Chapter 295 Sending Away the God of Plague

Li Tian raised his head upon hearing the sound, and then asked, "Is that lady satisfied?"

"Satisfied, more than half of her anger has disappeared!"

Hu Shiqin folded her hands in front of her body, nodded gracefully and said.

"That's good!"

Li Tian nodded lightly, and after dealing with the customer's affairs, he relieved his worries.

After all, the Lida supermarket chain has just opened, so it can't stand any trouble at this time.

at the same time.

Xie Wenbin, who was standing aside, clicked his tongue secretly.

Why did Hu Shiqin report to Li Tian about her work?
If Li Tian is Xiao Caizhe's friend, but Hu Shiqin can't be Li Tian's friend by such a coincidence, right?
This... Could it be...


Xie Wenbin took a deep breath, and then asked tentatively, "Director Hu, why did you report to this person?"

At this time, Xie Wenbin's tone changed, and he didn't dare to call Li Tian a kid anymore.

"You mean President Li?"

Hu Shiqin turned to look at Xie Wenbin.

"Mr. Li?"

Xie Wenbin asked a little messily.

"Yes, Li is always our boss, isn't it normal for me to report to him?"

Hu Shiqin nodded and said.

"He, he, is he really our boss?"

Xie Wenbin stuttered and said, "Impossible!"

"Mr. Li is the owner of the Lida supermarket chain!"

Hu Shiqin said firmly, "Except for the new employees these days, everyone else has met Mr. Li."

"No... this is the business license of our supermarket, Mr. Li is the legal representative, here is a copy of the ID card!"

She turned on the phone and handed the information stored in the phone to Xie Wenbin.

"Cough cough..."

Xie Wenbin took the phone and looked at it, and immediately coughed violently.

Followed by.

He looked at Li Tian with trepidation, and said softly, "Li, Mr. Li!"

"Are you sure I'm the boss now?"

Li Tian asked meaningfully.

"Okay, Mr. Li, listen to my explanation..."

Xie Wenbin nodded one after another, then stepped forward anxiously and said.

"Need not!"

Li Tian waved his hand, "Since I'm sure I'm the boss, pack up your things and leave now!"

In any case, Xie Wenbin cannot stay, so there is no need to waste any more words.

"Mr. Li, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, so I contradicted you!"

Xie Wenbin hurriedly said, "I also ask Mr. Li to give me a chance to make amends."


Li Tian slowly raised his eyes to look at Xie Wenbin.

"Yes, I hope President Li will give me another chance!"

Xie Wenbin nodded and said.

'Snapped! '

Li Tian slapped the table fiercely, immediately startling the people around him.

"Do you still have the face to ask me for a chance?"

"Dogs rely on people's power to bully customers!"

"Much ado about nothing, unreasonable!"

"Contentious, oppressive employees!"

"I can't tolerate any of the above, let alone you take all of them."

Originally, Li Tian just wanted to simply let Xie Wenbin leave, but when he heard that the other party wanted him to give him a chance, he immediately became angry.

"Mr. Li, please calm down. I am also starting for the benefit of the company."

Xie Wenbin was stunned by Li Tianxun, so he could only speak in a low voice.

"This is not for the benefit of the company, you are discrediting the company!"

Li Tian restrained his emotions a little, then waved his hand, "You don't need to say anything, just leave immediately!"

"Mr. Li..."

Xie Wenbin wanted to say something, but was stopped by Li Tian's raised hand.

At this moment, Li Tian didn't want to hear Xie Wenbin's voice anymore.

"In this case, I can only leave!"

Xie Wenbin saw that it was irreparable, so he continued, "Before I leave, Mr. Li should deal with Xiao Caizhe, he beat up the staff."

"Cough cough..."

Hearing this, Xiao Caizhe coughed twice, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

He didn't know how Li Tian would deal with this matter, but he did beat Xie Wenbin himself, so he was willing to be punished.

"Do you think you should fight?"

Li Tian asked seriously.


Xie Wenbin looked at Li Tian hesitantly.

"Mr. Xiao's beating you was authorized by me. If you have any questions, you can consult the relevant departments. I will take full responsibility for it!"

Li Tian said domineeringly.

For outstanding employees, Li Tian is still extremely defensive, so Xie Wenbin's plan to pull Xiao Caizhe into the water is doomed to fail.


Xiao Caizhe was moved in his heart, he didn't expect Li Tian to protect himself so straightforwardly.

While being moved, he secretly made up his mind that he must name the Lida supermarket chain in order to repay this kindness.

"Your way of letting employees go is doomed to fail to grow the company, so I don't care if I don't stay!"

In order to save the last bit of face, Xie Wenbin uttered a harsh word.

"Xie Wenbin, the development of the company has nothing to do with you, please leave immediately!"

At this time, Xiao Caizhe said with a gloomy face.

"Hmph, let's go!"

Xie Wenbin snorted coldly, then walked out of the office quickly.

Hu Shiqin followed closely behind, and she had to go through some related resignation procedures for Xie Wenbin.

After Xie Wenbin left, Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and finally sent the plague god away.

Followed by.

"Mr. Xiao, you are very responsible for this incident."

Li Tian said sternly.

"Yes, my negligence led to poor employment, and I ask Mr. Li to punish me."

Xiao Caizhe took all the responsibilities.

"Mr. Li, don't blame Mr. Xiao, I am in charge of Xie Wenbin's interview!"

Zheng Shuxiao next to her lowered her head, she didn't want to pass her fault on to others.

"Leaders dare to take responsibility, and subordinates take the initiative to admit mistakes!"

Li Tian said with a half-smile, "Forget about this time, don't make the same mistake again next time, do you hear me clearly?"

The performance of Xiao Caizhe and Zheng Shuxiao was very team spirit, and Li Tian was very pleased.

In an enterprise, the most worrying thing is that employees fight each other, exclude each other, and shirk each other's responsibilities. Such employees without team spirit are difficult to promote the steady development of the company.


Seeing that Li Tian didn't mean to punish Xiao Caizhe and himself, Zheng Shuxiao nodded happily.

"Mr. Li, such a thing will never happen again."

Xiao Caizhe responded unswervingly.

at the same time.

Hu Shiqin pushed the door open and walked in, "President Li, Xie Wenbin's matter has been settled."

"Okay, hard work!"

Li Tian folded his hands in front of Yuexiong, and asked with a smile, "By the way, Director Hu went to Shanghai to play this time, are you happy?"


Facing Li Tian who was changing so fast, Hu Shiqin obviously couldn't keep up with the rhythm, and then he reacted slowly and said, "Happy, happy, Shanghai is so beautiful."

"Is your daughter still used to the life there?"

Li Tian continued to ask.

Hu Shiqin:? ? ?


(End of this chapter)

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