The best boy on campus

Chapter 1064 Blind Sniper!

"What happened in front?" Hearing the sound of explosions coming from the front, Fourth Master Qiao, Dongfang Shuo, and Nangong Hu were all shocked!They brought people to kill this time, but they all came with cold weapons, not hot weapons at all!The reason is very simple, as long as guns and explosives are used in anything, the nature will be different. With their advantage of more than 6000 people, it is not a matter of minutes to destroy a second-line gang in Jiulong Club. Guns and gunpowder are needed ?

But looking at the current situation, they have all lost their previous composure. They didn't bring hot weapons, which doesn't mean that Jiulong Club didn't bring them either. If that's the case, the situation will be very bad for them!

"You guys, go ahead and see what's going on. Could it be that the Nine Dragons Club has used explosives?" Fourth Master Qiao hurriedly ordered a few confidants outside.

Before those confidantes could leave, someone from the front called back and reported: "Fourth Master! No, people from the Jiulong Club have ambushed. Our vanguard was blown up by them, and more than 200 people were lying there. All roads are blocked!"

Fourth Master Qiao said angrily, "What do you mean blowing up a large area? They planted a bomb?"

"No! It's just that there are firecrackers all over the sky! We didn't guard against their trick at all, and suffered a big loss!"

When Fourth Master Qiao heard that it was not a bomb but a firecracker, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said coldly, "Everyone is a fucking idiot! What's so scary about firecrackers, can they kill people? They just bluffed and gave it to me right away." Push forward and see what other tricks they can do!"

The person in front cried out: "Fourth Master, their firecrackers are not ordinary firecrackers, they are amazingly powerful! They are just small bombs! I'm afraid that if we continue to move forward, the loss will be even greater!"

"Bastard! How dare you tell me the conditions?! I told you to move on, didn't you hear? I'm bringing so many people back, what are you afraid of?" Fourth Master Qiao shouted!

The person on the front line suddenly didn't dare to say anything, and he said a few words, so he could only bite the bullet and follow what the fourth master said.

In the next car, the cunning Dongfang Shuo tilted his head and looked at Fourth Master Qiao, "Fourth, what happened?"

Fourth Master Qiao sneered and said, "The Nine Dragons Club is really out of stock, and even the firecrackers are too shameful to show it off! This fucking is just jumping the wall! If I don't drive them all out today, I won't be named Qiao!"

"Firecrackers?" Dongfang Shuo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Fourth, firecrackers can also hurt people, don't let the little ones fight wildly, let the car drive in first, people are afraid of bombing, but cars are not afraid!"

Hearing this, Fourth Master Qiao remained calm on the surface, but a vicious resentment arose in his heart!This time, Dongfang Shuo was more thoughtful than he thought, and he was calmer than himself. Why is he always better than himself?

Fourth Master Qiao clenched his fists tightly, suppressed his rising killing intent, and said with a faint smile, "Look at my head, I forget it when I am in a hurry, or you call the people in front, most of your people drive first! "

Dongfang Shuo is an old man who walks the rivers and lakes and observes his words and demeanor. Looking at Fourth Master Qiao's smirk, he knows that he has no good intentions, but this does not surprise him. On the surface they are harmonious, but it has not been a day or two since there have been grievances and conflicts between each other. Now they are only united for the common enemy. In fact, everyone has a ghost in their stomachs!

Dongfang Shuo resolutely called the people in front to give instructions. The people backed up first, let the car drive in first, and continued to charge after the ambush of the Jiulong Club was withdrawn!


Facts have proved that Dongfang Shuo's order is correct. The white whips that Liu Boyang made all the boys in the Jiulong Society throw wildly, although they are very lethal when they blow up people, they will not have much effect when they are blown up on cars. After all, they are not real. Explosives can't penetrate copper skin and iron bones!

Seeing the group of three major gangs on the front line who were scarred by the bombing back quickly, they changed into a dozen black cars and rushed to the front line to lead the battle. The rainy firecrackers fell on the front and roof On the ground, there was a "bang bang" sound, but few of them could blow up the glass, so it wouldn't do much harm!

