Chapter 528

Behind the glamor of a city, there are always many unknown secrets hidden. Whether it is the transaction of power for money or the transaction of money and sex, this is an indispensable mediator on the road of civilization development.

Just like what happened today, if Li Tian didn't have his own influence, he would have to face all kinds of insults from middle-aged women. In the end, he could only choose to swallow his anger instead of giving the other party a profound lesson.

On the other hand, middle-aged women are actually very aware of the social rules of the jungle, especially the bullying character shown by the other party.

However, in the face of such social phenomena, some people can adapt quickly, while others choose to turn a blind eye.

As the saying goes, the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise sees wisdom. Everyone's choice is different.

The night is deep.

The dormitory area of ​​the business school returned to silence again.

At this time, only a few stubborn toads were still hiding in the grass and screaming 'croaking'.

The next day.

ten o'clock.

Tang An called as expected.

"Morning Brother Tang!"

Li Tian lazily connected the phone.

"Li Tian, ​​your work is done."

Tang An said straight to the point.

"It's done?"

Li Tian was stunned for a moment, then smiled happily, "Brother Tang means... can my supermarket resume business?"


"Last night, I asked an uncle to inquire about the matter you mentioned. Unexpectedly, the other party called me back early in the morning and said that your application for supermarket business has been approved."

Tang An simply explained the reason of the matter.

"That... is really great!"

"Thanks to Brother Tang's help this time."

Li Tian didn't believe that things were as coincidental and simple as Tang An said. It must be that the uncle mentioned by the other party played an important role.

Although I don't know exactly what contacts Tang An used, I have to admit that the other party's network is indeed very powerful.

The things that had been stuck in his hands for many days and could not be resolved, were put on Tang An's body, but they were settled with just one sentence.

"No, no, you're being polite. I haven't done anything, so I'll just call you and ask."

Tang An said lightly, "Maybe... If I don't make this call, your supermarket can get an approval today."

"Brother Tang, don't be modest. This time it's all due to you. I should be the host. Treat you to a big meal."

Due to the sudden incident, Li Tian didn't think of how to repay the other party for a while, so he could only invite the other party to have a meal first, and express his gratitude by the way.

"Yoho... It's rare that you take the initiative to ask me out for dinner!"

Tang An started to tease with a faint smile.

A few days ago, the scene where he frequently asked Li Tian to eat and was rejected was still very clear, so he was a little surprised at this time.

Followed by.

He continued cheerfully, "It just so happens that I'm going to the Australian market today, why don't you accompany me and treat me to the famous crab porridge in the Australian market?"

"Brother Tang is going to Australia for something urgent or..."

Li Tian asked suspiciously.

"Nothing important, just go to the hotel over there for a walk as usual."

"What? Are you free today?"

Tang An asked back with a faint smile.

"No, I'm free today, I just want to go to Kyoto in two days."

Li Tian responded truthfully.

"That's okay, we can come back anytime, or you can take my special plane to Kyoto when you are in Australia."

Tang An said disapprovingly.

"Cough cough!"

When he heard that the other party was going to send a special plane to take him to the capital, Li Tian couldn't help coughing lightly twice.

next second.

He asked, "Brother Tang, shall I go find you now?"

"You don't need to drive. I will pick you up from the business school in 10 minutes."

"no problem!"

When the two agreed on a time, they ended the call.

at the same time.

Li Tian returned to the dormitory and simply packed a few clothes, then called Shan Xiaogang.

As the first time to go out after taking up the post, he naturally had to bring his new bodyguards.



From Shan Xiaogang's voice, it can be heard that the other party is very energetic, and is no longer the decadent posture of yesterday.

"Brother Shan, did you rest well last night?"

Li Tian asked concerned.

"Thanks to the boss, Xinyue and I live comfortably!"

Since the moment he was imprisoned, for such a long time, he has never slept so peacefully and comfortably like last night.

Even after a few years, he almost forgot what the hotel room looked like.

“It is enough to live comfortably!”

Li Tian nodded in relief, and then asked, "Brother Shan, is Xinyue afraid of strangers?"

After all, Shan Xinyue hasn't gone to school yet, if he wants to bring Shan Xiaogang with him, he needs to make proper arrangements for Shan Xinyue's food and accommodation.

"No, Xinyue is a very sensible child, especially good at communicating."

Shan Xiaogang said confidently.

at the same time.

He continued to ask, "Boss, if you have a task, just order it without thinking too much."

"I'm relieved with your words."

"It just so happens that I want you to follow me to the city of Australia."

"As for Xinyue, I'm going to let Manager Zheng take care of her for a few days."

Li Tian expressed his thoughts.

"Okay, but I just need to trouble Manager Zheng."

Shan Xiaogang said slightly apologetically.

Now, apart from her own relatives, Xinyue has no one else to help take care of her.

Therefore, before my daughter goes to school, I can only trouble this manager Zheng temporarily.

"It's okay. Manager Zheng's personality is also very good. I'm also relieved to entrust Xinyue to her."

Li Tian said with a smile.

Although Zheng Shuxiao's emotions are a little fluctuating, but for a child like Xinyue, she will definitely be full of love.

It can be seen from the meeting yesterday that Zheng Shuxiao had a good impression of Shan Xinyue.

Especially one or two small actions are enough to prove that the other party likes children very much.

"Okay, then I'll help Xinyue pack some clothes!"

Shan Xiaogang resolutely said, "Boss, arrive at the entrance of the business school in 15 minutes."

After dealing with Shan Xiaogang's matter, Li Tian then called Zheng Shuxiao.

Sure enough, the other party readily agreed.

However, after agreeing, Zheng Shuxiao seemed to feel that this was too accommodating, so he pretended to complain that Li Tian not only threw the counselor's bomb at her, but now let him take care of the children, he is simply a strange boss in the new era.

It's a pity that Li Tian has long been immune to Zheng Shuxiao's character. He just listened casually, and then took it as a deaf ear.

Having said that, what Zheng Shuxiao said also has some truth. After all, up to now, there should be no company that has hired a general manager to help take care of the children.

Gee! !
But... People always have to learn to adapt to changing circumstances, and special situations should be handled specially.


(End of this chapter)

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