Chapter 678
Dai Jiu's movements are swift, capable and vigorous.

This set of smooth and flowing movements made the scalps of the people present feel numb.

Everyone subconsciously fantasized that if they met Dai Jiu, wouldn't they be completely abused?

At this speed, they have absolutely no time to react.

The gap between people is sometimes really a bit big.

Even for Li Tian, ​​this was the first time he encountered a master of this level.

The speed is far from what the opponents he encountered before can compare.

next second.


Just when Li Tian and his group were worried about how Shan Xiaogang would resolve it, they saw Shan Xiaogang's body slightly turned to one side.

With the sound of the sound, his right foot suddenly rolled over and raised.


A loud sound came out.

Shan Xiaogang actually kicked the opponent away with a faster speed before Dai Jiu had even landed a punch?
Incredible! ! !

This nimble reaction made Li Tian and his party praise in their hearts again and again.

That's great!
Very popular!

Followed by.

'Tap Tat Tat...'

After landing again, Dai Jiu retreated five or six steps one after another, before he barely stabilized his body.


"Ninth Brother!"

Involuntarily, Liu Wu felt a sense of worry in his heart.

In the first round of the fight between the two sides, Dai Jiu fell into a disadvantage. This situation exceeded his expectations.

what happened?

Just Li Tian, ​​the bodyguards around him have such high standards?
Unscientific! ! !
What kind of virtue and ability does this kid have?


Dai Jiu scanned the footprints of Sao Yuexiong's mouth, and then gestured towards Liu Wu, signaling that the other party should not disturb him.

"very good."

"You made my blood boil all over me."

Dai Jiu twisted his head from side to side, and smiled evilly.

Followed by.

He stretched out his fingers and ticked off, "Come again!"

Immediately, without stopping, Dai Jiu grabbed the heavy ashtray beside her and threw it out.


He strode towards Shan Xiaogang.

Dai Jiu was going to throw the foreign object first, and then attack Shan Xiaogang with lightning speed when he dodged.

As long as the two parties are in a state of anxiety, this method has always been tried and tested.

Only by disturbing the opponent's attention can one move to win by taking advantage of his unpreparedness.

in a blink.

When the ashtray was about to hit Shan Xiaogang...

"Tips for carving insects."

Shan Xiaogang saw Dai Jiu's careful thinking, so he kicked the ashtray away with a sweep of his leg.

'Snapped! '

The thick glass ashtray shattered.


Facing Dai Jiu's dive, Shan Xiaogang chose to dodge the opponent's sharp edge with a few steps sideways.


Dai Jiu knew that his method was ineffective, so he jumped up hastily and swept Li Tian.


Shan Xiaogang bent his left arm to block Dai Jiu's attack.

Then, he punched out with his right hand.

Because Dai Jiu was attacking with all his strength at this time, he couldn't dodge in time and received another punch.

After taking Shan Xiaogang's punch, Dai Jiu backed away again and again, a hot pain came from his face.

next second.

"Come again!"

Dai Jiu bullied himself again, attacking Shan Xiaogang fiercely.


No matter how fierce the opponent's attack is, Shan Xiaogang has always dealt with it with ease.

The calmness and composure shown in it benefited Li Tian, ​​who was watching from the sidelines, a lot.

The more urgent the situation is, the more calm you must be.

Dai Jiu just made a fatal mistake.

After several rounds of offensives to no avail, he became restless.

At the same time, many opportunistic elements have been added to many attack actions.

According to Dai Jiu's current state, it might take less than 10 minutes for her to be completely immobile.

after all.

The physical strength of the attacker is several times more than that of the defender.

as predicted.

As the fighting time prolongs, Dai Jiu's breath becomes more and more unstable.


After each round of attack, he would take a few breaths unconsciously.

On the other hand, Shan Xiaogang.

Still a calm look.

At this moment.

In terms of status, the two have long been separated.

next moment.


Dai Jiuzhong exhaled twice.

Shan Xiaogang's defense is impeccable, no matter how tricky he is to attack, every time the opponent can predict it in advance or defuse it cleverly.

This scene.

It made Dai Jiu feel a little disheartened.

I have never encountered such a situation.

How can a person's defense method be so strong?

If this continues, even if he exhausts his physical strength, he still has no chance of winning.

If you lose, it will definitely damage your reputation greatly.


The person in front of him must be defeated!

After thinking about it, Dai Jiu came up with a sinister scheme.


If this method is successful, it is very likely that people will die.

It's a pity that this place is different from Southeast Asia, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to get out...

The situation is urgent, there is no time to think about it.

After a while, Dai Jiu made a decision in his heart.

In their line of work, fame is the most important thing.

Once the reputation is damaged, it means that the job in hand is smashed.

Such a result is more uncomfortable than killing him, so Dai Jiu will not let such a thing happen, even if he needs to kill someone on the spot, he will not hesitate.

Followed by.

The hostility on Dai Jiu's body suddenly rose, and at the same time he looked at Shan Xiaogang viciously.


His fingers casually skipped over his waist.

at the same time.

Dai Jiu was fully charged, ready to launch the strongest blow.

Last attack!
Only to succeed, not to fail.


Dai Jiu took a deep breath, and immediately rushed towards Shan Xiaogang.


Shan Xiaogang became a little vigilant.

After all, there was something wrong with the opponent's performance. As Shan Xiaogang, who had rich experience in actual combat, he naturally would not underestimate the enemy.

'boom! '

Dai Jiu kicked out, but was still easily dodged by the opponent.

This leg sweep smashed the wooden cabinet next to it heavily, which shows the explosive force.


Dai Jiu punched again.


It's a pity that the successive attacks were blocked by Shan Xiaogang without exception.

at this time.

Dai Jiu's right hand slipped over his waist again, and then he drew out a short military dagger.


A sharp light flashed across Shan Xiaogang's throat.

Seeing that the time was right, Dai Jiu didn't hesitate, and quickly used his ultimate move.

Taking advantage of the situation, he wanted to end Shan Xiaogang's life.


Shan Xiaogang's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Be careful."

A reminder sounded on the field.

the other side.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of Liu Wu's mouth.

In his opinion, the death of a small bodyguard is not a pity.

In short, those who stand in his way tonight will have to pay a heavy price.

at the same time.


Dai Jiu said silently, "Reincarnate in the next life, keep your eyes bright, and don't mess with people you shouldn't mess with."


(End of this chapter)

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