Chapter 432 Lack of Cohesion

Xiaoqing thought that since Deng Hongtai was determined to let him be cannon fodder, he would have no way out, and the other party would also have to worry about it.

He was ready to break the jar and smash it.

"Be careful what you say."

Deng Hongtai whispered angrily, "Hmph, go back and see how I deal with you!"

"Ha ha……"

Xiao Qing smiled coldly.

Instead, he shifted his gaze to Li Tian, ​​"Since you know our leading boss, I, Xiaoqing, admit it."

"In addition... Karma, I led the team to ambush you, it is true that I made a mistake first, you can retaliate against me in any way you want."

"But if you impose Deng Hongtai's mistakes on me, but he doesn't get the corresponding punishment, I, Xiaoqing, will not accept it."

Even though Deng Hongtai had a reason to stand up for himself today, he also received orders and instigations from the other party when he led the team to ambush Li Tian, ​​and Deng Hongtai's ultimate responsibility was still on Deng Hongtai.

Anyway, it was Deng Hongtai who broke his promise first, so I can't blame him.

Besides, after this incident, he will no longer follow such a big brother, it's too chilling.

at the same time.

'Snapped! '

Deng Hongtai slapped Xiaoqing's face without mercy, "Hun Dan, do you know what you are talking about?"

In his eyes, it is only natural for the younger brother to take the blame for the elder brother.


The corner of Xiaoqing's mouth was bloodshot, and then he gritted his teeth and gave Deng Hongtai a look.

same second.


Li Tian smiled and patted Xiaoqing's strong shoulder.

Followed by.

He slowly sat back on the stool next to him, and then said with a faint smile, "Brother Wu, this is human nature. It seems that the cohesion of your Shenghe community is far from enough and needs to be improved!"

Whether it is a group or a society, if these grassroots personnel are not rectified, they will always be a mess.

This is the reason why the basic building determines the superstructure.

"Mr. Li said yes!"

At this time, Pang Wu's focus was not on Deng Hongtai and Xiaoqing's side, but carefully observed Li Tian.

A young person can have such a delicate side.

When Li Tian proposed the terms of exchange to Deng Hongtai, he had already grasped some intentions of the other party.

Unfortunately, Deng Hongtai's answer was unsatisfactory, which not only disappointed him, but also indirectly fell into Li Tian's trap.

In his opinion, Li Tian didn't just propose such a condition to Deng Hongtai just for fun.

Its main purpose should be to test Deng Hongtai.

Not only that, but Li Tian wanted to spy on the current situation of the entire Shenghe community through the other party.

This son is very scary!
next moment.

"come here!"

Li Tian pointed to Xiaoqing who was kneeling on the ground.


Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment, then pointed to herself in doubt and asked.

"Well, get up and talk."

Li Tian nodded lightly.

"it is good!"

Xiaoqing responded, then got up and walked to Li Tian.

"Do you still remember the person who challenged me last night?"

Li Tian asked indifferently.

When he thought of the strong man last night, his arm started to ache.


Xiaoqing nodded like pounding garlic.

"Why didn't that person come today?"

Li Tian glanced at the crowd, but still did not find the strong man.

"He hurt his head and his fingers, so I didn't let him follow today."

Xiaoqing explained truthfully.

"What's his name?"

Li Tian raised his eyelids lightly and asked.


Xiaoqing hesitated for a moment, and then said hesitantly, "This matter has nothing to do with him, he was completely instructed by me."

"If you want to vent your anger on him, I'm willing to carry it for him!"

There was a trace of determination in his eyes.

"You have a good relationship with him?"

Li Tian asked curiously.

What kind of relationship can make Xiaoqing willing to bear everything for the other party!
Life and death?


Xiaoqing responded in a low voice.

"That is……"

Li Tian stared at Xiaoqing with great interest.

"He's my cousin!"

Li Tian's eyes that seemed to see through everything made Xiaoqing very uncomfortable, so he could only tell the truth.

"I see!"

Li Tian nodded lightly.

Immediately, he continued casually, "It's not impossible if you want to carry it for him, but at least I need to remove his hands."

He purposely announced the result of the punishment, just to see if he could scare off the other party.

After all, few people can resist this kind of pain!


Hearing this, Xiaoqing let out a long breath.

Followed by.

He gritted his teeth and stomped his foot and said, "Okay, anyway, my right hand has already been broken once, so it doesn't matter if I break it again."

Xiaoqing's words were actually comforting herself.

That strong man last night was named Wu Yubai, and since he was a child, he has always followed Xiaoqing's ass.

After growing up, Xiaoqing joined the Shenghe Club, and Xiaobai followed without a doubt.

Since the two brothers followed Deng Hongtai, no matter how big or small the matter was, the two of them were basically inseparable and worked together for Shenghe.

Since Wu Yubai was also injured last night, Xiaoqing refused the other party's request to follow.

"you sure?"

Li Tian asked with a half-smile.


"I'll carry it!"

Xiaoqing nodded heavily.

The voice just fell.

'boom! '

In the blink of an eye, Li Tian had already slammed the chair under him onto Xiaoqing's tape-wrapped arm.

The sudden scene was beyond everyone's expectations.

Not only because of Li Tian's decisive shot, but also because of the fierceness in his eyes.

As a college student, how can he control such ruthlessness?

Xiaoqing endured the pain, and habitually squatted down.

He could clearly feel that the bones that had been corrected were cracking again.

At this moment, Xiaoqing's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his face was slightly pale.

"how does it feel?"

"Can you carry it now?"

Li Tian asked lightly.

"Well... I admit it, you can do it!"

Xiaoqing said in a hoarse voice.

"Ha ha!"

Li Tian took a deep look at Xiaoqing.

Followed by.

He slowly put down the chair and sat up again, "That's right, it's not hopeless."

It can be seen from this that this Xiaoqing really wants to bear everything for his cousin, and he is not pretentious.

"Okay, let's take a look at our affairs and turn the page."

Li Tian waved his hand and said.


Xiaoqing looked at the other party in disbelief.

If Li Tian was willing to write it off, it would be considered light for him to suffer just now.


Li Tian said lightly.

In the last moment, he was still a little angry, but now it has dissipated.

After all, the group of people last night were punished accordingly, and today Xiaoqing was broken again by himself.

"Thank you... Brother Tian!"

Xiaoqing hesitated for a while, and finally respectfully called Li Tian Brother Tian.

Many of them have the meaning of gratitude and goodwill.


(End of this chapter)

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