Chapter 20 Jin 'Super God Emperor'

Tiantian Xiangshenhuang: Then keep these 5 treasure maps!
The barrage was issued, and Li Tian backhandedly arranged 5 treasure maps in Xiaochengzi's live broadcast room.

Not for anything else, just because of the anchor's attitude and the frankness of No. [-] in the list. They are both generous people and don't do dark things.

"Thank you Tiantian for the treasure map, thank you!"

Xiao Chengzi was a little surprised, "Little Lolita, your big brother is so nice and charming, you have to watch him carefully, don't let him run away."

The only favorite little orange king: "Brother Tiantian is an open-minded person, I am completely convinced, I recognize you as a big brother, and I will go to support my sister-in-law in the future." '

Tiantian said to the emperor: "You're welcome, let's go, take the little anchor to win the championship first." '

Back to Little Lolita's live broadcast room, the PK will end soon, and Li Tian is not worried about the opponent stealing the tower, after all, everyone is a generous person.

The only favorite little orange king also ran over, expressing that he wanted to see little loli win the championship.

Tonight's guild battle is a competition jointly organized by several major guilds, not a guild battle on all platforms, so the winner is determined in one round.

Soon, the last round of mic reminders sounded.

"Good evening, little sister. I'm the pipa of the Western Entertainment Association. I'm the anchor of singing and dancing. I can also be cute!"

This pipa was talking coquettishly, "Brother Tiantian, the pipa will dance for you, I just beg you to be merciful later, don't play the pipa."

Little Lolita was having a headache, and met someone who blatantly robbed her elder brother again.

"No need for Miss Pipa, let's start directly!" Little Lolita would not give this woman a chance, she was also worried that Li Tian would be seduced by being so alluring and flirtatious.

Pipa was a bit disappointing, but still took the PK bar.

Tonight is destined to be a special session of "Everyday Upward". Almost all anchors and anchors are talking about this new emperor boss, who spends 100 million within a few hours. It can be said that most of them are staring at Li Tian, ​​​​the big brother.

'Brother Tiantian, this one is a bit difficult to deal with. The number one on the opposite side is also an emperor, and the number two and number three have two kings. 'The only favorite little orange king came back after spying on the military situation.

As soon as the words were finished, the three people in the Pipa live broadcast room each swiped 5 treasure maps, and the 15 treasure maps directly suppressed the PK value of the little loli.

Excluding the 41 treasure maps spent on the stage, Li Tian still has 65 treasure maps in his hand.

Is the more bullying the less?
Then, 15 cards were arranged in the past.

Currently flat.

Seeing that Li Tian could only tie at this time, the three big brothers on Pipa's side increased their confidence.

Another 15 cards were pushed up!
Seeing this, Li Tian simply released all the remaining 50 treasure maps in his hand.

The current situation is that Pipa has 30 cards and Little Lolita has 65 cards, which is a difference of 35 cards.

"Brother Emperor has refreshed my world view, I'm going to bed first, and I have to clock in at eight o'clock tomorrow." '

'Brother Wild is so wild! ! ! '

'The guy is going crazy again, Tuantuan is angry. '

'Brother Tiantian, Tuantuan said she has a stomachache, come back quickly! ! ! '

'Little Lolita must have a unique skill, the kind that can make people want to stop! '

Little Lolita couldn't care less about the barrage, her eyes turned into crescent moons, and she felt that she might be going crazy.

At the same time, Pipa's live broadcast room had a different atmosphere.

'This local tyrant's brother is too 6, are you sure he's not dazzled?Think of a treasure map as a light stick? ? '

'It's too difficult for the three big brothers, and it's hard to meet one who is desperate. '

'The guy opposite is a real boss! ! '

Pipa also issued a barrage in the live broadcast room: "Three brothers, Pipa thinks that the opposite side should be all brushed out." '

'Three good brothers, sister Pipa, please protect me! '

I have to say that this pipa master is definitely a scheming whore, she is worried that the gap is too big, and her fans will give up.

