Chapter 490

'Ding! '

'Congratulations to the host for obtaining the achievement of 【Fame and Noise】, reward 100 points and a big gift bag. '

Just after the song ended, a system notification sounded in Li Tian's mind.

At this moment, he was overjoyed in his heart, and even made money after singing two songs.

Excluding the 20 system points for buying Xu Wei's voice control card, he made a net profit of 80 points. This kind of business can bring in more.

【Famous for a time】.

It seems that my singing voice really touched most people, so the achievement reward was automatically triggered.

at the same time.

"Thank you Li Tian for your wonderful performance."

The female support walked to the stage gracefully, and teased with a smile, "Student Li Tian, ​​after tonight, you must have become a starlet in our business school."

"I don't know how you feel?"

She walked to Li Tian's side and said with a smile.

"Like my classmates, I am an ordinary person. When I came to the business school, I just wanted to learn new knowledge, constantly improve myself, and make sufficient preparations for stepping into the society in the future."

"As for the little college star you mentioned, it doesn't matter to me, and my studies are my top priority."

Li Tian's high-sounding speech was nice.

Sure enough, as long as there is positive energy, it will attract warm applause and cheers.

It's just that those classmates who are familiar with Li Tian are angry and funny.

This guy often skips classes and puts his studies first. He really owes it to him.

If it wasn't for singing so well, they would all have the desire to rush up and beat Li Tian up.

Especially Zhao Lei, I saw her making a retching movement.

It's a pity that now he is trying to win glory for the class, she knows that no matter how uncomfortable she is, she has to endure it, and even swallow her dissatisfaction.

"Student Li Tian is really a good student in our college."

The hostess smiled and continued, "By the way, I was on stage just now, and many students asked me to ask you a question."

"You ask!"

Li Tian stretched out his palm like a gentleman, and gestured a 'please' gesture.

"Haha... Many girls are very concerned about whether you are single or not."

In fact, this question is also what the hostess wants to ask, after all, she is also a business school student.

"this problem!"

Li Tian paused, then said with a smile, "I still have to focus on my studies now. As for emotional issues, let nature take its course."

He responded ambiguously to the host's question.

After all, it is a public place, and there are countless cameras gathered under the stage, Li Tian knows that he should be careful when speaking.

next second.


Wu Zhengwei said shaking his head.

"That's right, it's too shameless!"

Hao Fan also booed.

at the same time.

"Student Li has such a self-motivated spirit, he is indeed a rare talent in our business school."

The hostess looked at Li Tian with admiration.


She smiled and asked, "I see that the students are still not satisfied. I wonder if Li Tian can present another song for everyone?"


Li Tian looked hesitantly at the cheering audience in the stands, and nodded immediately, "Okay, then sing the last song."

The reason why he agreed was to see if singing one more song would trigger any rewards in the system.

It’s been a long time since I’ve plucked the wool of the system.

Immediately, he quickly consumed 5 system points in exchange for Zhang Yu's voice control card.

"Next, I will present Zhang Yu's [Man's Good] for everyone, and take this opportunity to express my heart for the male compatriots in the academy."

After a whole night, Li Tian captured the hearts of countless female students. In order to avoid becoming a thorn in the side of the male students in the school, he decided to speak out for the male students and try to gain some favors.

Followed by.

The prelude to passion sounded...

"You are nice to him."

"Take his reliance in return."

As soon as Li Tiangang made a sound, everyone in the audience froze.

In the last moment, it was almost Xu Weiyuan singing.

Now, it has directly become Zhang Yuyuan singing?

Is Li Tian so 6?

I'm afraid it's not a school celebration tonight, it should be a talent show with a variety of celebrities.

Even Liang Zhende who was sitting in the first row was amazed, it was the first time he had seen such an outstanding and talented student.

It is undeniable that the thousands of emotions in the audience were easily driven by Li Tian.

After a few minutes.

Another great performance by Li Tian.

It's a pity that the system didn't make a sound this time. It seems that the search system is not so easy to let yourself be plucked.

Singing three songs in a row made the two groups of students who were going to perform in the future doubt their lives.

If the other party keeps singing like this, they will have no chance to be on stage at all, and this will indirectly become Li Tian's personal concert.

In addition, Li Tian's performance is fantastic, even if they have the opportunity to be on stage, I am afraid it will give the audience a huge sense of gap, right?

Thinking that the program that has been rehearsed for nearly a month will be easily dismissed, everyone is a little autistic.

next moment.

Li Tian saw that the host during the speech wanted him to sing again, but he resolutely refused.

Is it over?

This is repeated over and over again. If I continue to sing, it will really become my first solo concert.

The mark of tomorrow's video is: Li Tian made his debut on the stage of Guangnan Business School.

Seeing Li Tian stepping off the stage in a hurry, the host didn't insist anymore, but broadcast the next performance.

After getting off the stage, Li Tian first made a detour to the backstage in order to avoid the crowd.

This move was also out of desperation.

Because at this time, countless female classmates had gathered beside the stage, and they all wanted to come and observe Li Tian up close.

'Jingle Bell! '

Li Tian answered Tang An's call, "Hello, Brother Tang."

"Li Tian, ​​it turns out that singing is so beautiful."

Tang An said in amazement.

"Is Brother Tang at the scene?"

Li Tian froze for a moment, and then thought of the possibility that the other party was there.

"That's right, I'm on the periphery of the crowd, and I can only watch from a distance through the big screen."

Tang An responded with a smile.

"Thank you Brother Tang for your support."

Li Tian thanked him while looking for a way out.

Unfortunately, there are many female students blocking the three exits.

"Do we still need to be so polite between us?"

"Let's go, let's have a late-night snack."

Tang An issued an invitation.

"Brother Tang, I'm blocked backstage now, I can't get out."

Li Tian said helplessly.

" have too many female fans."

Tang An grinned.

At this moment.

"Mr. Li, there is a small path here, which bypasses the flower garden and leads to the outside of the square."

Zheng Shuxiao's figure flashed out.

As the last round of awards, Zheng Shuxiao didn't come here early in the morning. She had seen too many performances at this kind of school celebration party, so she wasn't very interested.

Therefore, she decided to pick the right time and come over to give a speech.

But the huge movement in the square finally aroused Zheng Shuxiao's curiosity, so she thought of coming over to have a look.

When they arrived at the venue, the protagonist on the stage was none other than his boss Li Tian.


(End of this chapter)

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