Chapter 398

"Boss Tai, I'm Feng Bao, I'm here to find you in a hurry."

"I don't know if you are busy with something, please forgive me for disturbing you."

Feng Bao said anxiously.

The purpose of coming here this time is to ask Deng Hongtai to come out and help solve Li Tian's affairs. If he is angered now, let alone helping, whether he can get out of his body is a big problem.

"Feng Bao?"

After hesitating for a moment, Deng Hongtai slowly remembered Feng Bao, so he asked calmly, "Is there anything urgent for me?"

"Boss Tai, is it convenient for me to go in and talk about it in detail?"

Seeing that the other party's tone softened, Feng Bao asked to enter the office for a detailed discussion.

"Yeah, come in!"

Deng Hongtai responded lightly.

Although he was irritated by Feng Bao's interruption, he still wanted to see if the other party could bring him any good projects.

next second.

'Crack! '

Feng Bao opened the door gently, then poked his head cautiously, and shouted with a smile on his face, "Boss Tai!"

However, when he saw the delicate woman on Deng Hongtai's lap, his face was slightly embarrassed.

It seems that it is really a good thing for me to disturb the other party.

"Don't stand still, come in and sit!"

Deng Hongtai beckoned, and at the same time patted the woman's buttocks and said, "You go out first, I want to talk about something."

"Hurry up, don't make people wait too long!"

The delicate woman teased Deng Hongtai's crescent muscles and said.

"Understood, little horse flea."

Deng Hongtai stared at the woman with extremely possessive eyes and said.

next moment.

When the delicate woman exits the office.

Deng Hongtai walked slowly to the sofa opposite Feng Bao and sat down, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Boss Tai, I want you to help me clean up a student."

Feng Bao said straight to the point.

"Pick up a student?"

Deng Hongtai frowned, and said with displeasure, "You can solve this kind of trivial matter by yourself, don't bother me with small things."

He was very disapproving of what Feng Bao said. A small student, so he needs to be used as a big boss?

A big shot in the world to bully a college student?
If this matter gets out, won't it be ridiculed by the brothers on the road?

"Boss Tai, I, I can't solve it."

Feng Bao said embarrassingly, "He has no fewer people than me in the school, and there are quite a few local associations supporting him."

"Last time, our two sides confronted each other, and in the end, I suffered a disadvantage and withdrew."

He wanted to ask Deng Hongtai to come forward to help, so he didn't make any excuses, but told the actual situation truthfully.

"You're trash."

Deng Hongtai glared at Feng Bao sternly, "There is a lot of people, and fighting depends not on the number of people, but on the momentum, do you understand?"

"In the territory of Nanzhou, I alone can be worth thousands of troops."

"Even hearing my name, the other party ran away."

"This is the crushing of momentum, do you understand?"

"Of course, except for my eldest brother."

Deng Hongtai said confidently.

For a moment, he thought that his big brother, Pang Wu, had made a comeback and had swept half of Nanzhou city within a few days. This is the aura of a real king returning.

As long as Pang Wu, the big brother, regains control of Nanzhou City, he will not only be able to eat and drink with the club, but also have a great opportunity to go further.

After all, he was still the main participant in the Ge Ying incident last night. Although he was at the back of the team, this did not affect Deng Hongtai's vision for the future at all.

As a person under Pang Wu's line, even if he can't be a hall master in the future, at least he will have a chance to be a club officer, right?
"Boss Tai taught me a lesson!"

Feng Bao nodded bitterly, and then asked tentatively, "Is the big brother that Boss Tai mentioned just now, the famous Pang Wu who once dominated Nanzhou?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Boss Pang, you can call him by his first name?"

Deng Hongtai scolded with a serious face.

"Yes yes yes... Boss Tai, my younger brother made a slip of the tongue, don't be angry."

Seeing Deng Hongtai's reaction, Feng Bao broke out in a cold sweat.

He was right in guessing that Deng Hongtai was indeed on the line of Pang Wu, but unfortunately the relationship was a bit far away, and he could get a glimpse of it from the big brother in the other party's mouth.

"Forget it this time, and take care of your mouth next time."

Deng Hongtai waved his hand and said.


Feng Bao repeatedly nodded in agreement, then hesitated to speak in a low voice, "Boss Tai, what I told you just now..."

"These things about bullying students hurt my reputation in Jianghu."

Deng Hongtai politely refused.

"But... Boss Tai, I came to you for help because I really had nothing to do."

Seeing the other party's refusal, Feng Bao became anxious all of a sudden. He had already received 10 yuan from Lei Hong.

When he thought of the funds, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and then took out an envelope from his satchel and said, "By the way, I was so busy chatting that I even forgot to bring a gift to honor Mr. Tai."

Before that, he had considered that Deng Hongtai might reject him, so he withdrew 2 yuan in cash in advance for emergency needs, and it really came in handy.

As long as Deng Hongtai can accept [-] yuan and agree to this matter, he will earn [-] yuan every time he goes back and forth, which is a very good deal.


Deng Hongtai, who was half lying on the sofa, moved his eyes slightly, and then said with a smile on his face, "Not bad, you really have a heart, you know how to respect your elders."

"Boss Tai, although I know you won't be short of these little money, but I really treat you as my own brother, otherwise I wouldn't be able to spend all my living expenses to honor you."

Feng Bao responded emotionally.

"All living expenses?"

Deng Hongtai sat up straight slowly, and at the same time took the envelope handed over by Feng Bao, squeezed it lightly and said, "Twenty thousand... It really is a rich family with so little money, and there are so many living expenses in a month."

"Boss Tai, this is the living expenses for one semester."

Feng Bao defended feebly.

"Okay, okay, don't keep a low profile, kid, I've heard it before, you spend every night in nightclubs."

Deng Hongtai waved his hand to deny Feng Bao's statement, and then said with a smile, "As a brother, I have already felt my brother's sincerity."

"Be a brother, in your heart!"

He pushed open the drawer and put the envelope away, then hammered Hammer Moon Hung's mouth to express.

"Yes, it is enough for Boss Tai to feel his brother's good intentions."

Feng Baoqiang responded with a smile.

Originally, when he was talking about all living expenses, seeing Deng Hongtai straighten his body, he thought that Deng Hongtai was moved by him, and he was going to return part of the filial piety money.

In the was entirely because I was thinking too much, daydreaming!

Deng Hongtai is simply a poisonous snake and beast, eating people without spitting out bones.


(End of this chapter)

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