me, go and watch? '

'The corner meets love? '

Su Qinhan looked at the barrage, feeling bitter in her heart, and walked towards the corner of Times Square with her legs still recalcitrant.

'The answer will be revealed immediately, the boss ran over to hug Lolita, and then the anchor quit the Internet, let's watch and cherish it! '


Su Qinhan and the fans were completely speechless when they saw the empty corner street.

Seeing the full screen button 666 and gloating, Su Qinhan waved his fist, "Come out, let the dog audience know about the little black house."

'The anchor is so angry, haha...'

"Little Lolita, be good, why doesn't my family have a room controller and field controller. '

'Ha ha……'

The host has exited the live broadcast room.


Due to drinking, Li Tian fell asleep as soon as he got home.

He didn't wake up until after six o'clock in the evening, and learned that Ning Xuehua went shopping and asked Li Tian to fix dinner by himself.

After washing some fruits, Li Tian opened the Lion Tooth software while eating.

"Hey, it's online." Li Tian saw the sign that Little Lolita was in the live broadcast, and casually entered the live broadcast room without making a sound.

The live broadcast room was bleak, and there were only four people in the VIP seats.

'No one, no fun. 'Li Tian sent a barrage.

'Yes, Brother Tiantian, I am a small anchor, so there are very few people. 'Su Qinhan replied in seconds.

Li Tian's lion tooth account name is 'every day up'

'The anchor can sing and dance, so the popularity will increase? '

'Brother Tiantian, I don't know how to sing or dance, but I can eat live. ' Su Qinhan responded a little shyly.

Li Tian remembered that Su Qinhan is an outdoor food anchor, so it's not surprising that he doesn't know how to be talented.

'Is Brother Tiantian here?Can you get a sign for me? ' Su Qinhan asked tentatively.

Li Tian didn't respond, just pretended to be dead.

Seeing that Li Tian didn't respond for a long time, Su Qinhan sighed inwardly, and didn't speak any more. She sat quietly in front of the screen, waiting for the guild battle time to come.

When the guild battle is coming, many anchors will broadcast in advance to solicit votes, and Su Qinhan also broadcast in advance, but unfortunately there are not many people in her live broadcast room.

A little lost, even a little desperate.

At this moment.

"Beep, beep..." Lian Maisheng remembered.

Lianmai PK can be regarded as a warm-up before the guild battle.

'Hello, Miss, I'm Nana from Sishui Guild. 'The anchor of the opposite party took the lead in saying hello.

While speaking, three or four Duke numbers flooded into Su Qinhan's live broadcast room.

This is the other party's spying on the military situation.

"Hello, Miss, I'm Little Hanhan from Qianxue Guild. ' Su Qinhan responded politely.

Several Dukes in Su Qinhan's live broadcast room retreated.

'Miss Sister's popularity in the live broadcast room is so low, so let's skip the talent show and go directly to the PK thread. 'Sishui Nana said contemptuously.

'OK. 'Su Qinhan's face remained calm, but his heart was bitter.

As soon as the PK bar came up, there were three Ferraris on the opposite side, and the energy bar on Su Qinhan's side was instantly compressed into a small section.

A Ferrari is equivalent to 100 yuan, but judging from the current situation, the PK value of 300 yuan has already overwhelmed Su Qinhan.

'Thanks to Brother Huahua for the three Ferraris. '

'Don't use it, don't use it, the situation of the little anchor over there is terrible, we don't need to waste bullets. '

Sishui Nana expressed her gratitude and at the same time did not forget to show her heart.

"Miss, look at the presents that my big brothers gave me. They even gave me rockets just now." '

Sishui Nana showed off the gifts she received to the little anchor Su Qinhan, and even sent out screenshots of the gifts.

Su Qinhan smiled helplessly and did not speak.

'It's okay, it's okay, everyone came here from a young anchor, and my sister will take you to play in the future. '

Sishui Nana added a knife, obviously she didn't like Su Qinhan, a little anchor.

'Okay, thank you. Su Qinhan nodded slowly, her face darkened.

at the same time.

Li Tian couldn't stand it anymore, "An old anchor with a level of 32 bullying a young anchor with a level of 18?" '

'Put what X?Brush presence? '

'Do you think this is appropriate? '

'Little anchor, please repeat what I said and ask her. '

Su Qinhan saw the barrage, but didn't say what Li Tian said, and frowned slightly, "Brother Tiantian, it's okay. '

Su Qinhan is aware of the gap with the other party, and she also feels that it is difficult for this 'Everyday Upward' person to fight against the fan group over there.

She didn't want to cause trouble, she just wanted to spend the night quietly and draw an end to her career as a broadcaster.

At this time.

'? ? ? ? A small white account in Su Qinhan's live broadcast room made a series of question marks.

'Spring Blossoms' Duke came to the live broadcast room.

It turned out that Sishui Nana's fans had also lurk a little white account by Su Qinhan's side. After seeing Li Tian's speech, the duke directly killed him.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming: "Little Bai, what are you doing?"Dissatisfied? '

'Brother Huahua, it may be a small misunderstanding, it's okay. ' Su Qinhan mediated.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming: "A little white number, what are you clamoring for?" '

Upward every day: 'Duke, that's amazing? '

Out of warmth: "It's not that great, but you little white account is not qualified to speak." '

Tiantianxiang: "You mean you need the king to overwhelm you before you are qualified to speak?" '

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming: 'King?I laughed, I can also drive the king. '

Tiantian Upward: 'What about the Emperor? '


(End of this chapter)

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