Chapter 419
"Are you OK?"

Li Tian asked with concern.

"Don't worry third brother, I can still stand it."

Ye Fan tried his best to calm down his tense breath.

"Okay, go and help others!"

Li Tian said lightly, "Leave this mad dog to me."

"The tone is very loud!"

As soon as the strong man's words came out, he hit Li Tian with a heavy right uppercut.

'boom! '

Li Tian blocked it with his elbow quickly.

Even so, there was still a tingling feeling in his arm, which showed the strength of the other party.

No wonder Ye Fan turned blue when he resisted, it seems that the other party really has something.

"A fist the size of a sandbag?"

Li Tian smiled coldly, and then twisted his arms a few times.

At this moment.

"Big one, teach this kid a lesson."

Xiaoqing roared loudly in the distance.

"Understood Brother Qing!"

The strong man nodded, and then made a reassuring gesture.

Followed by.

He smiled sinisterly, "Are you ready? I'm here again."

same second.

'Hoo hoo! '

This time, the strong man chose to punch in a straight line.

Seeing this, Li Tian tilted his head to dodge, and followed the opponent's two consecutive punches, he didn't dare to dodge continuously.

In the last moment, Li Tian suffered from head-to-head encounters, so he carefully dodged while looking for opportunities.

"Hehe, kid, you're quite flexible!"

The strong man said jokingly.

"Hehe... You can't hit me, you can't hit me, are you angry?"

Li Tian deliberately wanted to annoy the other party, which made the other party mess up.

"The soul is pale!"

"Huo... die."

After the strong man sent out an uppercut, he quickly hit Li Tian with a backhand.

Due to his high speed, Li Tian could only block the opponent's heavy punch with his hands bent in front of his head when he couldn't dodge.

'boom! '


What a ghost, Li Tian felt the 'buzzing' sound coming from his hands.

As expected of a person who smashes sandbags every day, his foundation is indeed much better than ordinary people.

" it cool?"

The brawny man twirled his thick fist, molesting Li Tian again.


Li Tian spat on the ground.

"I hope you can carry it longer, otherwise it won't be fun."

The strong man stared at Li Tian with a half-smile and said, "Come on, let's continue!"

next second.

He took two steps and approached Li Tian's body.


Li Tian stepped back without thinking. At this moment, his arm was still numb. If he resisted a few more times, he might start trembling like Ye Fan.

"I see how long you can hide?"

The strong man said nonchalantly, and then threw several punches in a row.

at the same time.

"Grass mud horse!"

As the curse fell, Ye Fan waved the brick in his hand and smashed it at the strong man.

He just walked away, just to find something.

"court death!"

The strong man threw a punch at the falling brick.

"Bang Ka..."

The bricks shattered.

Followed by.

He kicked sideways, and Ye Fan flew three or four meters away with a bang.


I saw Ye Fan lying on the ground clutching his stomach and swearing.

At this moment, Li Tian took advantage of this gap and punched him.

'Boom boom boom! '

He punched the strong man's head with all his might.

When the other party reacted, Li Tian had already opened the distance again.

"That's it?"

The strong man wiped his head vigorously, then twisted his neck and said, "Boy, you have successfully angered me."

"In 1 minute, I didn't put you down, and I will follow your surname from now on!"

Let's talk, he rushed to Li Tian angrily.

Different from the past, this time the brawny man made a real fuss, after all, it hurt Li Tian very embarrassingly.

This scene made Li Tian tense all over. He clenched his fists and prepared to meet the opponent's onslaught with a solemn face.

Blink of an eye.

The strong man has come in front of Li Tian.

This time, he kicked first as usual, and Li Tian dodged in panic.

However, the strong man's kick was just a feint, and the real power was the heavy punch that followed.

Unfortunately, it was too late when Li Tian felt something was wrong, so he could only take another shot and forcefully took the punch.

The effect of force is mutual, but in front of the absolutely dominant force, Li Tian was helplessly shaken back several steps.

'boom! '

'boom! '

The strong man didn't stop for a moment, he stuck to Li Tian's body tightly and punched.

At this time, even though Li Tian wanted to resist, he could only resist.

Heart is more than enough!

'boom! '

Li Tian's left hand was bent into an inverted V shape to block the strong man's uppercut, and then his right elbow shot out and hit the opponent's chest.

This is a typical personal punch for a punch, otherwise it is not a long-term solution to always resist.

'Crack! '

The strong man lightly swept his chest, and then said lightly, "You can use a little more force."

Li Tian:? ? ?
There are many question marks on his face at this time.

I obviously worked very hard, could it be that this big guy really didn't feel anything?


Fortunately, Xiaoqing, who is the leader, is watching a play in the distance. If he also joins in, then he can only choose to run as the best policy.

It stands to reason that he is at a disadvantage now, it is time for Gu Ying to make a move, why is there no one?
At the same time, he gritted his teeth and cursed at the strong man, "Silly X!"

"I see how long you can keep your mouth shut?"

The strong man didn't give Li Tian time to rest, and immediately launched a fierce offensive again.

With the passage of time, the situation on the court slowly changed, and the shortcomings of Li Tian's side were gradually revealed, and the disadvantages were gradually increasing.

'Ho! '

'Ho! '

The strong man swung his fists with two steps and one punch.

At this moment.

Due to the numbness of Li Tian's arm, the pain has weakened a lot, but as time went by, he was somewhat unable to withstand the opponent's offensive.

What was even more deadly was that on the way he kept retreating, he happened to trip over a roadside ladder, and his body fell backwards unsteadily.


Just when he was about to get up quickly, the strong man's fist hit his head directly.

Seeing that avoidance was inevitable, Li Tian shrank his body in a natural reaction, ready to bear this heavy blow.

'boom! '

It was too late to say it, and at this critical moment, an unknown object suddenly flew in the distance and hit the strong man's head.

When Li Tian reacted, not only did he find that he was unharmed, but the strong man also screamed and fell in front of him.

look around...

I saw a figure slowly walking out of the darkness.

Is it finally here?
Seeing the person coming, Li Tian finally sat on the ground with peace of mind and panted heavily.

The black shadow walked into the crowd lightly, and suddenly jumped up with swift movements, stepped on one person's neck, and then kicked another person's head with force.

In the blink of an eye, he had already kicked the two of them away.

Afterwards, the black shadow shuttled through the crowd, and wherever it went, the sound of falling to the ground and screams could be heard endlessly.


(End of this chapter)

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