Chapter 42 Naro's Rage
next moment.

Naro's face was very ugly. He was very annoyed and took a deep breath.

"What kind of crap are these? Take something so cheap?" Naro yelled.

The salesman next to Naro was at a loss. He was fine just now, so why did he lose his temper all of a sudden.

The few models he brought were also arranged according to Naro's intentions. How could they become broken things in a blink of an eye?

However, no matter how annoyed he is in his heart, he must control his emotions.

The customer is God, which is the first thing he should know when he joins Patek Philippe.

At this time, how could Na Luo not know the grievance of the salesman, but he couldn't help it. Originally, he really asked the salesman to get those tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of styles, but Li Tian suddenly killed him, so he could only throw the blame on him. Sales face off.

He couldn't lose face in front of this lingering kid.

Anyway, Naro thinks that a small sale has to bear hardships.

Who told him that he was the uncle who came to consume.

The beautiful female saleswoman standing beside Li Tian sighed secretly, it was so miserable, they were most afraid of meeting such customers, and it was difficult to serve them.

"Go, change some styles of around 20 yuan, these tens of thousands of street stalls, take them away, it's disgusting." Naro said to the salesman.

He sat up straight after speaking, "Ahem..."

Immediately, he became more confident.

The salesman also squeezed out a smile and nodded, "Okay, I'll change some styles for you."

Around 20 million?
You can almost hear it downstairs?
What's going on?
Li Tian almost laughed, and invited Tang Jing to sit on the sofa next to Cheng Yuanyuan and the others.

'Ding, trigger a random task: Severely hit Naro's arrogance. '

'Choose one, accept the challenge, and get [300 million consumption cashback card] and 100 system points. '

'Choose [-], ignore it, and get the achievement of [Timid as a Mouse] and a Disney limited edition Mickey doll.

'Shut up, system. Li Tian said silently in his heart, "Choose one." '

In the past two days, the system has always come to disturb his mentality. Now as long as the system sounds in his mind, Li Tian has to listen carefully, fearing that one day he chooses the wrong one and directly sacrifices to the sky. .

However, having said that, the system still understands Li Tian quite well, so if you come to the mission at this time, it will be even more powerful.

at this time.

Na Luo glanced at Li Tian disdainfully, with an immature face, who is not over 20 years old, dare to come directly to Patek Philippe for consumption?
Are you sure you didn't come here for a free cold drink?

"I said this Mr. Li, are you also here to buy watches?" Naro asked angrily.

Immediately, "Oh... yes, for my friend's birthday, I can buy any as a gift." Li Tian raised his legs.

What a big breath.

Just buy it?
What are you bragging about?
Naro was so angry that his teeth were itching, but after another thought, "Mr. Li still needs to be cautious. I have a comprehensive understanding of the brand Patek Philippe. I can help you pick some popular ones later, so that the value will increase quickly."

After talking a lot, if you don't know him, you may think Naro is a nice guy.

But he has another plan. Didn't Li Tian say that he would buy it casually?I will pick some expensive ones for him later, and see how he can get on stage.

If you can't afford it?
He had already thought up all his lines, and he definitely made Li Tian feel ashamed.

Li Tian naturally understands Naro's calculations, but no matter how many tricks he has, he can't help but have more than [-] million in his card.

Is this human?

"It doesn't matter if it adds value, the main thing is that the style is good-looking and my friends like it." Li Tiantian said calmly.

Naro: "..."

Give him a step to go to heaven?

This kid really doesn't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is, how deep is Patek Philippe's water?
However, he still held back his anger, and was going to wait until Li Tian couldn't pay the money before firing.

Just when Naro was about to speak, "Boss Qi, are you here?"

"Naro, are you coming to see me?" Boss Qi stopped in his tracks.

"No, I just want to buy a watch, and I will also buy one for Miss Cheng." Naro explained, and told the boss Qi that he might buy two.

"Yeah!" Boss Qi nodded, and said to the people behind him, "Xiao Lin, I'll give this Mr. Naro a [-]% discount later."

"Okay, boss." The person behind responded.

"Then you pick one, I'll go to work first!" Boss Qi said, just as he turned around, he glanced at Li Tian who was sitting on the sofa, then shook his head, and rubbed his temple gently with his left hand, as if recalling wearing something.

"Okay, Boss Qi, you are busy with your work." Naro waved at Boss Qi's back.

Naro, who turned around and walked back to his seat, supported his stomach with his right hand, and said with a smile, obviously it was very useful to the boss who asked for a discount just now.

It's not just a matter of discounting.

It's even more of a face.

"Miss Cheng, this Qi Mao, Boss Qi, is my brother." Naro gave a thumbs up and gestured back and forth, "Not to mention this Patek Philippe, but the Patek Philippe watches in the entire country T are all represented by him."

Afterwards, Naro also loudly advocated, obviously wanting to show Cheng Yuanyuan his connections, so as to get more points for winning this little star tonight.

Li Tian learned from Naro's words that this person named Qi Mao was the owner of this Patek Philippe, but in his opinion, the relationship between the two was not as evil as Naro said.

He believes that from the beginning of the conversation between the two, to Qi Mao's indifferent attitude towards Naro, and finally casually confessing to leave with a discount, it can be seen that the relationship and status of the two are not equal.

'It turns out that this person has an unusual relationship with the boss, no wonder he spoke so rudely just now. '

'do not you know?Just now he reported the boss's name as soon as he came in, otherwise he said at the beginning that he wanted to buy a watch with a price of tens of thousands, how could he go up to the VIP room on the second floor? '

'Oh I got it. '

The two salesmen whispered something.

At this time, Na Luo may have said that he was tired, and returned to his seat. While sitting down, he glanced at Li Tian arrogantly, with obvious meaning.

Boy, this is the network, you are still young! !
At the same time, the two salesmen in charge of Li Tian and Na Luo also walked in, each holding a huge tray, both of which were protected by transparent covers.

Naro glanced at the styles on Li Tian's table, and was a little surprised, because the styles on the table ranged from 10,000+ to nearly a million, and there were even two models in the early million.

He couldn't help but slander in his heart, let's see how you end up later?

Young people, you can say casually on any occasion.

Instead, Naro asked, "Miss Cheng, which style do you like?"

Cheng Yuanyuan shook his head, "Mr. Naro, I only provide you with a reference, I don't need a watch."

Originally, he wanted to try on the watch for Cheng Yuanyuan with his own hands, and Naro, who could touch hands by the way, could only shut his mouth wisely, and then thought of a way.

On the other side, the beautiful saleswoman has already classified Li Tian.

There are four price ranges in total.

Below 30 million.

30 million to 60 million.

60 million to 100 million.

100 or more.

"Hello, take all the styles with a price below 30 to the next door." Li Tian said to the saleswoman.

The saleswoman looked at Li Tian in astonishment, not knowing why.

"Oh, by the way, these less than 30 yuan are too cheap, I don't like them." Li Tian explained, "Exactly, isn't Mr. Naro next door asking for cheap ones?"

Naro: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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