Chapter 40 Tang Jing's Smile

"Well, how many aunts does General Zan have?"

"Pfft..." Tang Jing finally couldn't help laughing.

"I finally saw you smiling." Li Tian continued, "You look so pretty when you smile, like a spring flower."

"Smile more often, don't always be cold."

"Hmm!" Tang Jing became quiet again, as if she was thinking about something.

Seeing this, Li Tian greeted, "Then shall I accompany you to get the gift?"

Tang Jing nodded, and then quietly followed behind Li Tian.

At the entrance of the hotel, Zanyou had already arranged an extended version of the Range Rover, waiting for Li Tian and Tang Jing.

"Paragon." Tang Jing said softly after getting into the car.

"Okay, Miss Tang."

This Zanyou is still a careful person, and the driver also arranged for a person who speaks the same language.

In less than 10 minutes, Li Tian and Tang Jing arrived at Paragon. As soon as they entered the shopping mall, they were greeted by a strong smell of money.

Located in the center of Qinggu, Paragon is a very popular shopping center with many brands and more than 250 stores. Generally speaking, it is a paradise for shopping for luxury goods.

After getting out of the car, Tang Jing was a few steps ahead of Li Tian, ​​leading the way.

"Are you familiar with this place?" Li Tian rushed a few steps and stood side by side with Tang Jing.

"Well, I came here a few times when I came to play before." Tang Jing responded.

"Where do we go now?"

"Uncle Zan bought me a Cartier bracelet." Tang Jing glanced at Li Tian beside him and said.

Li Tian lamented that Zanyou still understood these things, as expected of someone with several aunts.

No, Tang Jing hadn't answered his question just now.

"No, you haven't told me, how many aunts do you have?" Li Tian raised his eyebrows and said with a smirk.

Hearing this, Tang Jing laughed again, "Why didn't I find you so gossip before?"


Is this the experience of learning from the predecessors?
Standing on the shoulders of giants understand?
Newton: I understand that.

"Then what was I like before?" Li Tian asked.

"You?" Tang Jing thought about it seriously, "Well... you are not very active in class, and you don't like to talk."

"Hmm... and I don't seem to have a good temper, and I'm easily impulsive."

"By the way, you are very good at basketball."

How could this woman tell so much about herself?
Looking at Tang Jing's serious appearance, "What else?"

"Hmm... I can't remember." Tang Jing shook her head.

"Isn't he handsome?" Li Tian wondered, it's hard to tell?

After all, even Luo Siying was amazed by her appearance.

This sudden question undoubtedly made Tang Jing laugh again.

"Are you so thick-skinned?" Tang Jing had a smile on her face.

"Please answer my question seriously."

"I won't tell you." Tang Jing walked two steps faster after speaking.

It is undeniable that Tang Jing paid attention to Li Tian in school.

People are good-looking, and they play basketball better. How can they not attract the attention of girls?

From the very beginning, she thought of Li Tian's advantage, but she didn't think it was appropriate to say it.

Walking into the Cartier store, a saleswoman greeted her enthusiastically, "Ms. Tang, hello!"

Tang Jing smiled and nodded, "I'm here to pick up the bracelet Mr. Zan pre-ordered."

"Okay, this way please." The saleswoman led the two of them into the VIP area, "Miss Tang, please sit down, I'll fetch it for you."

The saleswoman's attitude proved that Tang Jing was a regular customer of this store.

Sitting on the sofa, Li Tian and Tang Jing were waiting quietly.

At this moment.

"Miss Cheng, here is the necklace you ordered." A male salesman who walked into the VIP area said.

Li Tian looked in the direction of the voice and found a familiar figure.

But at this time, her back was facing Li Tian.

Cheng Yuanyuan?
How is she here?
Opposite Cheng Yuanyuan, there was a middle-aged man sitting, his hand wearing a gold watch was resting on his big beer belly, which was very conspicuous.

This is too greasy!
If it wasn't for Cheng Yuanyuan's special being 0, at this moment he would have misunderstood whether this starlet was a sugar daddy.

"Bring me the bill, and I'll pay later." The middle-aged man's loud voice resounded throughout the VIP area.

This guy is arrogant?
next second.

Cheng Yuanyuan said in a panic, "No, no, I've already paid when I made the reservation."

She was obviously intimidated by the loud voice of the middle-aged man.

"Have you paid?" The middle-aged man rubbed his belly and said with a smile, "Then choose another one, and I'll give it to you."

"No need!" Cheng Yuanyuan's tone was firm, and he opened the box smoothly.

"Hehe, this necklace is as beautiful as yours." The middle-aged man said and stood up, "Come here, I'll help you wear it."

this?Stinking rogue?
Li Tian frowned.

Cheng Yuanyuan heard the middle-aged man's words, and suddenly moved to the edge of the sofa next to him, "No, no, Mr. Na, I'll do it myself."

She looked like a frightened bird now.

"Don't be shy, just wear a necklace, can I still eat it?" The middle-aged man laughed, and then leaned over.

"Mr. Na, please show some respect..."

same second.

"Miss Cheng, are you here too?" Li Tian's voice sounded from behind Cheng Yuanyuan.

At this moment, he was already standing behind Cheng Yuanyuan, his burly figure was looking down at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was a head shorter than Li Tian, ​​and felt oppressed when he raised his head.

"Li, Mr. Li?" Cheng Yuanyuan regained his composure, turned his head and said.

The middle-aged man was spoiled by Li Tian, ​​with a dissatisfaction on his face, he sat back where he was just now, "Who is this?"

Facing the middle-aged man's inquiry, Cheng Yuanyuan still introduced, "This is Mr. Li, my...friend."

She hesitated for a moment, and still said the word "friend" out of nowhere.

It's just that I feel helpless, my friend doesn't even know his name.

Then he looked at Li Tian, ​​"This is Na Luo, Mr. Na is the general manager of the Tan Group in charge of film and television investment."

It turned out that this was the investor Cheng Yuanyuan was looking for.

Li Tian didn't pay attention to Na Luo's meaning, just looked at Cheng Yuanyuan, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." Cheng Yuanyuan shook his head vigorously, but he couldn't hide the grievance on his face.

She would have cried if she could.

It's just that her inner strength doesn't allow her to do this.

What's more, now that she is in a foreign land, this person surnamed Tan has very close relationships in both black and white in T country, and she doesn't want to involve other people.

All the grievances can only be swallowed in the stomach.

"Miss Cheng, take your things and go." Naro reminded that he didn't want to see Li Tian for a moment, getting in the way and ruining his good deeds.

"Mr. Na, I can just go back by myself." Na Luo's actions just now made Cheng Yuan Yuan instinctively refuse.

"It's still early." Naro shook the gold watch, "I'll accompany you to pick up the necklace, and you'll accompany me to buy a watch. This is reciprocity, right?"

"Also, my Rolex has been used for several months, it's time to change to a Patek Philippe."

Na Luo deliberately showed off his muscles in front of Cheng Yuanyuan and Li Tian, ​​and by the way, he wanted Li Tian to know how far he was from him.

Li Tian's hands are empty, but he can see it, and his eyes are even more disdainful.

Can't even afford a CK?

"This..." Cheng Yuanyuan paused, and was quickly thinking about the reason for the rejection.

Naro's voice sounded again.


(End of this chapter)

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