All the younger brothers of the Jiulong Society stopped throwing quickly, stopped doing useless work, and anxiously waited for Liu Boyang's next instruction!

Liu Boyang obviously didn't expect the speed of the other party's change of formation to be so fast. The bosses of the three major gangs are not easy to save fuel. Machete, right now only he himself, Lai Bingwen, Yang Lin, Gao Zhenfei, Zhang Xiangdong, and Hu Zi have guns, but facing the total number of more than 1000 people, this son's bullets are not enough to appetize!It's a good idea to capture the thief first, but the three old foxes can't come out from behind. There are so many people, even if you fly, you can't rush to the front and kill them directly!The current situation is indeed precarious!

"***! If we had known this, we should have brought the bazooka directly! Let's see if they dare to be arrogant, I will blow up as many as they come!" The old cat was furious.

Liu Boyang waved his hand coldly, "Don't say these things are useless! We have no other way but to fight to the end. Brothers, now is the time to give it a go. Those who dare to die come with me!" Liu Boyang finished speaking Regardless of the cold winter weather in Lajiu at this time, he took off his outer coat, tore off a piece of fabric, fastened the machete firmly to his hand, held the sniper in one hand, and walked up the aisle in strides. Yang Lin, Gao Zhenfei, Zhang Xiangdong, Lai Bingwen and the others did not hesitate at all, and quickly followed. No one was greedy for life or afraid of death, and no one flinched in battle!They all put the faith of brothers first, unite and step forward bravely, if people want to fight, I will fight, one is ten, brave and not afraid of death!

The group of younger brothers who had been standing behind them and ambushing in the dense forest on the high slope saw that the bosses had gone into battle in person. They had no reason to back down, and they stopped hiding immediately, and suddenly stood up from all directions, raised their hands The machete shouted to kill Zhentian, it was a fight to the death or a fight, I would rather be a hero who throws his head and blood, than a coward who beat back the drums!


㊣(5) Although the members of the three major gangs rushed fiercely, they have only just broken through the narrow lane. Don't forget that there were more than 200 people lying on the ground just now. Before they knew it, a lot of time was wasted. When they finally rushed out of the lane and turned into the hinterland of Phoenix Garden, they suddenly found Liu Boyang striding forward with a large group of people to meet him directly!

The people in the car obviously didn't expect that Jiulong Society would dare to resist not only not running, they sneered and were about to run into it, when Liu Boyang picked up the big sniper, useless to even aim, the blind sniper pierced through the front of the car with a single shot The glass exploded the driver's head into pieces. The car that I just picked up was unmanned and rubbed the wheel sharply. The front of the car deviated from the direction. All the cars behind hit it accidentally. Yang Linhuzi Lai Bingwen Zhang Xiangdong followed Liu Boyang Afterwards, they fired bursts of fire, and nothing else, just blew up the tires of those cars. In an instant, the tires of each car were blown up, and a dozen cars turned into headless flies, smashing into each other non-stop, and the people inside were shocked. Peng was dizzy and screamed again and again, the car in the front was almost knocked over, lying on its side there!

Who would have imagined that the unstoppable car driving the road just now turned into an obstacle to the attack of the three major gangs, blocking the road in all directions, blocking the thousands of foot gangs behind. Can't retreat and can't retreat!

Liu Boyang's thoughts turned, and he shouted coldly: "Everyone back off!!"

The younger brothers in the back didn't react for a while, but Lao Mao Guodong, Zhang Xiangdong, Lai Bingwen and others instantly guessed what Liu Boyang was going to do, so they quickly turned around and led the younger brothers back. Gritting his teeth at the location of the fuel tank of that car, his heart was in his throat, and he fired a shot!

ps: Yesterday nine monthly tickets, you are mighty, haha!The second highest in history, today's five o'clock is what you say, it's a pity that I can't go to eight classes... But I am very happy and relieved, hahaha!

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