Chapter 73

When Kong Zinan saw Li Tian's straight eyes again, he almost cried aggrieved.

How come I was bullied by this man tonight, there is no chance of turning over.

"stop looking!"

Kong Zinan couldn't help but say something coquettishly.

"Ahem... I'm looking at my phone."

While talking, Li Tian moved his eyes back to the screen, and glanced back in an instant, just in time to meet Kong Zinan's eyes.

"Hurry up and wash it, why are you always looking at me?"

Li Tian said confidently, it seems that Kong Zinan did something wrong.

Whoever speaks first wins!

Looking at the righteous Li Tian, ​​Kong Zinan was too angry to speak.

From his mouth, he distorted the facts and said that he saw him himself.

Too shameless!
Kong Zinan stopped arguing with Li Tian, ​​and he couldn't argue with him anyway, and if he continued to argue, he would be so angry that he would lose his life for a few years.

Check it out!

From this angle, no matter how she hides it, Li Tian can clearly see it, Kong Zinan simply let go.

Since it cannot be stopped, it is better to let it be, otherwise it will only increase troubles.

Look at it and there will be no missing pieces of meat, and she will not wash her feet with one hand and cover her heart with the other.

He lowered his head, and gently stretched his slender hands into the water.

He hesitated for a moment.

Kong Zinan's small hand grabbed Li Tian's ankle.

"Pfft! Haha..."

Li Tian, ​​who suddenly couldn't stand the itchy feet, laughed, and at the same time broke free, pulling out his feet in the water.

'Clatter...' There was a sound of water.

Li Tian pulled out his foot, and there was a lot of movement, and the thick water splashed on Kong Zinan who was squatting beside him.


Even though Kong Zinan passed half of his body, he was still wet and screamed.

This man must have been on purpose, trying to bully her all night.

"Hmph, you are really bad."

Kong Zinan snorted aggrievedly, then picked up the water from the bathtub and splashed it on Li Tian.

She was soaked all over, so naturally she didn't want to make Li Tian feel better.

Kong Zinan directly splashed water on Li Tian with both hands.

Get wet and get wet together! ! !

Facing the sudden scene, Li Tian turned his face to avoid the spray splashed by Kong Zinan, and then the second wave came again...

Yo, this little girl is very presumptuous...

'Wow. '

Li Tian swiped lightly with his foot, and a large splash of water fell on Kong Zinan's body again.


Kong Zinan screamed, wiped the tip of his dripping hair on his arm, and then splashed water on Li Tian again.

Li Tian, ​​who was still sitting, simply stood on the edge of the bathtub and splashed water towards Kong Zinan with his foot.

"Ah ha ha."

Kong Zinan screamed one after another, mixed with laughter, as if he had left behind his shyness and nervousness just now, and now all that remained was to fight back against Li Tian.

This is a burst and counterattack that has been oppressed for a long time.

She was very happy, she had never been so indulgent and fun.

At this moment.

"Cough cough..."

There was a nasty coughing sound from outside the bathroom.

Zhou Yunchen heard some movement in the living room, thought it might be the two had an argument again, so she went into the bedroom to check.

But as soon as they entered the bedroom, this is not a quarrel, this parting is just a quarrel.

It's just a joke of selflessness! !

Mandarin ducks are playing in the water! !
Zhou Yunchen is helpless, this excellent man is always so attractive.

Her heart couldn't bear this kind of stimulation, and she immediately interrupted their selfless play.

Zhou Yunchen secretly rejoiced that she stayed, otherwise she didn't know what would have happened.

same second.

Li Tian's voice came from the bathroom, "I said Manager Kong, this bathroom is already slippery, you see you were so careless, and you fell down, and your whole body was wet, tsk didn't hurt anything, did you?" ?”

"No, no, it's just that the clothes are wet."

Kong Zinan responded in shock.

"Well, that's good, add some hot water, the water temperature is not enough."

Li Tian gave a serious order and shouted to the outside, "Is Yunchen outside?"

"If I'm not here, Manager Kong will fall into the bathtub, right?"

Zhou Yunchen walked to the door of the bathroom, glanced at the messy bathroom, and felt even more angry.

"How can this be? With me here, Manager Kong can't fall into the bathtub."

Li Tian said with a harmless smile to Zhou Yunchen.

"You still said... hit you!"

Zhou Yunchen said coquettishly, with an unwavering expression, and then said, "I'll wait in the bedroom, hurry up."

She didn't want to stick to the door of the bathroom, or she would almost be breathless.

The two of them were all wet, really happy...

Kong Zinan lowered his head and said nothing, not knowing what he was thinking.

This time, both of them were very quiet, and nothing happened during the foot washing process.

After all, he is not a professional, so Kong Zinan just washed it casually.

About a quarter of an hour passed.

The two walked out of the bathroom one after another, and Zhou Yunchen was still sitting on the sofa in the bedroom.

"All right?"

Zhou Yunchen raised her beautiful eyes and asked the two of them.

"Um, all right!"

Kong Zinan nodded his head shyly.

"Then let's go."

Zhou Yunchen got up and walked out of the bathroom, obviously feeling a little bit resentful.

"Yunchen, where are you going?"

Li Tian followed closely behind and asked.

"Sleepy, go to bed."

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Yunchen had already led Kong Zinan out of the room, and then there was the sound of closing the door.

Li Tian was speechless, what is all this?

He messed up his good business, and now he also took Kong Zinan away?

Well, tonight I will be alone in this cold room again.

Now he is not in the mood to drink celebration wine at all.

No beauties, drinking with a group of old men?
Wash and sleep...

next morning.

At ten o'clock, the phone text message sounded.

'Ow. '


98 billion went out and came back to 181.3 billion. Li Tian lamented that the capital market is too powerful.

"Hello, is this Mr. Li?"

While Li Tian was staring at the payment information, he connected to an unfamiliar call by the way.

"Yes, who are you?"

Li Tian asked back.

"I am Zhou Yike from Minsheng Bank. Congratulations to Mr. Li for becoming our supreme VIP customer. I am your personal financial advisor."

A soft female voice came from the phone.

As soon as Zhou Yike arrived at the bank in the morning, he was called to the president's office and told that a large sum of nearly 200 billion yuan would be transferred into an account named Li Tian, ​​and that she was appointed to be Li Tian's personal consultant, one-on-one kind of.

After all, it is a customer who can have nearly 200 billion in cash, so how can it not attract the attention of the bank and win maintenance.

"Mr. Li, do you have time to come to our bank? We need to replace your ordinary card with a supreme diamond black card."

Zhou Yike remembered the last task assigned by the president, to market Li Tian to buy wealth management products, with a minimum requirement of [-] million, so she wanted Li Tian to come to the bank in person, so that it would be easier to do some marketing strategies.

"Okay, then I'll contact you later."

It just so happened that Li Tian was planning to find a time to go to the bank to increase the daily limit, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to transfer money every time. Now that the bank is taking the initiative to change the bank card for him, it will be much more convenient to adjust the limit.

"Okay, Mr. Li, I can also wait for your arrival..."

The soft voice hit Li Tian's hearing again.


(End of this chapter)

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