Chapter 31
Luo Siying never expected that Li Tian would solve all the school's problems at once.

What kind of family can produce such outstanding people.

Overbearing! ! !

But, very handsome!

Zhao Xing shouted wildly in his heart, did Brother Tian really win [-] million?
But no matter what, Li Tian is willing to make such a great contribution to the school, which proves that this brother is generous and good-looking, and he can't help but feel deep admiration in his heart.

"God, don't you need to discuss it with your family first?" He Jiawei almost shouted Brother Tian.

"No, I'm in charge of the money at home." Li Tian joked.

Believe in your mouth, it is better to believe in a ghost.

"I don't know the details of the teaching building, but I heard from the principal that it seems to be in the early 2000 million." He Jiawei said truthfully.

"Then let's go to the principal's office?" Li Tian asked, "It's settled once and for all, we can also fill out the application."

Donate tens of millions?
Are you sure you want to fill in the volunteer application?

At this time, He Jiawei's thoughts were surprisingly consistent with those of other students.

"Don't... sit and drink tea." He Jiawei signaled Li Tian to sit down, "I'll call the principal to come down."

Now that someone is going to donate a huge amount of money to the school, why doesn't the principal come rushing over here?

Still need to go to the principal's office in person?
The He family did the same for this guy, deliberately asked the principal to come over, this was the first time he had such an opportunity, how could he let it go.

In a blink of an eye.

The headmaster really rushed to the office of the Academic Affairs Office in a hurry.

During this period of time, he begged his grandpa and grandma for donations everywhere, and those who were rejected were all autistic.

Now that such a great God of Wealth has come, how can he neglect it.

As soon as I entered the door, I started to shake hands with Li Tian and the three of them one by one, "Students will not forget their alma mater, and generously donated money to support their alma mater. On behalf of thousands of teachers and students in the school, I thank you."


Li Tian directly asked about the specific items and amount of the donation, and learned that there was a shortage of 760 million in bursaries, and 2100 million was needed for the school building.

When the school's financial accounting was completed, Li Tian took out his bank card from his wallet without saying a word, "Swipe 3000 million."

Schools have credit card service machines provided by major banks, mainly to facilitate the school's various aspects of income and expenditure.

All the people present were stunned, and they just asked a few questions, and they had to pay 3000 million directly.

Who can stand it?
The principal stared at Li Tian and nodded. This kid is so generous and will become a great talent in the future.

Director He is depressed, why didn't he find out that Li Tian is a super rich second generation before?If I found out earlier... Maybe I and the million-dollar luxury car will not be parallel forever.

Millionaire car?Still need a blind date?
He Jiawei looked at Li Tian with fiery eyes.

I don't know if Li Tian's family still lacks servants?
Luo Siying also refreshed her previous understanding of Li Tian, ​​from a quiet boy in class, to a 300 million luxury car after graduation, to the current 3000 million donation...

It can be said that Li Tian always creates surprises for people, oh no, it should be frightened...

Luo Siying couldn't understand Li Tian anymore, what kind of mysterious treasure boy is this?
next second.


After successfully swiping the card, Li Tian and the other three walked away gracefully under the astonished eyes of the principal and other leaders.

"Master He, there is such a good student in the school, yet you let him sit in the academic affairs office frequently." The principal reprimanded, "This is corporal punishment. This is a serious mistake in your teaching. You are limited to hand in [-] words before tomorrow." Review instructions!"


Nima! !
This boss seems to be found by him.

In a blink of an eye, he became a backer.

"Such a good student who does not hold grudges must be a role model for the school's publicity!" The principal said approvingly, "I have decided that the school's newly completed teaching building will be named [Li Tianlou], as a role model for all freshmen and the goal they pursue. .”

The voice just fell.

'Ding, congratulations to the host for winning the honor of being famous for future generations (nomination of the teaching building), rewarding a [Appearance] card and a [Open mouth] card, permanent English skills (master level), and 100 system points. "

Remarks: Open mouth, use it on the corresponding target, can make it speak the truth within 10 minutes.

Unexpected reward?
Li Tian thought the system was turned off, "Use the beauty card." '

'Ding, the host has increased his appearance by 2 points. '

Host: Li Tian

Level: 2 (105/300)

Skills: English
Face value: 83
Points: 10410
Mall: Primary

Items: [Sentimental photo] card*1, [Open mouth] card*1
Investment: None


Li Tian checked the value of the permanent English proficiency master level, and the system actually sold it directly to 1000 system points.

And you need an advanced mall to buy permanent skills.

"Siying, do you think I'm different?" Li Tian reminded Luo Siying.

"Huh?" Luo Siying glanced at Li Tian, ​​"Huh..."

Luo Siying didn't speak, only her blushing face.

next moment.

Due to the delay in the Academic Affairs Office, when the three of Li Tian returned to the classroom, almost all the students in the class were present.

For a moment, all the students looked at the three people at the door.

There are all kinds of eyes.

There is jealousy.

There is anger.


Why are talented and beautiful people happily together, they only have to watch?

Zeng Xiaopeng stared at Li Tian and Luo Siying resentfully.

"Three students, go back to your seats." Cai Jiebin, the head teacher, said to the door from the podium.

"Today, I would first like to praise the students with excellent grades."

"The first thing I want to praise is Luo Siying, who scored seventh in the college entrance examination." Cai Jiebin looked at Luo Siying with satisfaction. This is the outstanding student he trained.

"Next there are Shen Yuanqing, Tang Jing, Qiao Xiaoyun, Zeng Xiaopeng..."

"There are also Li Tian, ​​Zhou Xue, and Zhao Xing who have made great progress..."

"The second thing, on behalf of the school, I would like to thank two students, Zeng Xiaopeng and Tang Jing..."

"Teacher!" Tang Jing raised her little hand as a gesture.

Cai Jiebin suddenly realized and nodded.

Tang Jing donated 100 million to the school's bursary fund, but she didn't want to be known, so she also greeted Cai Jiebin in advance.

"The list is a bit off..." Cai Jiebin tried to smooth things over, "Student Zeng Xiaopeng specially donated 20 yuan to help the school's poor students go to school. Everyone applauds."

At this time, Zeng Xiaopeng stood up while applauding, with a smile all over his face, "Teacher, let me say a few words!"

Cai Jiebin didn't understand what Zeng Xiaopeng was doing. This classmate fell in love with the podium too much, right?

But he still took two steps to the side and gave up the podium to Zeng Xiaopeng.

"Students!" Zeng Xiaopeng raised his voice, pressed his hands together, and then pressed on both sides of the podium.

"Originally, I did not intend to make this good thing public, but... before I had time to explain the situation to the teacher, he announced it..." Zhou Xiaopeng said with a helpless look.

Cai Jiebin: "..."

But even though Cai Jiebin took the blame, he did not expose Zeng Xiaopeng.

Because he did donate 20 yuan, which is the last time to endure him.

"Then, I want to clarify one thing with my classmates..."

(End of this chapter)

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