Chapter 425

For the driver's flattery, Pang Wu just laughed it off.

After all, people who are not at the same height, talking more is not only useless, but also the other party may not be able to understand and comprehend.

"Big brother's big brother..."

"That's Big Brother!"

The driver said in a daze.

"Well... When you meet someone later, pay attention to your words and deeds, and don't talk too much."

"If I annoy Big Brother, I can't keep you."

Pang Wu told the driver beside him.

He was not alarmist, if his driver really made Li Tian unhappy, he would definitely kill him without hesitation, without Li Tian doing it himself.

"Brother, I understand!"

Hearing this, the driver quietly shivered.

at the same time.

Pang Wu looked at his phone and confirmed that Li Tian hadn't replied, so he smiled and murmured, "Brother is probably still sleeping!"

Then, he glanced at his watch, it was eight o'clock in the morning.

"Let's go...let's have some breakfast first."

Pang Wu waved to the driver.

Suddenly, several commercial vehicles in the distance came down in an orderly manner, and more than twenty burly figures quickly approached Pang Wu's position.

Followed by.

'Da da da! '

Noisy footsteps caught Pang Wu's attention.

"What are you doing here?"

Pang Wu frowned and asked.

"I saw the eldest brother waved his hand, thinking..."

A voice rang out from the crowd.

"It's okay, you all go back."

Pang Wu waved his hand and said, "I'll have breakfast nearby, so there's no need to follow me."


More than 20 figures nodded in unison, then turned and withdrew the commercial vehicle.

Afterwards, Pang Wu took the driver to a nearby porridge shop.

He walked slowly on the streets of the University City, enjoying a moment of leisure to the fullest.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost eleven o'clock at noon.

At this time, Li Tiantian slowly stretched his waist, and then picked up the mobile phone beside the pillow.

It seems that the first thing everyone does when they wake up is to check their mobile phone, which has become a daily habit of everyone in modern society.

"Hey... why did Pang Wu send me a message so early today?"

Li Tian said suspiciously to himself, "Could it be that Xiaoqing was found?"

next second.

His fingertips jumped quickly, and he replied to Pang Wu's message.

Li Tian: Good morning, what's the matter?

Blink of an eye.

'Ding! '

Pang Wushuang replied to Li Tian's message.

Pang Wu: Boss, didn't you ask me to come to the academy?I have arrived.

Li Tian: Did you wait until now at eight o'clock?

Pang Wu: No, I just arrived!
Although the other party simply said that he had just arrived, how could Li Tian not know that Pang Wu had been waiting for him since eight o'clock?

He just didn't want to say much about this trivial matter.

However, from this small detail of Pang Wu, Li Tian can feel the other party's respect.

Li Tian: You wait for me at the gate of the college for a while, and have lunch together at noon.

Pang Wu: Got it!
Followed by.

Li Tian washed up briefly, then went out and rushed to the gate of the academy.

Walking on the school road, due to the back and forth swing of the arm, the pain hit again.


After Li Tian spat, he rolled up his sleeves and found bruises and bruises on his arms.

so rude...

When Pang Wu finds out which soul is weak, he must find out and give him a few more K.

next moment.

Li Tian saw Pang Wu at the gate of the college.


Pang Wu also saw Li Tian, ​​and then quickly walked up to him.

"Brother Wu!"

Li Tian nodded and said.

"Boss, you can just call me Xiao Wu."

Hearing this, Pang Wu said slightly uneasy.

"No, you're older than me, so I'll call you Brother Wu from now on."

Li Tian smiled amiably.

At this time, the driver standing behind Pang Wu looked at Li Tian in astonishment, and at the same time his heart was already turbulent.

such a young age?

It turned out to be Pang Wu's eldest brother!

It seems that behind this person is not simple.

Originally, he wanted to step forward and shout Big Brother, but thinking of Pang Wu's words, he shut his mouth again.

Facing such a big man, he had to be cautious.

next second.

"The boss is too polite!"

Pang Wu responded flattered.

After all, as his boss, the other party can still call him Brother Wu. This humility is really admirable.

For a moment, Pang Wu's heart was full of emotion.

"Is this your driver?"

Li Tian glanced at the people behind Pang Wu.

At this time, the driver swayed involuntarily when he heard Li Tian calling his name, which was mixed with excitement and nervousness.


Pang Wu nodded, then turned his head and said, "Why are you standing there? Why don't you call someone!"

"Yes Yes!"

"Big brother."

"No no, it's Big Brother!"

The driver spoke incoherently because he was too nervous.

"Just call me Li Tian."

Li Tian smiled and waved his hand.

Pang Wu's driver is at least ten years older than him, and it's really uncomfortable for the other party to call him "big brother".


"What are you doing in a hurry?"

Pang Wu frowned and said, "The boss won't eat you again."

"You can recognize it clearly. This is my boss and elder brother. Be smart when you see me in the future."

He slapped the driver on the shoulder, and at the same time said exhortingly.

"I know I know!"

The driver nodded repeatedly.

"Okay, you go back to the car first, and I will accompany the boss to have a meal."

Pang Wu said with a smile.

next second.

I saw the figures of Li Tian and Pang Wu walking towards the nearby commercial street.

"You haven't eaten since morning?"

Walking on the road, Li Tian asked casually.

"Yes, I just went to eat some soy milk and fried dough sticks with the driver."

Pang Wu responded truthfully.

"What would you like to have for lunch?"

Li Tian asked.

"The boss decides that I can eat anything."

Pang Wu said with a smile.

"When you lived in the university town before, did you ever eat that big tripod beef noodle?"

This delicious noodle shop flashed in Li Tian's mind.


Pang Wu shook his head.

"Then I'll take you to try it."



On another main road in the university town, seven or eight commercial vehicles headed for the business school.

"Brother Tai, I thank you on behalf of the brothers who were injured last night."

Inside the business car, Xiaoqing's slightly weak voice sounded.

"What are you talking about?"

Deng Hongtai said nonchalantly, "Brothers are humiliated, if I don't seek justice for you, how will we mess around in the Nanzhou territory in the future?"

"I've already contacted several students from the business school, and they will come out and lead the way."

"Later, you will bring some people into the academy to find out that Li Tian."

He said with confidence.

"This...Brother Tai, there is a very powerful bodyguard beside Li Tian."

When Xiaoqing heard this, she said with lingering fear.

What happened last night was still vivid in his mind, he really didn't dare to act rashly.

"Today I brought four or fifty people, no matter how powerful he is, can he handle it?"


(End of this chapter)

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