Chapter 80 The snub from Luo Siying

Seeing Li Tian and Zhou Yunchen's intimate behavior, Luo Siying's expression changed.

Zhou Yunchen nodded to Luo Siying very politely.

She recognized Luo Siying in front of her. This was the girl sitting next to her at Li Tian's classmate reunion last month.

Zhou Yunchen didn't panic, but still naturally grabbed Li Tian's wrist.

"Are you coming to eat?"

Li Tian didn't break free from Zhou Yunchen either. At this time, the more deliberately he behaved, the more suspicious he would be.


Luo Siying responded with a low voice.

She felt a little uncomfortable, she hadn't seen her for a few days, did Li Tian fall in love with this woman?
No wonder, after all, she is the female president of the World Honored Group, and she is pretty, so much better than her student.

"I, I'll go first."

Luo Siying lowered her head, wanting to quickly escape from this embarrassing situation.

"Okay, I'll contact you later."

Li Tian looked at Luo Siying's passing figure and said.

Hearing this, Luo Siying frowned.

There are beautiful women around me, why should I contact myself?
Luo Siying felt even more uncomfortable, and left quickly.

Li Tian looked back and shook his head helplessly.

Luo Siying must have misunderstood something...

"It seems that your little girlfriend is jealous."

Zhou Yunchen muttered to Li Tian.

"If you encounter such a scene, will you be jealous?"

Li Tian asked with a half-smile.

"It's not that I haven't seen it before. I'm just holding your hand. If the scene between you and Manager Kong is seen by this little girlfriend, I wonder if she can hold on?"

Zhou Yunchen covered the smile on her lips and said teasingly to Li Tian.

As the sole heir of a group and also experienced the baptism of society, Zhou Yunchen's heart is indeed much stronger than this inexperienced student.

Li Tian glanced at Zhou Yunchen speechlessly, how could it always be related to Kong Zinan.

He also stopped talking to Zhou Yunchen, and just chatted a few words about Xiao Caizhe's acquisition in the car, and then sent the two cousins ​​back to the hotel, and then he went home.

Huijing District.

As soon as he entered the house, Li Zhengping was the only one at home.

In the past few days, he has been grounded and cannot go to any social gatherings. After work, he can only be locked at home.

Ning Xuehua's house arrest is too harsh.

After several days in a row, Li Zhengping had a trace of melancholy on his face, and when he saw Li Tian coming home, he was very excited.

Finally saw a living person.

"Son, come and talk to me."

Li Zhengping patted the sofa beside him and said.

"Don't talk, you are now wearing a crime, I don't want to get burned."

Li Tian tapped the wireless surveillance camera on the vertical air conditioner, maybe Ning Xuehua is watching their every move right now.

This Aimi brand wireless surveillance camera can even hear the sound clearly.

Can't be careless.

Li Zhengping was speechless for a moment, then started watching TV.

He didn't know how long such a life would last.


Time flies, three days have passed.

'Don't answer the phone, don't reply to the message, this little girl. '

Li Tian called Luo Siying again, but there was still no response, muttering to himself.

Immediately afterwards, Li Tian called Xiao Caizhe, "How is the matter going?"

"Mr. Li, everything else is basically fine, but the price is still under negotiation."

Xiao Caizhe responded.

"Okay, under the condition of ensuring a successful acquisition, try to keep the price as low as possible."


After hanging up the phone, Li Tian sat on the sofa in the living room at home.

At this moment, Lao Li was still watching TV with a dull expression.

Seeing him like this now, Li Tian wanted to laugh.

If this continues, Lao Li will soon suffer from dementia.

"Dad, don't you have to go to work today?"

Li Tian bared his white teeth and asked.

"I have nothing to do recently, so I won't go."

Li Zhengping returned expressionlessly.

He was fine, this was simply a silent protest to Ning Xuehua.

Otherwise, I feel too aggrieved.

"Then shall we go out for a walk?"

Li Tian raised his eyebrows, and took out a car model key from his trouser pocket, "There is a Porsche Cayenne."

"Brat, did you borrow the car again?"

Li Zhengping was overjoyed at first, and then calmed down again, "Let's go out, your mother will come home later and trouble me again."

"It's okay, she's looking for trouble, I'll take care of it for you."

Li Tianman responded indifferently.

"You can pull it down, you kid can run faster than a rabbit."

Li Zhengping gritted his teeth when he thought of being sold by this son just a few days ago.

In today's society, having a son is not reliable.

"Love will not go!"

Li Tian put the car keys back in his trouser pocket.

"That's what you said. If there is a problem this time, you can't just slip away without loyalty."

He also wanted to go out to get some air, otherwise he would be bored at home.



Li Zhengping drove a Porsche Cayenne and couldn't put it down. "This car is really beautiful. I'll buy one after I drive BMW for another two years."

"Your five departments have been open for six years, so you have to wait another two years?"

Li Tian knows his family's conditions and wants to buy a million-dollar car without any pressure, but his parents have always been reluctant to buy it. Although Li Zhengping said two years, in the end it must be two years after two years.

After all, those assets were accumulated slowly from their youth.

Moreover, whether it is insurance or maintenance costs for millions of luxury cars, it is not a small expense.

"What do you know? Our family's business, the credit accumulated for decades, does not need a luxury car to support the appearance, and it is a waste to buy it."

Li Zhengping continued solemnly, "As long as you can drive, it's all about transportation anyway."

"Besides, housing prices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen are rising so fast now. After you graduate from university, I will have to buy you a new house and a car, and then get married. It's not a small expense."

"You young boys are all born in the midst of blessings and don't know how to be blessed. You all gnaw on the old, thinking back then..."

I'm coming!

This old Li is going to start a long story again...

"Dad, go to the convention center."

Li Tian interrupted Li Zhengping's words.

"What are you going there for?"

"There's a car show there these days."

"Don't go!"

"I don't have to buy it when I go there, it's cool to see it."

"Not interested in!"

Li Zhengping said dutifully, he thought that if you don't buy it, don't read it, otherwise you will only feel itchy.

"Then we're going home."

Li Tian understood his father's concerns, so he could only use threats.

"not going home."

Li Zhengping had no choice but to drive to the convention and exhibition center in Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

15 minutes later.

The father and son walked into the exhibition hall of the convention and exhibition center.

Because it is an auto show, there are cars of all brands.

And they are all the latest styles.

"Where to go?"

Li Zhengping stopped Li Tian who wanted to go to the sports car area, "Why don't you look at the sports car, that thing is not practical."

"Well, listen to you."

Li Tian glanced at this old stingy father.

next moment.

Toyota display area.

"What did you bring me here for?"

Li Tian asked curiously.

"I'll show you one, the Corolla is really good."

After Li Zhengping finished speaking, he glanced at the exhibition area, "Unfortunately, there are no existing cars here."

"Let's go!"

Li Tian walked away with his arms around a car that was half a head shorter than him, "There must be none here, and there will be no models of this price at the auto show."

He understands that his father has worked so hard for this family for decades, and now he wants to buy a car for him to practice with sincerity, but he has a Porsche Cayenne to practice with, not bad for a Corolla.

On the contrary, he plans to buy one for Lao Li to express his gratitude.

At the same time, you can also disclose that you have made a little money by the way.

Li Tian has often studied cars with Li Zhengping since he was a child. He also knows that Lao Li is a quasi-car fan. If he buys one for him, it will definitely relieve his recent depression.

Walking out of the Toyota exhibition area, Li Zhengping was dragged towards the Mercedes-Benz exhibition area...

(End of this chapter)

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