Chapter 960 Era Derivatives

The fourth uncle's full name is Shen Jianpeng, he is very optimistic and cheerful, and is extremely friendly to others.


At this moment, Shen Jianpeng had a sad expression on his face.

There is no other reason.

It was his bank loan that was cut off, and he couldn't make up 5000 million to pay back to the bank for a while.

Followed by.

"Old Li."

"Under normal circumstances, the bank will not break the loan for me."

"Nowadays, those companies that specialize in bridges are getting wind, who else would be willing to give me an advance of 5000 million?"

Shen Jianpeng frowned, then rubbed his face with his hands.

The so-called bridge company does not have a complicated meaning.

Many banks provide large-amount loans to enterprises, among which there is a pre-agreed period of half a year or one year.

When the time is up, the company must pay back the payment, and then the bank will re-transmit the money back to the company's account.

This period is generally three to seven days, depending on the situation of holidays and rest days.

The reason why banks do this is to control risks.

First of all, the company can pay back the money within the agreed time limit, which proves that the company has no problem with the liquidity of funds.

Secondly, if there is a change in the country's policy, the bank can also use the short-term repayment agreement to withdraw the funds in a timely manner and not re-lend to the enterprise.


Some time ago, when the state cracked down on heavily polluting enterprises, banks played a leading role in tightening their lending authority to these enterprises.

This greatly limits the expansion and growth of these enterprises.


Under normal circumstances, as long as the enterprise repays the interest on time every month and has no overdue record, the bank will not easily initiate the loan withdrawal process.

Well known.

A bank is a very real institution.

Most of them are icing on the cake, and there are fewer cases of giving charcoal in a timely manner.

The scale and reputation of enterprises that can deal with banks and obtain large loans cannot be underestimated.


Shen Jianpeng's business suffered a sudden loan cut, and there must be something tricky about it.

There must be a reason for preferring to offend a company and reduce revenue.

Back to the bridge company again.

It is precisely because of the regulation of regular repayment that so-called bridge companies have been born.

The news of these companies is relatively well-informed. They will know about the bank in advance and whether they will cut off the loan for the company.

If everything is normal.

They will lend this sum of money to pay back for the enterprise.

At that time.

When the enterprise receives the loan from the bank again, the funds will be returned to the bridge company.

Interest is calculated on a daily basis.

Then, someone will definitely have doubts.

Why can't enterprises repay the arrears by themselves, but need to ask these bridge companies for help.

of course.

If the enterprise has sufficient funds of its own, it must repay the money by itself.

But... Many companies have borrowed large sums of money from banks, most of which have been invested in production lines and business expansion.

In half a year or a year, it is impossible to withdraw funds at all.

This is also the reason why the bridge company has been able to do so well in recent years.

The things derived from behind the times must have their meaning of existence.

next moment.


"Then how much money does your company have now?"

Li Zhengping also rarely saw Shen Jianpeng who was frowning.

Can't help but.

He was a little worried.

after all.

This matter can be big or small.

Once Shen Jianpeng fails to pay back the money on time, not only his personal reputation will be greatly affected, but also the reputation of the entire enterprise will be affected.

At that time, Shen Jianpeng, not to mention taking over the project, just being called for payment by the downstream building material dealers, the company would not be able to bear it.

Whether it is a bank or an enterprise, the credit crisis is the most frightening.

Bank runs are often the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

next second.

"Old Li."

"To tell you the truth, there are only more than 700 million in the account."

Fourth Uncle Shen Jianpeng responded slightly embarrassed.

If you want to collect 5000 million, you still need more than 4000 million holes to fill.

at the same time.

Li Zhengping frowned and said, "It's more than 700 million, which is a bit short."


"I'm like a headless chicken now."


Shen Jianpeng couldn't laugh or cry.

He never expected that the bank would suddenly change its mind and stop lending to him.


Shen Jianpeng did not expect that his former competitor, Liu Laiming, would be a cousin of the branch manager.


This branch is also a bank that lends money to its own business.

Too bad luck! ! !
at the same time.

"Fourth, don't worry, drink some tea!"

"Let's figure it out together."

Seeing Shen Jianpeng's appearance, Li Zhengping hurriedly comforted him.

"it is good!"

Shen Jianpeng really had nothing to do, he raised the small hot teacup and drank it down in one gulp.

"Drink slowly!"

"Be careful of the heat."

Li Zhengping shook his head repeatedly and said.


"No problem."

"It's boring."

Shen Jianpeng waved his hand, and then said with some seriousness, "Lao Li, if the 5000 million cannot be repaid, the company may be doomed."

"Although our company is not yet insolvent, if the bank initiates a lawsuit, how will we do business in the future."


The most important thing is reputation.

Reputable people are not afraid of failure, because many people are willing to help if they want to make a comeback.

on the contrary.

People without credibility will never try to become bigger and stronger.

same second.

"I won't make it back."

"I didn't say it all, let's find a way together?"

Li Zhengping refilled Shen Jianpeng's cup with a cup of tea.

Followed by.

"Fourth, I guess the company can spare 1000 million."

"Tomorrow, I'll ask the accountant to call you, and you should make up your mind first."

Just now, Li Zhengping made some calculations in his heart.

It should be able to free up 1000 million for Shen Jianpeng.

A friend of decades, Shen Jianpeng has helped him a lot in the past.


Li Zhengping naturally wouldn't sit idly by when the other party was in trouble.


"Fourth, let's not be polite."

"I know you've been doing business with the Galaxy Group recently, so funds should be very tight, right?"

Shen Jianpeng said with a little embarrassment, "You said you set aside 1000 million for me. If you want to advance funds later, what will you do?"

The relationship between the two is very good.

It is to understand each other.

Just like Shen Jianpeng was in distress at this time, but he thought that Li Zhengping would also need a lot of money in the near future, so he didn't speak for a long time.

after all.

Shen Jianpeng knew that if he spoke, Li Zhengping would definitely do his best, so he didn't want to embarrass the other party even more.

"Alright, alright."

Li Zhengping waved his hands nonchalantly, "Don't worry about me, deal with your own affairs first."

"Besides, your business is just these few days, more urgent than mine."

He maintained a relaxed state throughout the whole process, just to avoid burdening Shen Jianpeng's heart.


"Lao Li, I'd better figure it out myself!"

"Don't wait for the two of us to capsize together."

Think for a moment.

Shen Jianpeng shook his head again and again and refused, and then continued, "I'm not sure if I can refinance to 5000 million in the future."

"Once the loan cannot be obtained, we are all finished."

"You still keep some strength, maybe I can come to rely on you in the future."


(End of this chapter)

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