Chapter 56
Seeing Luo Siying's denial, Li Tian deliberately made a joke, "Since you don't think about me, then I'll hang up."

"Hey..." Luo Siying hopped her feet angrily on the other end of the phone, thinking that this bastard Li Tian can't let her order?
Although Li Tian doesn't care about women, he never does dog licking.

Lick the dog for nothing!
"Have you thought about it?" Li Tian asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Luo Siying hummed sullenly twice, which was her default.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Li Tian asked contentedly.

"Zhou Xue is treating guests to dinner at noon, do you want to go?" Luo Siying felt aggrieved. At first, several people discussed going out to dinner on WeChat, but they unanimously left the heavy burden of notifying Li Tian to her.

"Definitely go, don't eat for nothing!" Finally, he could leave the lifeless room, "Then I'll pick you up and wait."


next moment.

Li Tian drove the Porsche out of the World Grand Hotel.

Soon, he arrived at Luo Siying's downstairs.

Luo Siying is a girl with a strong sense of time, every time Li Tian arrives, she is already waiting downstairs.

"Xiaoming Hotel." Luo Siying got into the car and reported the destination directly.

Does the name Xiaoming Hotel sound very aggressive?

But in fact it is just a small restaurant, but the dishes are very authentic, and it is near the No. [-] Middle School of Guangshen City.

When I was still in school, everyone liked to go to this Xiaoming Hotel every time I had a party. It was delicious and cheap.

After Luo Siying finished talking about her destination, she turned her head away, ignoring Li Tian, ​​a nasty guy.

The weird atmosphere made Li Tian helpless, who did he provoke?

Are relatives here?

Li Tian thought for a while, glanced at the Huawei electronic watch on Luo Siying's hand, and said lightly, "What time is it?"

Luo Siying, who originally didn't intend to talk to Li Tian, ​​raised her hand habitually, and said mechanically, "Twenty past eleven."

"No, the time on your watch is inaccurate..." While speaking, Li Tianshun took Luo Siying's smooth little hand, pretending to look at it carefully.

A while of groping and pinching!

Luo Siying, who hadn't reacted at first, frowned more and more deeply, and immediately slowed down, and quickly pulled her hand away, "Hmph, you big villain."

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to give Li Tian a crushing hammer.

Li Tian gave a smirk, raised his eyebrows, turned his head and started the car satisfied.

Luo Siying couldn't laugh or cry in her heart, just a moment ago she had made up her mind not to let Li Tian touch her hand, but in the blink of an eye this unconventional guy got her way.

Is this guy sent by God to punish himself?
Li Tian held the steering wheel with one hand, and touched his nose with the other hand that still had a wisp of fragrance, "It smells so good!"

"Pfft!" After all, Luo Siying couldn't bear the teasing of Li Tian, ​​a brazen guy, and laughed out loud.

She fell again!
Luo Siying couldn't figure out why every time she saw Li Tian, ​​even if she was angry again, she could make this person laugh instantly.

"You're really annoying!" Luo Siying turned around and hit Li Tian with a few more heavy hammers.

The atmosphere returned to harmony again.

Fifteen minutes later, Li Tian's Porsche stopped next to a noble blue Maserati at the gate of Xiao Ming Hotel.

"This guy Zhaoxing came really early today!" Li Tian muttered casually.

"Well, he picked up Zhou Xue early in the morning." Luo Siying responded.

Li Tian: "..."

Have a story?This kid can't get out of his body, can he?
There are no private rooms in Xiaoming Hotel, so you can see them as soon as you enter the door.

"Siying, you are finally here." Zhou Xue jumped up, pulled Luo Siying to sit down.

Li Tian sat next to Luo Siying, and on the other side was the big man Liang Zhuang.

"Brother Tian, ​​sit down quickly, we are talking about you." Liang Zhuang put his arm around Li Tian's shoulder.

Fortunately, Li Tian had a strong physique, otherwise his bones would have fallen apart if he was hugged by Liang Zhuang like this.

