The best boy on campus

Chapter 104 How could this happen!

"The kind of medicine that turns a pure girl into a little slut in an instant." Liu Boyang wanted to play tricks in his heart, and directly said with a wicked smile without any scruples

Sure enough, Sun Xiaorou's pretty face blushed, she curled her lips, cast a blameful look at him, and felt angrily in her heart that this bad guy actually spoke so blatantly. Now I believe in Liu Boyang

"Does my daughter-in-law trust me?" Liu Boyang asked

"I believe" Sun Xiaorou nodded

"Then are you still angry?" Liu Boyang asked again

"Angry" Sun Xiaorou said without hesitation

"No? You said you believed me, why are you still angry?" Liu Boyang asked depressed

"You didn't answer my call just now." Sun Xiaorou pouted

"Just for this? You've seen it too. Now that I'm carrying this delirious pig on my back, how can I free up my hands to answer the phone?" Liu Boyang called Qu.

piggy?Song Qianxia was dissatisfied when she heard this title, and continued to grab Liu Boyang's hair angrily...

"Then I don't care. It's two different things. If you don't answer my call, I'll be angry. Do you know that I called you, so you don't answer it, afraid that I will spoil your good deed?" Sun Xiaorou bit her lip and said

"Daughter-in-law, you are grandma, I'm afraid of you, okay, I promise you, even if the world falls and the earth is destroyed, I will still answer the phone call from my daughter-in-law, is this okay?" Liu Boyang was forced to helplessly, I had no choice but to be a rogue, and said with a smile

Sun Xiaorou was teased by him, cleared her throat on purpose, and said, "Humph, it's not too bad." She couldn't really be angry because of Liu Boyang's betrayal of Song Qianxia, ​​since she had promised Liu Boyang, allowing him to have three wives and four concubines , I have already made sufficient psychological preparations in my heart, and I will face this moment sooner or later

Of course, it came so fast, it still made Sun Xiaorou feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she controlled it very well, and she looked like she was okay

This can't be blamed on Sun Xiaorou, love is selfish, everyone wants to monopolize their lover, even the most thoughtful person, when encountering such a thing, they will inevitably feel jealous

"Hehe, there are so many daughters-in-law." Liu Boyang said sincerely that Sun Xiaorou tolerated himself so much that he really had nothing to say. In the future, he had nothing to say except to treat her better

"You know me now?" Sun Xiaorou blinked and said

"Well, but if you can help me go up and open the door now, that would be great... This little pig should lose weight, it's really heavy..." Liu Boyang said with a bitter face


Back home, Liu Boyang and Sun Xiaorou had a problem. Song Qianxia was getting more and more confused. She knew how to speak just now, but now she didn't even speak. Her hands were like octopus. Hugging Liu Boyang's neck and refusing to let go, the pair of little rabbits on his chest kept rubbing against Liu Boyang's body...

This made Liu Boyang very embarrassed. Although this pair of Xiao Fengying was coveted by him for a long time, but the happiness came too violently and too fast, and he couldn't stand it. If he was the only one in the room now, it was hard to say whether he would control it or not. I can't help but hold this pair of little plums in my hands, stroke and play with them, and then suck them beautifully... Although it's a bit of taking advantage of others, it's much better than pretending to be a hypocrite and watching them suffer, really It's unbearable to be tortured

On the other side, Sun Xiaorou stared at Liu Boyang "eyeingly", feeling a little jealous of Song Qianxia in her heart, the place in Brother Yang's arms was originally her own, but now she has taken it away...

Song Qianxia has completely fallen now, and the medicinal properties in her body surged up one after another, and she fell into a kind of loss. She also seemed to feel that she was in the house until now, and not many people saw it, so He became more unscrupulous, and while Liu Boyang was talking with Sun Xiaorou, he suddenly sat up, with two jade arms hugging Liu Boyang's neck tightly, and two beautiful legs directly straddled and sat on Liu Boyang's waist. The chest was squeezed directly against his chest, and with a voice that could no longer be tolerated, he leaned on Liu Boyang's ear and gasped, "I'm so hot...over sad...I want to be with you... Do that..." As he said, he twisted his body uncontrollably, deliberately rubbing Liu Boyang's baby with his elastic buttocks...

