Chapter 603
After Xia Jinyan's analysis, Jiang Ruotao's heart was slightly relieved.

Otherwise, he would have almost found a mask to put on.

Sometimes, it’s not okay to be too high-profile. Thinking about the first time he came to Wanli, Jiang Ruotao regretted being too public.

So much so that if you want to kill the carbine now, you are worried, afraid that you won't be able to get the wool of Wanli.

next moment.

The three of them walked slowly towards the second floor.


They came to what Xia Jinyan called the 'Hall of Wealth'.

"Li Shao!"

"Young Master Jiang!"

About to enter the hall, Xia Jinyan looked at the two of them, "If you have any questions and want to ask me, you can take this opportunity to walk away, and I will follow up to answer."

"Remember not to inquire next to table D!"

"At the edge of table D, there are some eyes and ears of Wanli. As long as they notice something wrong, they will report it as soon as possible."

She wasn't too worried about Li Tian, ​​but she was afraid that after Jiang Ruotao won the money, he would relax his vigilance and talk nonsense, which would affect the plans of several people.

"Well, okay!"

Li Tian responded calmly.

"Don't worry, do you still need to remind me of such a common-sense question?"

Jiang Ruotao didn't take it seriously, and responded contemptuously.

"Okay then, let's go in."

Xia Jinyan didn't pay much attention to Jiang Ruotao's words, and then greeted Li Tian to enter Hall D.

next second.

'Boom boom! '

'Crack! '

Under the reception of the waitress in the hall, the three of them walked into the very quiet Fugui hall.

"Miss Xia!"

Due to the complicated staff in the D hall, the news of Jin Mincai's removal of Xia Jinyan had obviously not been conveyed to some small D halls, and the waitresses still greeted Xia Jinyan very politely.


Xia Jinyan nodded calmly, then raised her hand to gesture towards Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao, "I'll bring Li Shao and Jiang Shao over here to play."


"Young Master Li, Young Master Jiang, this way please."

The waitress nodded with a smile, and then stepped forward to lead the way.

It seems that Jin Mincai only gave instructions to the front desk to pay attention to Xia Jinyan, and the rest of the people didn't know about Xia Jinyan's dismissal.

at the same time.


Jiang Ruotao smiled and winked at Li Tian.

Li Tian: "..."

This guy has so much drama.

Followed by.

When the three of them arrived at table D, the waitress briefly explained a few words to the person next to her in a low voice.


The two main seats directly in front of table D were moved out.

Even if Li Tian couldn't hear what the waitress said, he could roughly guess what the waitress said!
The charm of money is extremely great. They just won billions from Wanli. Even if some people have never seen the deities of Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao, they must know about it.

The two of them may have gone beyond the category of high rollers, and can be called the big names among the big names.

next second.

Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao entered the main seat.

At this moment.

A middle-aged man with a smile on his face came from the side, with a square face and dark skin.

"Master Li!"

"Young Master Jiang."

"Long-awaited big name, long-awaited big name!"

"I didn't know you were here just now, so I was far away from welcoming you, please forgive me."

With the brief introduction from the waitress, the middle-aged man looked calm on the outside, but a turbulent wave was set off in his heart.

The presence of the two big shots indicates that his turnover rate today will increase several notches.

No... To be precise, these two should be called the God of Wealth.

At this moment.

The middle-aged man wished he could put his entire old face on the two of them.


Li Tianfeng waved his hand calmly, and said casually, "No need to be polite, we just listened to Miss Xia's introduction and found it interesting, so we want to come over and play a few games."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"The way dice is played is different from baccarat and blackjack. Personally, I think it will be more exciting."

The middle-aged man nodded again and again.

What the God of Wealth says is what it is.


Li Tian nodded with a faint smile, and then continued, "Miss Xia specially recommended your Fugui Hall, it seems really good."

He praised casually, but in fact he was setting off Xia Jinyan.

With this scene, it must be able to reassure people's goodwill towards Xia Jinyan, so as to lower their guard even more.

In many cases, the necessary boost works wonders.

This is not.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man put his hands together and said gratefully to Xia Jinyan, "Thank you, thank you Miss Xia for your kind words."

He is in charge of the Wealth Hall, so all interests are linked to it. Xia Jinyan is willing to bring high-ranking guests to her site, which proves that the other party has given her a great deal of face.

Otherwise, there are countless small D halls in Wanli D, why would you take people to the Fugui hall that you are in charge of?

Besides, they were the two big bosses who had just dominated Wanli.

at the same time.

He stretched out his hand and patted Xia Jinyan's arm four times, implying that he would give Xia Jinyan [-]% of the water.

Xia Jinyan naturally understood this little move.


The unspoken rule only needs to draw [-]% of the hall owner's turnover.

But... the other party directly gave [-]%, which shows the importance of Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao.

As long as the two uncles can still create astonishing turnover, after deducting the 0.3% given to Xia Jinyan, he can still get a [-]% commission.

You can easily earn 30 with [-] million turnover, why not do it?
next moment.

"Young Master Li, Young Master Jiang, what do you two want to drink?"

The middle-aged man greeted enthusiastically.

"no need!"

"let's start!"

Li Tian responded lightly.

"Yes Yes!"

"If you need anything, call me anytime!"

"By the way, you can just call me Xiaozhong."

Facing the boss, the middle-aged man adopted the automatic age reduction mode and instantly became a little brother.

"All right, we know!"

"You go about your business."

Jiang Ruotao took the conversation impatiently.

He didn't want to waste time, he just wanted to get to the point right away.

It's not a blind date, and it's not a date. Why is there so many self-introductions?

"Hey, okay."

Xiao Zhong responded repeatedly.


He suddenly remembered something, so he asked Xia Jinyan in a low voice, "Miss Xia, do you need me to clear the scene first?"

Considering that Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao should not be affected in the slightest, Xiao Zhong had the idea of ​​clearing the scene.

After all, as long as you serve the two people in front of you well, the rest of the flow is not worth mentioning at all.

Some ordinary VIPs can't reach tens of millions of turnover in a day.


Xia Jinyan resolutely rejected the other party.

At the same time, she quietly winked at Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao, with the intention that they would cooperate with her wishes.

During their trip, there were some shady operations, so it was easier to operate with a lot of people.

Otherwise, there will only be a few pairs of eyes staring at the audience, and they will be unable to move an inch.

You can't have Xia Jinyan blatantly pointing the country behind Li Tian's back in front of the head of the hall and many staff, right?

(End of this chapter)

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