Chapter 620

“Welcome to Wanli Hotel again!”

In front of the revolving door of the hotel, the welcoming ladies on both sides smiled and bowed slightly to Li Tian and his party.

Just walked out of the hotel.

Xiao Zhong said very politely, "Young Master Li, Young Master Jiang, do you really need me to send you a car?"


"I'm bothering you today."

Li Tian patted Xiao Zhong on the shoulder, and then said politely.

After all, when he was in conflict with Ke Zhuang just now, Xiao Zhong did not turn against him temporarily, which made Li Tian a little impressed.

It is a good thing for a person to have his own opinions and positions.

With such a basic quality, presumably the future development will not be much worse.

"Where did Young Master Li say that?"

"This is what I should do for you."

Xiao Zhong was affirmed by Li Tian, ​​and immediately smiled from ear to ear.

It seems that through his own efforts and performance, the relationship between Li Tian and him has taken a step closer.

"Okay, let's see you again."

Li Tiandan responded with a smile, and then told Jiang Ruotao, "Xiaotao, you and Big Brother Shan get off the car."


Jiang Ruotao responded readily.

At this moment.


Xiao Zhong paused for a moment, then continued with some hesitation, "Li Shao, is it convenient for me to leave a contact information?"


Li Tian immediately took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, "Let's scan WeChat!"

"All right, thank you, Young Master Li!"

Xiao Zhong knows that having contact information is equivalent to having a solid bond of relationship.

As a super high-roller, Li Tian's friends are definitely not too bad. If he can discover some other bigwigs in the opponent's circle, then he can really make money lying down.

Xiao Zhong was planning to dig out the rich circle in his heart, but what he didn't know was that when Li Tian returned to the Australian market again, he didn't know that it was the year of the monkey.

After all, he needs to accumulate enough points to return to the Australian market to make money again.

Not only that.

Li Tian is not a gambler, and he will not recommend any stacked horses in the Australian market to his friends.

If other people don't have the same hole cards as himself, it will be very difficult to make money in the Australian market. He still understands the truth of losing nine out of ten bets.

next moment.

After the two of them exchanged contact information, Shan Xiaogang slowly drove over in the Mercedes-Benz S-Class.

"Li Shao!"

"You slow down!"

Xiao Zhong quickly opened the car door for Li Tian, ​​"Welcome Li Shao to come to Wanli next time."

"it is good!"

"Go ahead!"

Li Tian nodded, then got into the back row of the car.



Xiao Zhong closed the car door for Li Tian, ​​then bowed and waved, "Young Master Li, go slowly!"

Followed by.

The Mercedes-Benz S-Class drove slowly towards the exit of the hotel.


After seeing off Li Tian, ​​Xiao Zhong felt a lot more relaxed.

As long as Li Tian and Jiang Ruotao can leave safely.

However, why is Jin Mincai a bit abnormal today, why didn't he move at all?

Could it be that something happened to this guy?

shouldn't be...

Earlier, he obviously paid close attention to Li Tian and the others, but in the end he let them go easily?
Just as Xiao Zhong was deep in thought.


He noticed something unusual, and saw that when the Mercedes-Benz S-Class was about to drive out of the hotel entrance, three vehicles with local license plates in Australia followed quickly behind.

Could it be...

Jin Mincai is too insidious, right?

Before he had time to think, Xiao Zhong picked up his mobile phone and made a call.


"Brother, today is really cool!"

Involuntarily, Jiang Ruotao, who was sitting in the passenger seat, sighed with emotion.

"Oh... that's right."

Hearing Jiang Ruotao's words, Li Tian came back to his senses, and then said slowly, "When we get back to the hotel, let's count today's profit together, and then share a share."

At this time, all the funds of the three people are in his account, he must make a statement, don't wait for people to misunderstand that he has received money, but has no intention of settlement.

"Brother, I didn't mean that."

"There is no rush about the money."

Jiang Ruotao responded by waving his hands.

As Li Tian who can easily earn billions, how could he covet such a small amount of money?

Jiang Ruotao was very relieved to put the funds in Li Tian's card.

"It's better to clear the settlement early, anyway, it will be divided sooner or later."

Li Tian said lightly.

Xia Jinyan at the side was very quiet, and no one in the audience spoke.

For her, it is natural that the sooner the money is distributed, the better.

After all, there is only one chance to go to Wanli to make money, and the sooner the liquidation is completed, the sooner she can make plans.

This place in Australia is not suitable to stay for a long time!
"I was thinking just now that today's fund will be put on you first, and it can be used as our start-up fund in the future."

Jiang Ruotao said with raised eyebrows.


"Let's finish the distribution earlier, and you keep it for yourself."

Hearing this, Li Tian immediately rejected Jiang Ruotao.

I am not a bank, so why put money in his card?
He is determined not to do things that are thankless.

Not only does he have nothing to gain from keeping such a large amount of funds, but he also has to compensate himself if something goes wrong with the funds.

Only fools like to do this kind of thing!

"Big brother..."

Just when Jiang Ruotao was about to refute, Shan Xiaogang's voice sounded, "Boss, there are people following us."

After observing from a short distance, Shan Xiaogang was able to confirm that someone was following them.

"what's the situation?"

When Jiang Ruotao heard this, he immediately straightened his body and quietly looked at the rearview mirror inside the car.

"There are three cars behind, and they have been following us since we first left the hotel."

Shan Xiaogang explained while driving.

"Brother Shan, speed up and get rid of them."

Li Tian responded slowly.


Suddenly, the Mercedes-Benz S-Class accelerated suddenly.

Followed by.

Under the control of Shan Xiaogang, the car started to gallop on the congested outer ring road.


The three cars that were following behind also speeded up and clung to it tightly.

This time, they were even more sure that these people were not kind.

"Hun must be that Ke Zhuang Yao who came just now."

Jiang Ruotao said indignantly.

"It shouldn't be!"

Li Tian shook his head and said, "That Ke Zhuang doesn't have the ability yet."

Intuition told him that the group following him belonged to someone else.

"Young Master Li is right!"

Xia Jinyan glanced at the car behind her, and then agreed, "This Ke Zhuang really doesn't have that much energy to mobilize people outside."

"He is nothing more than the leader of Wanli's security personnel."

When Xia Jinyan heard someone following them, Xia Jinyan immediately thought of someone.

next second.

"You seem to have an answer in your heart?"

Li Tian turned to look at Xia Jinyan with a half-smile.

"Doesn't Young Master Li also have an answer?"

Xia Jinyan asked back with a smile.


(End of this chapter)

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