The best boy on campus

Chapter 1054 A fat man?

Seeing that Lao Mao and others were really going to get rough, the people in the "Furen Building" were dumbfounded. The first to react were the security guards who came out with Brother Jun, howling and picking up the electric batons one by one. Hit the old cat and the others, but their two blows are really not enough. The old cat tilted his head slightly, dodged the baton struck by a guy who didn't know what to do, and punched the guy in the stomach , shattered his bladder on the spot, and the pain made him cry for his father and mother. The old cat withdrew his hand and clasped his fists at a thunderous hammer on his back. His back was flattened, and he lay on the ground in shock

The group of security guards behind whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo superior

One by one lost the electric baton and turned around and wanted to run away, but Huzi and Cui Guodong didn't intend to let them go. They rushed up with a group of people and pressed them on the ground to start a violent beating. Crying hysterically all over the floor, the whole place is horrible



"Stop it, stop it!" The waiters, whose legs were trembling in fright, hurriedly hugged their heads and screamed

"Why shut up all of you? If you don't want to be like these men, get the hell out of here," the old cat shouted

In an instant, a group of little girls were silent, covered their mouths and backed away in horror

Lao Mao picked up a baton from the ground with his own hands, strode up to a waitress, and asked coldly, "Where is the surveillance video?"

The waitress shook her head in horror, the old cat didn't talk nonsense, and just pressed the button of the electric baton, and the electric baton was charged with a "stab" on it, "I don't like beating women, but I haven't seen anyone who shocked people." What does foaming at the mouth look like, do you want to try it?"

The waitress hurriedly said with a mournful face, "Okay, I'll take you there..."

This is what the old cat was told by Liu Boyang before going out. Generally speaking, there are countless pinhole cameras inside such a large gold store, so that it is convenient to take pictures of the appearance and emergencies of some robbers, and turn around. It's good to arrest the old cat. I'm not afraid that the Dulong gang will bring people over to make amends, but I'm afraid that these videos will fall into the hands of the police, so trouble will be inevitable.

"The two of you go with her and just smash the video recorder." The old cat turned to the two younger brothers and said

"Yes." The two younger brothers quickly followed the ashen-faced waitress upstairs

The old cat looked at the group of waitresses and said, "Listen, I don't intend to make things difficult for you today, so you don't have to be afraid. If there is a wrong, there is a debt. I'm here to trouble the Dragon Gang. As long as you Cooperate obediently, there is nothing wrong with you.” After speaking, he personally took the baton, walked to a gold cabinet, smashed the glass on it with a “snap”, picked up the gold jewelry inside and looked at it, very casually. He sprinkled it on the ground and crushed it with his feet. His purpose today is very clear. The uncle is definitely not here to rob. It is the work of thieves. We men don’t do it. We are just here to make trouble.

A group of waitresses watched the old cat trample the expensive pocket gold pet into gold cakes on the spot, and they all felt distressed. Although they work in the "Furen Building", how many people can actually buy it? Want this kind of thing?The old cat crushed more than 3 yuan with that kick

Seeing that the old cat took the lead in person, the younger brothers of the Jiulong Club in the back stood still for no reason, and immediately rushed into the "Furen Building" excitedly, smashed all the gold cabinets, and then dumped the gold and silver inside. All the jewelry was taken out and torn into pieces. The waitresses who saw it were bleeding. They don’t want people to live. Who are they? How can they be so vicious? It only takes a few minutes to smash millions thing

A group of people smashed it for a full 10 minutes. The last group of waitresses who watched were about to cry, so they stopped. Looking around, the entire "Furen Building" was in a mess and full of holes.

They seem to have gone too far, and a very sad and angry waitress secretly reported to Chen Fusheng

"Okay." The old cat looked at the messy "Furen Building", and was finally satisfied, and yelled, "Brothers, get out!"

After speaking, he led a large group of people swaggeringly out of the "Furen Building", and the group of younger brothers from the Jiulong Club followed behind Brother Mao, not to mention how happy he was. Today, this fucking thing is more enjoyable, and the more valuable it is It's better to smash it

Seeing Lao Mao and others getting into the car and driving away, the group of waitresses who were filled with righteous indignation bit their lips with tears. One of them called Liang Fusheng crying, "Brother Liang! Hurry up and ruin our store completely"


In fact, don't think that the only property of the Dulong Gang, "Furen Building", was destroyed. It also had two large cities and hotels that were also burned down. Needless to say, things like wine ktv There are only a few venues under the Dulong Gang that really come from money, this is great, he smashed them all

The high-level members of the Dulong Gang were furious after receiving the news, and mobilized all the gang members to rush to the places where the incidents happened in the first place, hoping to smash the troublemakers into pieces.

Liang Fusheng was the first to rush to the scene with his people in the hall, but it was too late when he arrived at the "Furen Building". full of grunting security guards

"Who did this?" Liang Fusheng, who has always regarded himself as a think tank in the poisonous dragon gang, was furious like never before, and shouted loudly.

"Brother Liang, it''s a group of people who have never seen it before. The leaders are a few teenagers, and we don't know them..." A waitress walked up tremblingly and said, but she didn't finish her sentence , Liang Fusheng's loud slap had already slapped her hard, covering her whole body, and she stood there in a daze

"What the hell are you doing forcing you to raise them? Did you call me earlier? Did they say anything when they came in?"

The waitress was full of grievances, with tears rolling in her eyes, and said timidly: "Yes... the big fat guy who took the lead said he wanted to look for you as soon as he came in. We said you were not there, and then he..."

Before finishing talking this time, Chen Fusheng grabbed her chin and asked viciously: "A fat man? What kind of fat man? Have you written down his appearance? Damn, don't go anywhere today, just Take me to find him, I don't believe that if you search City W all over again, you can't dig out those bastards who have eaten the ambition of leopards."

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