The end of the college entrance examination has become tens of billions of gods

Chapter 441 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains

Chapter 441 Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains

"Third brother, let you smell mine too!"

In order to prove his innocence, Ye Fan also turned his back to Li Tian and said.

"Go two perverts!"

Li Tian quickly waved his hands to drive these two sluts away.

Then, he cursed displeasedly, "If I smell it, and someone happens to come in later, the three of us will be even more perverted."


[Let you smell mine too? 】

Ye Fan's words were too ambiguous, the dormitory next door didn't know the truth and thought they were doing something!
" misunderstood us first, so it's reasonable to pull you into the water!"

Wu Zhengwei laughed cheaply.


"Just now, the picture of you two shirtless, one in front of the other, anyone will misunderstand at first glance, okay?"

Li Tian glared at Wu Zhengwei, and then threw a Huazi at him.

"I'm not behind, how can I help the fourth brother wipe the medicinal wine?"

Wu Zhengwei rolled his eyes, and then explained a sentence pretending to be dissatisfied.

"All right, let's reluctantly accept your so-called explanation."

Li Tian waved his hand with a half-smile.

"According to you, you want to find fault?"

Hearing this, Wu Zhengwei and Ye Fan shook their arms, as if they wanted to hold Li Tian down.

"Don't make trouble!"

Li Tian grinned and said, "Where did they all go?"

"A few of them went to take elective courses. The two of us were seriously injured, so we stayed in the dormitory to recuperate."

Wu Zhengwei took a deep breath of the cigarette, and then said bluntly.

"Seriously injured?"

After hearing this, Li Tian immediately asked, "Then I'll take you both to the hospital for a check?"

After all, the incident happened because of him, and everyone was also implicated by him. He has the responsibility to deal with the injuries of others.

"no, I'm fine!"

When Ye Fan heard this, he quickly waved his hands and said, "Third Brother, don't listen to Boss Wu, we just took this opportunity to skip class."


Li Tian turned to look at Wu Zhengwei who was smoking a cigarette.

"Aha... the fourth brother is right!"

Wu Zhengwei responded with a smile.

"As long as everyone is fine, I'm fine."

Li Tian exhaled a puff of smoke and said.

If a few good buddies in the dormitory got hurt somewhere in order to help him, Li Tian would definitely feel sorry.

"rest assured!"

"One more fight is fine."

Wu Zhengwei patted Yue Xiong's breast, and said proudly.

"I won't let this happen again in the future."

Li Tian smoked a cigarette and said in a low voice to himself.


He will form another team of personal bodyguards to deal with the small collisions that occur every day.

What's more, with a team of bodyguards, just the suppression of momentum will invisibly create a sense of oppression that strangers should not get close to.

Presumably, with such a formation in the future, the troubles will be much less!
At this moment.

'Jingle Bell! '

Li Tian turned on his phone, it was Xiao Caizhe's call.


He got on the phone.

"President Li, it's not good..."

Xiao Caizhe's anxious voice came from the phone.

"What's the matter? Talk slowly."

Li Tian asked unhurriedly.

"The supermarket is in trouble."

Xiao Caizhe said out of breath, "We just received a written notice that the Lida supermarket chain was ordered to suspend operations for rectification."

"what happened?"

"It's fine, how could the Lida supermarket chain be ordered to suspend operations for rectification?"

Hearing this, Li Tian was stunned. A local company with a large scale and a well-regulated operation, how could there be such a thing as suspending business for rectification?
Followed by.

He frowned and asked, "Where is Director Hu?"

"Is there something wrong with her accounting statement?"

The first thing Li Tian thought of was the accounting problem. Could there be something wrong that led to tax evasion and other problems?
Before that, he had repeatedly told Hu Shiqin to be cautious in accounting matters.

As the Lida supermarket chain grows bigger step by step, it will definitely become more and more popular. If you want to develop sustainably, you must be upright and not afraid of the shadow, so you must be legal and compliant in all aspects.

The overall view of long-term development cannot be ignored for the sake of small profits.

"Director Hu is right beside me!"

"But Mr. Li misunderstood. It's not Director Hu's problem, but the Industrial and Commercial Bureau found fake cigarettes in the warehouse of our supermarket during a routine inspection!"

Xiao Caizhe reported nervously.

"Fake cigarettes?"

Li Tian frowned deeply, and then said in a low tone, "Isn't the purchase channel of cigarettes from the Tobacco Bureau?"

"Mr. Xiao, who is the person in charge of the supply chain supply? Who is the other warehouse manager?"

"Go check it out and find out one by one."

He was really angry. A supermarket company that was just about to take off was found to be fake. Isn't that digging its own grave?

Li Tian even planned the future development path of the Lida supermarket chain, and now he must not lose the chain because of this rat shit.

"Yes Yes!"

Xiao Caizhe said yes again and again, not daring to have any refutation.

"Mr. Xiao, you cannot escape the blame for such a thing, and you must bear the greatest responsibility."

"It can be seen that there are huge problems in the management you lead."

"If a company has a sound system, there will never be such management loopholes."

Li Tian stood on the balcony of the dormitory and began to criticize him without hesitation, showing no mercy.

"Yes, Mr. Li taught me a lesson!"

Xiao Caizhe was speechless, after all what Li Tian said made sense.

"Rectify the personnel immediately!"

"Investigate thoroughly who is connected with this matter."

Li Tian continued to ignite a Huazi and began to direct.

at the same time.

【Are you still human?If you harm your classmates like this, be careful of retribution. 】

Zhao Lei's words suddenly exploded in Li Tian's mind, and echoed for a long time.

Li Tian shook his head fiercely, Xiao Zhao has a crow's mouth...

Is it really retribution?Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The three wives and four concubines of the ancestors have run through thousands of years of history, which one is not living happily like a fairy?
Is it possible that after modern society changes this fine tradition, will the way of heaven change accordingly?
Nonsense, big joke!

Li Tian doesn't believe in this evil, he knows that there are tigers in the mountains and he prefers to go to the mountains of tigers!
It is this immortal spirit of "I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell" that can prove today's left hug and right hug.

So ever.

"Mr. Xiao, please tell me the ins and outs of the matter in detail."

He began to inquire and analyze the cause of this incident in the Lida supermarket chain.

Every cause must bear fruit!
"Mr. Li, I haven't figured out the specific situation. I only know that a few waves of people from different departments came here suddenly today."

"The industry and commerce bureau headed by it found out that there were fake cigarettes in the warehouse, and the tax bureau withdrew all the accounting books of the financial department, and the computer mainframe was also temporarily blocked."

"In addition...the fire department, the health bureau, and the quality supervision bureau all came here."

Xiao Caizhe also panicked when he saw such a posture suddenly.


(End of this chapter)

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