The best boy on campus

Chapter 1071 One Difficult Moment!

With an explosion that shook the ground, the boys of the Jiulong Club who had just withdrawn from the front were instantly blown away, and there were miserable shouts everywhere. The terrain of the lanes has been changed, and a shocking crater is opened in the center of the shell explosion!

More than 700 people were killed by this cannon, and most of the rest were seriously injured. Seeing the brothers who were loyal to him end up in this situation, Liu Boyang only felt that his heart was bleeding!He exploded like never before, his eyes were red, his whole body was tense like a leopard, and he grabbed the ground with both hands, "How could this happen!!"

Yang Lin ran to Liu Boyang from the side in disgrace, helped him up and said, "Brother Yang, are you alright?"

Liu Boyang gritted his teeth and said: "Second brother! Fight with me, whoever dares to touch our brother, I will make him pay in blood!!"

After speaking, Liu Boyang was like a madman, desperate to kill him, Yang Lin was startled, and quickly grabbed him from behind: "Brother Yang, don't be impulsive, if we go out now, we will die in vain! The other party has guns and cannons. We can't fight, let's continue to retreat!!"

Liu Boyang said angrily: "There is a dead end inside, you don't know?! Sooner or later, you will die. If you stretch your head, you will be stabbed. I am afraid of farts! Even if I die here today, I will drag them to be buried with me!"

Yang Lin was in a hurry: "Brother Yang, don't be confused! If you keep the green hills alive, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood. Saving your lives is more important than anything else! It's useless for us brothers to kill them!"

Liu Boyang pushed Yang Lin away furiously: "Get out! If you don't go up to me, I will do it myself! I will die today and I will not let those despicable people go!"

After finishing speaking, he continued to rush forward recklessly, but Yang Lin couldn't hold him back, and the old cat beside him hurried up to hold Liu Boyang, and kept persuading him: "Brother Yang, just listen to the second brother! I am better than you!" I’m still not reconciled, but we can’t kill anything we want now! Anyone can be impulsive, but you can’t! Who else can we count on if you lose your inch?”

To be honest, Liu Boyang has indeed lost his mind now. Think about it, he was the one who led the Jiulong Club into Phoenix Garden tonight, was ambushed and blocked by others, and now he is watching his brother being bombed to death A large piece, how can you bear this tone? !

When Liu Boyang was really soaring, his strength was stronger than that of the old cat. He slammed away from the old cat, and he refused to listen to anyone's advice. He clenched his machete and was about to rush out. On Liu Boyang's chest, pointed at his nose and cursed: "Liu Boyang, are you crazy?! Now everyone is counting on you, what are you trying to do? Do you want to lead the brothers to die with you? Our brothers I have never been afraid of anyone until today, but even if it is death, it is meaningful to die! Don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want to seek justice for the dead brother?"

Liu Boyang didn't expect Yang Lin to do something to him, he was stunned for a moment, but the hostility in his eyes finally dissipated a lot, it was like being woken up by Yang Lin's scolding, before he could speak, he suddenly heard Cui Guodong shout: "Brother Yang! , Second Brother! Come over and have a look, Brother Da Fei is injured!!"

Liu Boyang and Yang Lin turned their heads suddenly, only to see that Gao Zhenfei was lying on the ground and could not move, they ran over quickly, Liu Boyang squatted down in distress and asked Gao Zhenfei, "Da Fei, how are you?"

It turned out that Gao Zhenfei threw himself on Liu Boyang at a critical moment just now because he was covering Liu Boyang, but the sharp cannonball shot from behind flew past his back, scratching Gao Zhenfei's back to pieces. The place is already bloody and bloody!

Gao Zhenfei's face was weaker than ever before, he wanted to try his best to get up, but he couldn't use his strength after all, so he could only smile wryly and said: "Brother Yang...I'm're fine? "

As soon as Gao Zhenfei spoke to him in this tone, Liu Boyang's heart tightened on the spot. Among the brothers, Gao Zhenfei is usually the worst at talking. Pharynx, following Liu Boyang for so many years, he has worked hard and never complained!Now that it's in this situation, he still holds his breath and doesn't want to let himself worry about him, but how can Liu Boyang not worry?Da Fei was injured like this to save himself!

"Crap, what can I do!" Liu Boyang's eyes turned red: "Da Fei, hold on, I'll immediately find a way to send you to the hospital!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Lin felt very heartbroken, and hurriedly persuaded Liu Boyang: "Brother Yang, we can't go on like this, people from outside will definitely come in and sweep up soon, first move Da Fei to a safe place, Let's find a way to sneak out after they pass by!"

It was a matter of the life and death of the fourth child, Liu Boyang was not willful or refuted this time, he carried Gao Zhen with his own hands and flew up the high slope. Although the forest has been burned down by the fire, it should not be too difficult to hide a few people in the dark. Yang Lin, the old cat, Guodong, the tiger, Lai Bingwen, Zhang Xiangdong, and Feng Hu and Li Gui have not been injured so far. Hurry up to cover Liu Boyang and go uphill together with him. Before leaving, Yang Lin shouted to the younger brothers running around in front of him: "You guys also hurry up and find a place to hide! Those who can't run come up with us, no matter what, die first." Keep it!"

As soon as the words fell, before the group of younger brothers could leave, suddenly there was another sharp blast of air from the narrow passage below, and another artillery shell had already bombarded with thunder, followed by a large group of horrific shouts, the only remaining Those younger brothers were blown up again, the ground was scorched, no one could stand still, and the road pit caused by the explosion was sprinkled into the sky full of stones and dust, which directly poured Liu Boyang and others all over their bodies. , forcing them all to crawl on the high slope!

After a long while, Liu Boyang shook his head to shake off the dust on his back, only to see Yang Lin reaching out from the darkness to hold him, saying, "Brother Yang, go away! Someone is coming in from outside!"

Sure enough, at the same time Yang㊣(5) Lin was speaking, He Xiaobin had already dispatched more than 30 heavily armed men in black to act as the vanguard of the sweep, and ran in quickly with submachine guns in their hands. Those who died immediately shot like a burst of beans. In a short period of time, several people exposed themselves because of the pain and groaning, and were shot and exploded!

Liu Boyang gritted his teeth fiercely, hugged the pale-faced Gao Zhenfei and struggled to climb up the high slope quickly. Lao Mao Guodong and others looked very panicked and followed closely behind him to cover!

ps: Some brothers said that I was lazy and made excuses not to update. I was really wronged. I really don’t want to be dishonest for two thousand words. There is really a problem with the city’s recharge system... I originally wanted to restore the third update today. But in order not to disappoint the brothers, this fourth update makes up for yesterday's fifth update.Please continue to support!

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