Chapter 448 Open and honest

"Secondly, whether it's Porsche, Maserati, or the current Aston Martin, they are just ordinary toys to me, and there is no distinction between high and low."

Li Tian raised two fingers.

Now that everyone has spoken, it is necessary for him to correct Chen Zehua's erroneous statement.

Just from Li Tian casually giving Zhaoxing a Maserati and a Porsche Cayenne as decorations in the garage at home, it can be proved that these items are insignificant to him.

The ratio is equivalent to the feeling of having tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket, but only spending one dollar. It is completely painless.

Everyone: o(╥﹏╥)o
At this time, their fragile hearts are bearing 9999 critical blows.

It's a pity that the current weather is clear and clear, and there is no thunder and lightning.

"The last is what I want to add to you."

Li Tianruo said something serious, and at the same time stepped on Hao Fan who was lying on the ground, "Get up quickly."

"Oh well!"

Hao Fan moved his round body, then turned over and sat up straight.

"What I want to tell you is... no matter what my family background is or what kind of sports car I drive, you are all my good buddies."

"I hope that everyone will continue to be straightforward as before, so that there will be no suspicion."

"I didn't explain the situation to you before, mainly because I was worried that the gap between us would create a gap between us, after all, we didn't know each other at that time."

Now that Chen Zehua had seen through it in advance, Li Tian was straightforward and honest.

"That's true. If you said this when you first met, it would make us feel that you were pretending to be X."

Jiang Haoyuan nodded in agreement.

"'s good to say it now. After all, we have established a deep friendship and there will be no more misunderstandings."

Li Tian nodded with a smile, "I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but what I got in exchange was sincerity and enthusiasm. Now I don't have to pretend, I am a billionaire, and the showdown is over."

"Third brother... You are so happy, but we have shed the unattainable haha ​​when we passed the Aston Martin at the school gate countless times."

Ye Fan shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

He still remembers the first time he saw Aston Martin at the school gate, a group of people in the dormitory were excitedly circling the sports car.

Of course, Li Tian was not among the crowd when he went to pick up girls.

At this moment.

"Well... should I call you Third Brother, or Brother Tian?"

Wu Zhengwei scratched the back of his head and asked.

Li Tian: "..."

He gave Wu Zhengwei a hard look, "It's the same as before."

"I have no confidence, I'm a little shivering."

Wu Zhengwei responded with a half-smile.

"Your sister."

Li Tian spat.

"No problem, I'll take my sister over right away."

"My mother will definitely not object to my sister marrying a billionaire like you."

Wu Zhengwei raised his brows with a smile, "What do you think, brother-in-law?"

"Boss Wu, stop arguing. In terms of beauty, it must belong to my school belle sister. She is really a water spirit."

Wei Zhiyuan said seriously, "I'll let her come to the university town for two days later, and you'll feel how perfect she and third brother are."

Li Tian: "???"

Completely served!

The evil money really has its reasons.

"You two scumbags are too scumbags, each of you wants to betray your sister for profit."

Ye Fan disagreed and said, "I am different, my sister at home is my treasure."

"Don't pretend, we've all seen pictures of your sister."

"Your sister has no chance!"

Wu Zhengwei and Wei Zhiyuan retorted in unison.

Ye Fan: "..."

"What a natural beauty?"

He rolled his eyes and said, "My sister won't be targeted by scumbags that way, it's safe!"

"Okay, okay, the joke ends here."

As the big brother in the dormitory, Wu Zhengwei knows how to stop when enough is enough, especially when it comes to sensitive topics about family members, he should properly take care of other people's feelings.

Immediately, he changed the subject and said to Li Tian, ​​"Third brother, lend me your sports car for a ride?"

"Take it!"

Li Tian said, throwing the key in his hand.

same second.

Chen Zehua stunned and shouted sharply, "Boss Wu catch it quickly, this key can't be taken down without a hundred thousand and eighty thousand."

Of course, due to his excessive nervousness, the amount he said casually was slightly biased, but it does need tens of thousands more to match an Aston Martin key.



Wu Zhengwei was taken aback.

Because Li Tian threw it a little too hard, as soon as the car key hit Wu Zhengwei's palm, it was immediately bounced out.

Seeing this, he danced nervously and wanted to catch the car keys, while cursing, "You bastard, third son, do you want to ruin my family?"


next moment.

Accompanied by the laughter in the dormitory, Wu Zhengwei finally caught the car key, but there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

With such a small episode, he completely lost the mood to go around again.

After all, even a small car key is not something he can afford, let alone take a trip around.

"Boss Wu, don't you want to go for a walk?"

Li Tian reminded with a smile, "Why are you standing around reading a book?"

"Third brother, I understand!"

Wu Zhengwei raised his head with lingering fear and said.


Li Tian was at a loss.

"That's right, sports cars are not suitable for me, honest people should just stay in the dormitory and read books."

Wu Zhengwei blinked with a smile.


Amidst the laughter, an afternoon passed quickly.

Although everyone was a little cautious at first after learning of Li Tian's conditions, but after this situation lasted for less than an hour, they all began to show their true colors again.

What should be sprayed, what should be hated, has already left the matter of Li Tian behind.

This situation is what he likes to see the most.


Night falls.

On the balcony, I saw Li Tian's figure pacing back and forth non-stop, and concentrating on talking on the phone.

At this time, because of trivial matters, the shirtless Li Tian didn't notice the coolness in the night wind.

"Jian Chengzhi."

"Li Xiuran."

"Bai Jingman."

Holding the phone, Li Tian silently read the names reported by Xiao Caizhe.

"Yes, these three people are the supervisors of the three floors, and they all have keys to enter the warehouse."

Xiao Caizhe explained to Li Tian in detail.

Followed by.

He continued, "The warehouse managers are Du Ruizhi and Wei Xingan."

"These five people have the keys to the warehouse in the entire supermarket, right?"

Li Tian asked with a serious expression.

"In addition to the five of them, I also have the key to the supermarket warehouse."

Xiao Caizhe added.

same second.

"By the way... Xie Wenbin, the hypermarket manager of the supermarket, also had one, but he was fired by you after only two days. Does Mr. Li still remember this?"


(End of this chapter)

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