Chapter 708
next second.

Li Tian and Song Zhaohua, together with Du Zixuan, walked slowly towards the conference room.

the other side.

When Ni Xiaoxiao rushed to the meeting room in a hurry, she found that Li Tian and Song Zhaohua were not in sight.

"Hey...where did these two go?"

Ni Xiaoxiao murmured suspiciously to herself.

The other party started ahead of him, so it's possible that he hasn't arrived yet.

too weird!

Just as Ni Xiaoxiao was deep in thought.

A voice sounded, "Assistant He, why haven't you seen Mr. Ni?"

"Who is this……"

The person who spoke was Liu Xiong.

In the past important meetings, Ni Yuqing brought Assistant He with him.

Therefore, Liu Xiong recognized Assistant He at a glance.


He didn't find Ni Yuqing's figure, but a face he was not familiar with.

Not only that.

This beautiful face was somewhat similar to Ni Yuqing, so Liu Xiong secretly speculated about Ni Xiaoxiao's identity.

Ni Yuqing is the embryo of a beauty.


It was also widely rumored that Ni Yuqing's only daughter was not inferior to her mother in appearance.

It seems now.

Sure enough, it's not for nothing, she is indeed a little beauty with beautiful features and charming appearance.


Liu Xiong had some ideas in his mind.

If... I can make friends with Hengxin Mining.

Not only can he get the support of the other party, but his son Liu Wu also seems to have the opportunity to get in touch with the beauty.

This is fine, no matter how you look at it, the Liu family has benefited the most.


Liu Xiong quietly made a decision in his heart.

at the same time.

"Hello, Mr. Liu!"

Assistant He smiled politely, and then responded politely, "Mr. Ni was unable to come this time because of something, so I hereby ask Miss Ni to exercise the right to vote on her behalf."


Liu Xiong's eyes lit up, and he really guessed right.

This little beauty is Ni Yuqing's only daughter.


If his son can win Miss Ni's family in one fell swoop, it will be equivalent to having the blessing of tens of billions of capital.

As long as he can get the support of the Liu family and the Ni family, it will be difficult for his son not to fly.

Standing in the air, even a pig can fly.

Think of this.

Liu Xiong suddenly gritted his teeth with hatred.

It's a pity that my son was so disappointing that he even broke his limbs last night.

Otherwise, he can be called to have a face-to-face meeting with Miss Ni's family right now.

After today's work is over, I must clean up the Huang family and make trouble for the other party, otherwise I will think that the Liu family is a soft persimmon.

By the way, there is also that foreigner.

What is Li?

In short, these people all have to pay a heavy price.

Followed by.

"It turns out that Mr. Ni has no time."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a good thing to let Miss Ni come out to practice more."

"Young people, you should exercise more."

Liu Xiong said with a smile.

"Yes, that's what President Ni meant too."

Assistant He responded with a smile.

It's just that I don't understand, when did Liu Xiong become so amiable?

Think back then.

However, the other party and Mr. Ni had a disagreement and fought to slap each other's table.

What medicine did you take today?

"Boss Ni and I are getting old, it's time for the young people to show their talents."

Liu Xiong smiled and waved his hands, and then said with a correct attitude, "Assistant He, when you go back this time, you must say hello to Mr. Ni for me."

"Long time no see, I miss you very much."

"Let President Ni come to the capital when he is free, and I will treat her, the beautiful chairman, well."

At this moment.

Liu Xiong's attitude and tone seemed like he and Ni Yuqing had been friends for decades.


"I will convey Mr. Liu's meaning on my behalf."

Assistant He nodded with a slight smile.


Liu Xiong looked at Ni Xiaoxiao with a gentle attitude, "Miss Ni, come and sit with Uncle Liu, and if you don't understand anything, you can ask me directly."

He waved and extended the invitation very politely.

"Thank you Mr. Liu for your kindness..."

Just when Assistant He was about to say no.

Ni Xiaoxiao interrupted the other party, then looked at Liu Xiong and said, "The junior will learn more from Uncle Liu."

She clearly remembered that when her mother introduced the shareholder structure of the entire Xishan Energy Group to her, Liu Xiong focused on explaining it.

If you are narrow-minded, you will get revenge.

His style of dealing with things is decisive and ruthless.

For the sake of profit, all means can be used, and there is no bottom line for this person.


She also knew that Li Tian and the Liu family were at odds.

The reason why I agreed to Liu Xiong's invitation.

First, I wanted to see what the other party had in mind.

Secondly, if I sat next to Liu Xiong, I would definitely scare Li Tian.


It can make Li Tian feel uncomfortable.

Otherwise, this guy will always look arrogant, and I will definitely destroy his prestige.

At this time.

Ni Xiaoxiao was eager to know what kind of expression Li Tian had on his face when he saw himself sitting next to Liu Xiong.

If you refused to let go of your figure last night and opened your mouth to yourself, you will definitely regret it later.

Let you pretend! ! !

The eccentric Ni Xiaoxiao suddenly changed the direction of the wind and walked towards Liu Xiong.

at this time.

"Miss Ni!"

Assistant He chased after her with a panicked expression, and immediately whispered in Ni Xiaoxiao's ear, "Don't forget President Ni's instructions."

What she meant was that Ni Yuqing specifically told them that they must follow Li Tian and support each other with all their strength.


At this time, Assistant He was confused by Ni Xiaoxiao's actions.

Sooner or later, Hengxin Mining will confront Liu Xiong, why should he sit beside him now?

Isn't this looking for trouble?
When people from Li Tian's party arrive at the meeting later, isn't it easy to cause misunderstandings and suspicions?

Think of this.

Assistant He was extremely helpless. It was too difficult for Mr. Ni to entrust such a wild and unconstrained daughter to him.

She can't control him at all!
next second.

"Do not worry!"

"I have my measure."

Ni Xiaoxiao nodded with a coquettish smile, and whispered to Assistant He beside her.

"Miss Ni."

Just when Assistant He wanted to stop it.

I saw Ni Xiaoxiao quicken two steps, and then distanced herself from Assistant He.


Assistant He hesitated to speak in despair.

Do you have a sense of proportion?
Ni Xiaoxiao probably didn't know that Liu Xiong was a thousand-year-old fox, and almost none of the people who got close to him would end well.

If it is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, they don't even know the danger.

next second.

Looking at Ni Xiaoxiao's figure gradually going away, Assistant He sighed deeply in his heart.


No matter how reluctant she was, she still caught up with Ni Xiaoxiao.

Who made the other party Miss Ni's family?

Even if there is a dragon's lake and a tiger's lair ahead, I have no way out, so I have to bravely accompany them.

It's really not easy for wage earners!


(End of this chapter)

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