Chapter 729 Live Streaming
With Liu Xiong's inference, Liu Wu felt a little relieved.


He still reminded loudly, "Dad, be careful."

"Li Tian is very cunning, I am worried that you will fall into the other party's trap."

Think about it.

Why was Li Tian so easily caught by his father?

Not only that.

The other party knew that he would not let it go, but still did not choose to avoid the limelight.

All indications are that this matter is a bit strange.

next second.

"Wu Er."

"I hold this kid in the palm of my hand now, what tricks do you think he can play?"

Liu Xiong responded indifferently.

When did my son, who was not afraid of anything, become so timid?
Could it be that what happened last night became a nightmare in Liu Wu's heart?


As a father, he must untangle his son's heart knot.

The trouble should end it.

Since it was Li Tian who frightened his son like this, he had to be operated on.

Followed by.

"How many of you..."

Liu Xiong held the mobile phone in one hand, and gestured with the other, "Go, give Li Tian a good beating first."

The voice just fell.

He pointed his phone at Li Tian, ​​preparing to broadcast the match live for Liu Wu.


Many of Liu Xiong's subordinates responded in unison.

at this time.


A majestic voice came from the entrance of the meeting room.

Follow the reputation.

Wen Guangzhi came out with Jiang Ruotao and several shareholders.


Liu Xiong's face darkened, and then he said in a displeased tone, "Brother Wen, didn't we reach a tacit agreement not to interfere with each other's affairs?"


"Who has reached a tacit agreement with you?"

Straightforward Jiang Ruotao took the lead in spraying.

Since Li Tian and Song Zhaohua had been out for a long time, he begged Wen Guangzhi to come out and find out.


Wen Guangzhi still couldn't stand Jiang Ruotao's request, that's why this scene happened.

Just right.

Wen Guangzhi also wanted to come out to see what kind of state Li Tian would be facing Liu Xiong who was in an advantage?
at the same time.

He stretched out his hand to hold Jiang Ruotao, and then said with a light smile, "Dr. Liu, I don't need to interfere with your affairs, but this is the headquarters of Xishan Energy Group. If things become big, it may damage the image of the group."

When Wen Guangzhi saw Li Tian who was calm and composed, he secretly admired him.


Now that he has gone out, he naturally hopes to suppress Liu Xiong properly.

after all.

So much time has passed, if Li Tian has rescuers, it is impossible for him not to show up at this time.

If he hadn't come out just right, I'm afraid Li Tian would have been murdered by Liu Xiong.

Rare is.

Even at an absolute disadvantage, Li Tian is still calm and calm, completely unmatched by his peers.

I have to say, this one is very good.

From this, Wen Guangzhi can also understand why Jiang Ruotao is willing to regard him as his eldest brother.

This stability and mind are worthy of it!
next moment.

"Brother Wen."

"You must be worrying too much."

"We are the controllers of the group, as long as we block the news."

Liu Xiong continued with a smile, "Besides, cleaning up these two little fish and shrimp won't cause any public opinion."

Facing Wen Guangzhi's rhetoric, he dealt with it skillfully.

"The surname is Liu."

" want to do something to my two brothers?"

Jiang Ruotao couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

"Young Master Jiang."

"This matter involves my son Liu Wu. I hope you can distinguish the seriousness of the matter and stop meddling."

Liu Xiong's attitude is very firm.

Li Tian and Song Zhaohua are not only their son's enemies, but also the key to untie each other's knots.


The two people in front of them had to pay several times more painful lessons than Liu Wu.

"terribly sorry."

"I've taken care of this business."

After Jiang Ruotao finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked to Li Tian's side.



Liu Xiong said coldly.

Followed by.

"Call them up."

He patted the bodyguard beside him and said slowly.

Because of the unfortunate incident that happened to Liu Wu last night, he had already raised all the security levels of the Liu family by several notches.

Not only did he deploy numerous bodyguards in the hospital, but the number of bodyguards he followed surged from seven or eight to more than 20.

I had just considered that I was coming up to hold a general meeting of shareholders, so I only brought seven or eight personal bodyguards, and the rest of the staff were downstairs at any time, which happened to come in handy at this time.

Followed by.

"It's true."

"I brought a lot of people today."

Liu Xiong laughed confidently.

His original intention was to try not to conflict with the Jiang family, at least now is not a good time.


If the other party wants to stop his actions, then no one can blame him.


It seems that he won't lose money by beating up the eldest son of the Jiang family first.

In addition, it can make the Jiang family lose face.

Jiang Ruotao, let you meddle in your own business, no one will care about you when you cry for your father and mother.

next second.

"Liu Xiong."

"Are you ready to come hard?"

Wen Guangzhi saw through Liu Xiong's thoughts at a glance, and at the same time, a little anger appeared on his face.

The voice just fell.

He raised his hand and waved it, and four bodyguards rushed out from behind, and then stood in front of Jiang Ruotao.


He came here in a hurry today and did not bring a full bodyguard with him.

At this time, there were only four bodyguards.

If Liu Xiong only brought seven or eight bodyguards behind him, there would be no problem, but the other party obviously came prepared, so the four bodyguards on his side seemed not enough.

"Brother Wen."

"Today, I will put my words here."

"If your Jiang family is determined to get involved in this matter, then don't blame me for being merciless."

Liu Xiong said domineeringly.

These words.

It directly made Liu Wu on the other side of the screen feel full of pride.

My heart was filled with excitement and excitement.

Big scene! ! !

Of course, he knew the energy of the Jiang family.

Didn't expect that the Liu family could directly challenge the Banjiang family now?
When did the Liu family become so powerful?

I didn't know anything about it, I didn't notice it!

This is the situation.

Just like Principal Wang, he has no idea how powerful the family is.

Think of this.

He almost gave himself a big mouthful.

After knowing it! ! !
No no no.

He must record this famous scene, so that he can show his friends in Kyoto later.

Let everyone know that the current Jiang family has been severely overwhelmed by the Liu family.



Wen Guangzhi frowned.

He knew that Liu Xiong was determined to deal with Li Tian and Song Zhaohua this time.

If Young Master Jiang continues to stick to his position, Liu Xiong will definitely do what he says.

The other party was notoriously ruthless, and even a complete lunatic.

At this moment.

Things have gotten a little tricky.

Suffering from the fact that I can't predict the future, otherwise I will definitely bring enough people.


Wen Guangzhi quickly thought about the way to deal with it in his mind.


(End of this chapter)

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