In that case, the tipping will stop accordingly.

It doesn't matter if you lose, but you must try your best to get all the gifts in the fans' hands.

She only seeks to maximize profits.

The so-called guild war is nothing more than a way to stimulate consumption, and those who are injured will always be in the pockets of the big brothers.

Therefore, unless you have a systematic pocket like Li Tian, ​​you still have to manage your pockets rationally.

Pipa tried her best, saying that the other party had already swiped all of them out so that fans could swip gifts in the final struggle.

Obviously, Pipa's goal has been achieved, and her family's eldest brother has spoken.

Monkey Brother (Pipa) Emperor: How many treasure maps can you arrange at most?
Canopy (pipa) king: 23 sheets, the last bullet is up.

Rolling shutter (pipa) king: After a calculation, there are 29 more.

Monkey Brother (Pipa) Emperor: Well, that’s fine, I’ll arrange 38 treasure maps, a total of 90 treasure maps, fight for the last one!

Nima, dare these three brothers not go to learn scriptures, but come here to brush pictures?

Did you fall into the pansi hole?
Where is Tang Seng?
Guard the pipa essence?
"Thank you three brothers, will Pipa give you one for each of you!" The anchor of Pipa burst into laughter, and the value of 90 treasure maps is equivalent to 45 yuan.

Whether she wins or loses tonight, her goal has been achieved.

Immediately, the public screen continued to rotate the news.

In a short time, all 90 treasure maps were scanned.

The three brothers stared at the PK bar with heavy hearts.

The current record is 120 for Pipa and 65 for Little Lolita.

next second.

'Congratulations to [Everyday Upward] for renewing [Emperor]*1 in the [Hanhan Little Lolita] live broadcast room'


The familiar picture floated in Little Lolita's live broadcast room again.

17 consecutive renewals.

Prior to this, Li Tian spent 99 yuan, 3 yuan for a renewal, 17 times in a row, and just spent 150 million yuan.

'Super God Emperor' Arrangement!
If you want to be promoted to the Super God Emperor, you must first open the 15 Emperor, and spend a total of 30 million within 150 days before you can upgrade to the Super God Emperor.

30 days?too long! ! !
It took Li Tian a few hours to meet the requirements.

There was a shake in the live broadcast room.

The fiery red Emperor's Medal directly transformed into a golden Super God Emperor's Medal!

The fiery red flying dragon Hao Ran turned into a glittering golden yellow flying dragon.

"Wow, all dog audiences, I'm going to be blinded by the flash, I'm dizzy!" Little Lolita had already gotten carried away, and shouted loudly, "Brother Tiantian is too powerful, little Lolita can't stand it anymore."

Li Tian's promotion to the Super God Emperor undoubtedly helped the little Lolita's live broadcast room attract a lot of heat.

'This big guy, please accept my knee. '

'Promoted to Super Emperor within a few hours, Big Brother Tiantian, you are No.1 on the platform. '

'I vomit, the boss has a gold mine at home? '

'Super God Emperor, your yellow robe is dirty, can I lick it for you? '

'Brother Tiantian, what a macho man. '

'Tuantuan, come out, I see you! ! '

'Haha, Tuantuan cried and passed out in the toilet. '


When the three brothers of the Pipa family saw that Li Tian was promoted to the Super God Emperor, they knew that the 90 treasure maps were lost, cold and hopeless.

The anchor Pipa looked at the little loli resentfully, why didn't he meet such a hunk wild brother?

Li Tian looked at the frantically swiping phone screen, shook his head, and directly swiped 112 treasure maps.

After 17 renewals, I got 56.1 Golden Bean Coupons, swiped 112 coupons, and all the remaining odds and ends have been processed!

The 177 treasure maps of Little Lolita are 120 more than Pipa's 57, not counting the gifts from small fans and passing water friends.

Now, victory is assured.


(End of this chapter)

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