Chapter 613 Inexplicable Anxiety

As Wanli's spokesman, Jin Mincai was somewhat angry when faced with Xiao Zhong's ignorance.

On weekdays.

Jin Mincai has long been used to the feeling of flattery and flattery. Whenever he went to a private living room, no one coaxed him politely?

Now, Xiao Zhong made him feel a sense of gap, and Jin Mincai was naturally very upset.


Now he is eager to learn about the latest situation about Li Tian, ​​so he can only temporarily put down his posture and persuade Xiao Zhong nicely.

at the same time.

"How about this!"

After hesitating for a moment, Xiao Zhong said, "I can only tell you that there are indeed two new guests in hall D, one surnamed Li and the other surnamed Jiang."

"This is already my maximum, please forgive me for the rest."

The voice just fell.

Xiao Zhong thought for a while, and then continued, "If Boss Jin still wants to know more about the situation, then I will reply to you after I consult the guests."

The guest is God, at least before he reveals the details of the guest, he must inform the other party.

It was not easy for two big bosses to come, and he didn't want to lose each other because of some trivial matters.


"no need."

Jin Mincai heard that Xiao Zhong was going to seek Li Tian's opinion, so he immediately refused.

Unless the other party is a fool, how could he agree with Xiao Zhong to tell him the information?

Obviously, the other party was looking for reasons to prevaricate.

Since he was so shameless, he could only give up his intention to get news from Xiaozhong.

Look back for an opportunity, and then free up your hands to clean up this kid.


"I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first."

As soon as Xiao Zhong finished speaking, he cut off the call directly.

The old soul is pale... Don't try to trick me! ! !

He secretly spat hard in his heart.

the other side.


"Which onion do you think you are, shameless."

Jin Mincai slapped his phone on the table, and roared fiercely.

Followed by.

He immediately picked up the phone and dialed again.

"Hey, Director Wang, check it out right away..."


After a moment.

After the coordination of multiple departments, Jin Mincai finally confirmed the identities of Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao in Fugui Hall.

At the same time, when he heard that the other party had already won almost [-] million yuan, his face suddenly changed.

After all calculations, it was still one step missing.

He had reason to suspect that Xia Jinyan was helping Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao to cheat secretly.

From the monitoring point of view, it was Xia Jinyan who led the other two into the Fugui Hall.

As far as he knew, Xia Jinyan, as an expert in anti-cheating, was naturally familiar with all kinds of gameplay in the D field.

It's a pity that she can't play and operate now, so she can only change a little way.

The reason why this woman chose Hall D in the sieve cup, Jin Mincai could see through it at a glance.

After all, there is a huge difference between dice and poker, and he understands that Xia Jinyan is trying to take advantage of the loophole.

"You have your wall ladder, and I have my Zhang Liangji."

"Don't think I don't know your tricks, isn't it just to be able to estimate the number and size of the points in the sieve cup?"

Jin Mincai gritted his teeth, and muttered to himself in a gloomy tone, "Huh... watch me play a long line to catch big fish."

"No matter how hard you try, you are just making a wedding dress for me."

He had a temporary plan in his mind, and he was going to use it on Li Tian and his party.

Thinking of this plan, Jin Min was not so worried about the other party winning money, but hoped that Li Tian and the others could win more.


Fugui Hall.

The three of Li Tian and his party were rushing to kill, apparently unaware that trouble was approaching them step by step.

At this time, the two of Wei Zhang had collapsed on the chair, and at the same time, fine beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads.

They've squandered all their money, and now they're just staring at each other.

In addition, Wei Jiang's eyes were dead silent. Counting the 300 million he borrowed from Xiao Zhong just now, he already owed 500 million in debt, and now he wanted to die.

What they didn't expect was that Li Tian's good luck could last so long, they were really convinced.

Fatty Zhang didn't even lose his temper at all.

At this moment.


Jiang Ruotao yelled with a smile on his face, and the continuous profits made him feel a little smug.

Ever since he met Li Tian, ​​a noble man, he has lived an extremely wonderful life every day.

At the same time, it also let him experience the taste of making money.

"Xiaotao, go and exchange this chip into cash."

Li Tian first sorted out [-] million chips and handed them to Jiang Ruotao.

"no problem!"

Jiang Ruotao gestured an 'OK' gesture, and then waved to Xiao Zhong, "Xiao Zhong, come here and get the chips, I will settle the settlement with you."

"Okay, Young Master Jiang."

Xiao Zhong's attitude towards the guest he respected was completely different from that of Jin Mincai just now, and he trotted over.

"Brother, why don't we double the size?"

Jiang Ruotao lay beside Li Tian's ear and whispered.

This idea has been held in his heart for a long time, but he has never found the right time to mention it to Li Tian.

Just now that the two of them are chatting, he doesn't worry that it will affect Li Tian.

"do not add!"

Li Tian responded lightly.


Jiang Ruotao asked anxiously, and then glanced at Xia Jinyan, "Brother, are you still worried about this woman?"

"In my opinion, there should be nothing wrong with Xia Jinyan."

The other party has helped them win hundreds of millions, so it must be impossible for them to be insiders, right?
"Wait a minute!"

Li Tian said calmly.

"Well... let's do it!"

Jiang Ruotao nodded in disappointment, and then walked away with Xiao Zhong.

On the other hand, Li Tian, ​​why didn't he want to increase the bet amount.

However, along the way, everything seemed calm, and he didn't want to break this calm situation too quickly.

Rather than being discovered by Jin Min after a few rounds of gamble, it would be better to squeeze the wool in a steady stream.

Nowadays, as long as Jin Min is not disturbed, it will be fine.


Under Xia Jinyan's reminder, Li Tian quickly recovered and continued to fight.

Time passed by minute by minute.

What surprised Xia Jinyan was that after such a long time, Jin Mincai didn't make any moves.

It stands to reason that they have been in field D for several hours.

The book has already made a profit of more than 10 billion yuan, so it is impossible for the other party to not notice it at all?

Xia Jinyan is well aware of the rules in the D hall, as long as a certain guest in the D hall has won more than 10 billion yuan, they will summarize the news.

Even if the staff procrastinated or the news was delayed, it should have reached Jin Mincai's ears long ago.

As Jin Mincai, who loves money like his life, it is completely unreasonable that there is no movement.

So ever.

An inexplicable uneasiness arose in Xia Jinyan's heart.


(End of this chapter)

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