As soon as Liu Boyang heard that his head was so big, he immediately knew that this little girl had fallen, and the lower body that was rubbed by her immediately reacted, which was beyond the control of her will, especially when she heard such a pure girl say After hearing such words, he felt great stimulation, and a tent immediately bulged up in his lower abdomen.

But Liu Boyang hadn't been dazed by the fire of desire yet, so he tried his best to restrain himself and pushed Song Qianxia away, let her body leave him half a point, and deliberately said in a cold tone: "Girl, are you crazy? Do you know what you are doing? "

"Hehe" Song Qianxia's pink cheeks were flushed, she giggled, her two puppet-like arms once again grabbed Liu Boyang's shoulders, and immediately wanted to push him down on the sofa, her whole delicate body moved forward Qing then lay down on Liu Boyang's chest, with blurred eyes, and said in a seductive tone: "Didn't you always like to touch my tits? I'll touch it for you, hehe." As she said, she actually grabbed Liu Boyang's hand and turned towards her. Just as Liu Boyang frowned and wanted to withdraw his hand, he was joking. Now that Sun Xiaorou was still standing aside and watching, how could he do this in front of her? Song Qianxia suddenly became dishonest. He straightened his body forward again, salivating from the corners of his mouth, and pressed his pink cheeks against Liu Boyang mouth to mouth, giggling in a low voice: "Do you want my body? I can give it to you too..."

"Girl, don't mess around." Seeing Song Qianxia's appearance like this, Liu Boyang's scalp felt numb, so he pushed her hard. Song Qianxia was accidentally pushed to the sofa for internal testing. Liu Boyang took the opportunity to stand up Getting up, before he could speak, Song Qianxia over there suddenly entangled him like a little vixen, stretched out a boneless tender hand to grab Liu Boyang's forearm, and knelt down on both knees Sitting on the sofa, looking at Liu Boyang pitifully, he pouted and asked, "Don't you like me?"

Liu Boyang looked at his begging look, frowned, and said bitterly: "Damn Hua Snake, I can't spare him"

"What did you say?" Song Qianxia stood up on the sofa and questioned Liu Boyang, at the same time she stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around his neck

"I like it, why don't I like it? But I don't like you like this." Liu Boyang angrily reached out and grabbed Song Qianxia's two jade arms

And Song Qianxia didn't listen to what he said at all, she leaned into his arms as soon as her delicate body softened, and said with a smile: "I like want me...I'll give it to you...I want you... Possess me..."

At this time, Sun Xiaorou also walked to Liu Boyang's side, took Song Qianxia's two tender hands, and pushed her back on the sofa. She was completely frightened by Song Qianxia just now, and she never expected that she would be The potion has hurt so badly that I don't even think about anything other than wanting to do that kind of thing

"Daughter-in-law, you also saw it, what should I do?" Liu Boyang had no choice but to throw this hot potato to Sun Xiaorou. The current Song Qianxia is really a hateful flower snake that he loves and hates at the same time.

Sun Xiaorou also frowned and looked at Song Qianxia. As a girl, she has the sensitivity unique to girls, knowing that Song Qianxia is completely swallowed up by the sea of ​​desire at this time...

"Qianxia, ​​wake up, wake up, can you listen to what I say?" Sun Xiaorou also patted Song Qianxia's shoulder with her small hand helplessly, and asked

Song Qianxia didn't even look at her, twisted her body and wanted to pester Liu Boyang, but was held down by Sun Xiaorou in time, so she smiled charmingly at Liu Boyang: "Hey, what's the matter? Come here, I'm good." It's hot, I want to take off my clothes..." As he said that, he actually reached out to take off his school uniform

Sun Xiaorou hurriedly reached out to grab her, turned around and asked Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, tell me, will she wake up a little after taking a bath?" Water is the only thing that can make people sober, and this is what Sun Xiaorou can do at this moment. the only way to figure it out

Liu Boyang also agreed when he heard it, nodded and said: "It should be possible"

"Go away, I don't want you to care about it." Song Qianxia pushed Sun Xiaorou angrily, and said unwillingly

Sun Xiaorou looked at her helplessly, and said to Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, I'm going to adjust the water, you undress her first." After speaking, she turned her head and walked towards the bathroom

"You want me to undress him?" Liu Boyang asked in surprise

"What nonsense, it's too late, who knows what will happen to her if you delay it any longer? Don't think too much, it's just undressing her." Sun Xiaorou curled her lips and smiled.

Note to readers:

collection, smashing bricks, tickets

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