Chapter 33
In the blink of an eye, Zeng Xiaopeng had straightened his entire body, standing in front of the principal and school leaders.

Both Luo Siying and Zhaoxing knew the truth, and they seemed to be on the verge of laughing out loud.


This Zeng Xiaopeng is really a wonder.

This time Luo Siying also looked like she was watching the show. She thought of Zeng Xiaopeng's belittlement of others just now, and she felt that it was fair to make him look ugly.

wrong! ! !Why do I always involuntarily favor Li Tian, ​​and still feel nervous about him?
Right! ! !I am an upright person, and I want to speak out for justice!

the other side.

The principal looked at Zeng Xiaopeng in confusion, "What do you want?"

"This... doesn't the principal want to thank the students who have contributed to the school?" Cai Jiebin looked at the principal, then at Zeng Xiaopeng.

Zeng Xiaopeng nodded fiercely, "I, it's me, the principal!"

The principal was speechless, this student in front of him seemed to have something wrong?

"It's not you, get out of the way!" The principal swept away Zeng Xiaopeng who was blocking the way with one hand, "What's wrong with Teacher Jiebin, why did you let this classmate make trouble here?"

at the same time.

"Tian'er... Li Tian, ​​classmate Li Tian!" The principal standing on the podium immediately saw Li Tian in the last row, and beckoned, "Hurry up, all the leading teachers are waiting to present you with awards!"

The principal's attitude towards Li Tian is so warm?
What Luo Siying said... 3000 million! ! !

The whole class gasped.

With Luo Siying's credibility and the principal's attitude at this time, 3000 million is a sure thing.

Real hammer!
Class 38 of high school produced a super god!
"Forget about presenting the award!" Li Tian waved his hand, "It's just a little care, don't mention it!"

"Everyone take a look, take a look, Li Tian has done good deeds and is so humble, this kind of spirit is worth learning." The principal praised Li Tian up, "Student Li Tian, ​​don't refuse, this time you do this It's too big to hide."

"Principal, I have something to say!" Zeng Xiaopeng stepped forward, "In what name did Li Tian donate? How much?"

Zeng Xiaopeng felt that the Shizun Group was backing Li Tian again, so he had to find out in what name Li Tian was donating. He didn't believe the 3000 million nonsense.

"We want to thank Li Tian, ​​of course Li Tian donated in his own name." The principal responded.

"In his own name?" Zeng Xiaopeng was puzzled.

Could it be that Li Tian asked for money from that Zhou Yunchen?
In his opinion, even if Li Tian wants money, it won't be too much.

Immediately afterwards, "Principal, how much did Li Tian donate in his own name? Is it more than 20?" Zeng Xiaopeng asked tentatively.

"This classmate, if you make trouble again, get out!" the principal said impatiently.

Is this person a student at the school?
It's not like at all. Can Guangshen No. [-] Middle School cultivate students with this kind of thinking?
"Principal, I'm not making trouble. Li Tian's money is not his own, it's all given by the female president of Shizun Group." Zeng Xiaopeng couldn't restrain himself, and said it out completely.

"Teacher Jiebin, get out!" The principal was about to get angry.

"Principal, why do you bombard me? I am a top student in the school, and I donated 20 yuan to the school. If I want to bombard, I will also bombard Li Tian, ​​a poor student." Zeng Xiaopeng said emotionally.

"Just because you slander other students at will, I can't tolerate you in this classroom." The principal cast a glance at Zeng Xiaopeng, "Good or bad grades don't represent everything about a student. Our school values ​​character more."

"I now have doubts about your classmate's conduct." The principal said bluntly.

"You..." Zeng Xiaopeng said firmly, "I'm not slandering, he is the boyfriend of President Zhou of the World Honored Group. He did this to discredit our school."

"The school's bursary this year is in such a predicament because the Shizun Group can't afford it." The principal paused and looked at Zeng Xiaopeng, "Do you think they can still give Li Tian 3000 million?"

As soon as the principal's words fell, the eyes of the whole class were all on Li Tianyi.

"What? Three thousand..." Zeng Xiaopeng couldn't believe it, "How is this possible?"

"Students, Li Tian not only helped poor students in the whole school, but also donated all the expenses needed for the construction of a whole new teaching building."

The next second, the principal solemnly announced, "Our school leaders have unanimously decided that the new teaching building will be named after Li Tian."

The whole class was completely overwhelmed, and their eyes were full of envy when they looked at Li Tian.

Students who have just graduated can donate an entire teaching building and be nominated by the teaching building, which is impossible for each of them.

"By the way, Teacher Jiebin, regarding this classmate's graduation comments, we must be objective and fair. This is our responsibility to our school and every university." The principal said staring at Zeng Xiaopeng.

The principal's intention is self-evident, that is, to include Zeng Xiaopeng's performance in the admission evaluation. Every university will refer to the evaluation when selecting students.

"No, no, I have always been the top student in the school...the school can't do this." Zeng Xiaopeng also heard the principal's meaning, clenched his fists, and shouted in his heart.

Isn't Li Tian Zhou Yunchen's male favourite?

All his own?
Impossible, impossible, how could this be?
Wrong inference?
Zeng Xiaopeng is upset at the moment, but he understands that if he wants to restore the school's good opinion of him, he can only admit his mistake and apologize.

In a blink of an eye, "Principal, this, this may be a misunderstanding. I am also eager to correct Li Tian's mistakes and restore the school's reputation." Zeng Xiaopeng gritted his teeth and said.

Want to act again?
Li Tian didn't agree this time.

'System, use the [Open Speech] card on Zeng Xiaopeng. '

'Ding, the use is successful, start the countdown, 3, 2, 1..."

At this time, Zeng Xiaopeng was about to apologize to Li Tian, ​​when suddenly, "Li Tian, ​​I have tolerated you for a long time!"

No, how did you speak your mind?
"Li Tian, ​​I hate you. Why do you spoil my good deeds every time? Why do you have so much money?"

"And you, what's so great about the principal, it's just a fart, look at your dead pig head, I vomited."

Hearing Zeng Xiaopeng's words, the headmaster held his breath, and he really looked alike.

Li Tian smiled, it's interesting in this way, let's let go of what's in your heart.

"Zeng Xiaopeng!" Cai Jiebin shouted.

"What are you yelling about? You flirt with the female teacher every day, and you don't look in the mirror. You're in the Mediterranean."

Cai Jiebin: "..."

"And you, Shen Yuanqing, every time you surpass me in grades, you will be self-righteous. I don't even bother to compare you with your poor appearance. I feel disgusted when I see you."

"Liang Zhuang, your English is a joke, and it will be the same after ten years of study. Don't beep all day long."

"Zhaoxing, if I hadn't been unable to beat you, I would have punched you..."

"Luo Siying, don't think that I like you so much, I just want to get you and play with you.

"By the way, Tang Jing, I think you are a sullen type. Every time I think of you at night, I can't sleep."

"It's a showdown, stop pretending, my goal is to take all the beautiful female students in the class for myself..."


(End of this chapter)

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