Suddenly, I was inexplicably worried about how Liang Zhuang's future girlfriend would face this giant beast and communicate in English every day! !

"What are you whispering about me?" Li Tian forcefully broke Liang Zhuang's arm and smiled.

"Brother Tian, ​​it's not a bad word, it's a word of envy." The boy Wu Xinghuai leaned over, "I'm envious of you hugging a beautiful woman!"

After Wu Xinghuai finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows vigorously and looked at Luo Siying.

Li Tian blew into the teacup lightly, then took a sip without responding.

"Wu Xinghuai, don't look at me." Luo Siying shifted her body.

Seeing that Li Tian, ​​the person in charge, was drinking tea calmly, Luo Siying raised her pretty foot and stepped on it hard.

After stepping on it, Luo Siying looked at the distance at 45 degrees without revealing anything on the surface, as if she was completely out of the way. Who asked Li Tian to hold her hand, but now she is pretending to be dead. punish.

Li Tian frowned slightly, these were the Gucci shoes he had just bought for [-] oceans.

Forget it, I can only feel sorry for the shoes.

"Okay, stop talking, student Siying is shy." Zhaoxing waved his hand and stopped the topic in time.

Just when Li Tian looked at Zhaoxing gratefully, this guy said again, "Brother Tian, ​​when did you two start dating? You can't hide it from my brother anymore..."

A few days ago, after rejecting Lin Guishan in the teaching building, when she was about to drive away, Zhou Xue's sharp eyes found an amazing scene and reminded Zhaoxing to watch it.

In this scene, it was Li Tian holding Luo Siying's hand.

Zhao Xing and Zhou Xue were shocked at the same time. The secret work of these two people was so perfect that no one else noticed it.

"Stinky boy, tell me when did you and Zhou Xue get married?" Li Tian put down his teacup and turned back.

Ganqing and these guys have already colluded and are going to make fun of Li Tian and Luo Siying.

Zhao Xing: "..."

Zhaoxing was speechless, his thoughts were completely disrupted, and Li Tian didn't play cards according to the routine.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian turned to look at Zhou Xue, and asked with a smile, "Little witch, are you planning not to let my brother go?"

As soon as he entered the door just now, he found clues. In the past, Zhao Xing and Zhou Xue would pinch each other when they met, but today these two enemies were sitting next to each other, and uncharacteristically joined forces to bombard him.

There must be a demon in the abnormal situation!
Sure enough, Zhou Xue became anxious when she heard Li Tian's words, "What do you mean I won't let your brother go?"

"It's the bastard Zhaoxing squatting downstairs in my house, and he's going to yell if I don't agree..." Halfway through speaking, Zhou Xue realized something was wrong, and immediately covered her mouth.

It's a pity that it's too late, the truth is revealed!

Zhou Xue suppressed her flushed pretty face, and pinched Zhao Xing's arm fiercely, "It's all because of you, I'm ashamed to see anyone..."

Zhaoxing endured the pain on his face, feeling very helpless...

At the same time, Wu Xinghuai made a joke, shook his head and sighed, "Zhou Xue, you scumbag, you said you had a crush on Brother Tian for three years at the meeting at the World Grand Hotel last time, and you have moved on so soon?"

"I'm throwing away darkness and turning to light!" Zhou Xue took Zhaoxing's hand, "Li Tian is too handsome and too scumbag to be reliable."

At the same time, Luo Siying waved her little hand, "Yes, a scumbag!"

She finally found a chance to release the small grievances in her heart.

Wu Xinghuai and Liang Zhuang also nodded in agreement, "Well, it's really scum..."

Li Tian almost spit out all the tea in his mouth, why did he change the subject, and he became the leading actor in the "Scum Boy Criticism Conference".

At this moment, Zhaoxing turned his head to look at Zhou Xue thoughtfully, "That's not right, daughter-in-law..."


(End of this chapter)

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