The best boy on campus

Chapter 1076 I will fix it!

After Xiao Xueting finished speaking, she ran towards the gate of the courtyard. Just as Liu Boyang wanted to stop her, suddenly the small iron door of the house was opened, and then a pale old woman came out, dressed very simply, she grabbed the air with her hands. After clicking twice, he asked, "Tingting, is that you? Who are you talking to?"

Liu Boyang tilted his head to look at the old woman, but he didn't expect it to be a blind person!It turns out that Xiao Xueting's family situation is not very good, which also explains why she used to be a little sister. The more a girl grows up in adversity, the stronger she is!She is not as good as others in other aspects, so she can only make up for her spiritual inferiority by meeting some god-brothers outside all day long.

Xiao Xueting didn't expect to alarm her grandma. She glanced at Liu Boyang anxiously, but she still had to run back to persuade her: "Grandma, it's okay! Are you awake?"

The old lady was obviously not so easy to fool, and asked: "Just now I heard a boy's voice outside, who is talking to you? Don't lie to grandma!"

Xiao Xueting panicked, and looked at Liu Boyang on the ground in embarrassment, only to see Liu Boyang stood up with his backhand supporting the wall, and said with a light smile: "Grandma, you worry too much, it's me, I'm Xueting's boyfriend, the two of us There was a little awkwardness before, and she hid here with you, and now I realize that I was wrong, and I came to apologize to her!"

When Xiao Xueting heard this, she was shocked in place!Just as he was about to say something, Liu Boyang smiled lightly and pointed to his lips, signaling that she needn't say anything.

Xiao Xueting's grandma was stunned for a moment, the tension on her face dissipated quickly, and she put on a kind face unique to an old man, and said with a smile: "I see...hehe, I knew there was a reason why Tingting suddenly came to live with me. It turned out to be because of you... Tingting, you really are, people come to see you so late in the cold weather, why don't you let them in, don't you think it's cold outside? Come in first..."

Xiao Xueting's pretty face turned red, she wrung her little hands and looked at Liu Boyang at a loss, but Liu Boyang just smiled lightly, and actually wanted to follow her grandma in, Xiao Xueting hurriedly ran over to help him.

In fact, Xiao Xueting didn't come to stay at grandma's house tonight because of "quarreling" with Liu Boyang. She ran to grandma's house to avoid her mother's torture because she had just finished the abortion. Growing up as a big girl, I began to dislike the poor environment here with my grandma, and I haven't come to live with my grandma for many years.

"Son, what's your name?" Xiao Xueting's grandmother walked slowly on purpose, and asked Liu Boyang kindly.

"Grandma, my name is Liu Boyang." Liu Boyang said truthfully.The tone is also very friendly.

"Well, Tingting hasn't mentioned you to me before. You should have just talked about it not long ago? Hehe, don't look at me. I'm a lot of age now, and I've been blind for many years, but my heart is bright. Come on! I'm not that kind of feudal person, if you young people fall in love, as long as you don't meet the standards, I will support you!" Xiao Xueting's grandma said with a smile.

"Hehe, thank you grandma, you are quite open-minded." Liu Boyang smiled while enduring the pain and fatigue in his body.

"I know the temper of our family Tingting. She grew up with me since she was a child. Although the conditions are not good, she still spoiled me with a spoiled personality. In fact, her heart is still very kind, but her temper is not very good. Okay, since the two of you are together, let her do what you have to do, don't bully her, this girl doesn't like to cry since she was a child, but she still feels very sad..."

When Xiao Xueting heard this, she bit her lips tightly, but her eyes were still wet with tears. She suppressed the tears and blamed: "Grandma, what are you talking about! He is very good to me, you don't need to say it!"

Xiao Xueting's grandma smiled gratifiedly, but murmured to herself: "What's the matter? I'll say a few words to Boyang, but you still don't want to... If you didn't hide here with grandma today, would you When will you bring him back to see me? Hehe, grandma doesn't have many years left, I can see a boy treat you well in my lifetime, I'm happy for you..."

Xiao Xueting wiped her tears and stomped her feet: "Grandma, don't..."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Boyang put his finger on her lips with a light smile, sealing her mouth.

I just heard Xiao Xueting's grandma still chattering happily in front of her. The old man loves nagging when she gets older: "Our family Xueting has been a good girl since she was a child. She has been excellent in both books and studies since elementary school. The teacher even praised her. , she will definitely have great promise in the future..."

When Xiao Xueting heard this, her pretty face became even more reddened, and her tears flooded wantonly. This time, it was not because of shyness, but because of guilt!She has never been a good student since she was a child, and she has always been bad at studying. Those words were all made up to lie to her because she bullied her grandma who was blind and was too lazy to deal with her!But now hearing what the old man said, her heart hurts more than a thousand cuts, and for the first time in her life, she regrets that her little sister's life is wrong! !


"I'm sorry, my grandma is a nagging person. She said that just now, don't take it to heart." After returning to the house, Xiao Xueting quickly persuaded her grandma to go back to rest, and then ran back and said to Liu Boyang.

Liu Boyang leaned tiredly on the bed, smiled indifferently and said: "It seems that you were quite naughty when you were young..."

Xiao Xueting pursed her mouth in shame: "I already know that I was wrong! I will change it...Liu Boyang, sit here now and don't move around, I will help you find a doctor right away, no matter what, I can't let you bleed anymore !"

This time Liu Boyang did not refuse again, because he was clearly aware of his physical exhaustion, and the previous method of risking Xiao Xueting to fetch bullets for him was really unthinkable, and he told: "You can go, but change your body Change your clothes and shoes, it's really cold outside today..."

Hearing Liu Boyang's concerned words, Xiao Xueting's heart suddenly felt unprecedentedly shaken. She wiped her red eyes and let out a "huh", a little shy, but she still took off her pajamas lightly, revealing the light inside. 5) With a body as clean as jade, he put on the sweater again, took out his cold feet from the fluffy slippers, and stepped into a pair of fluffy boots. The whole process of undressing and changing was very fast, and it was in front of Liu Boyang Completed, she doesn't seem to shy away from Liu Boyang peeking at her, because she knows that Liu Boyang has no bad intentions at all.

During the whole process, Liu Boyang was also very conscious. The moment Xiao Xueting took off her clothes, he turned his face away, deliberately looked at Xiao Xueting's room, and found that all the girls were the same. Plush toys, there are still posters on the wall, but these posters posted by Xiao Xueting are very old, they are actually the stars of Taiwan f4, they should be the ones she admired when she was youngbr>

After Xiao Xueting finished changing her clothes, she found that Liu Boyang hadn't stared at him from the beginning to the end. While she was admiring Liu Boyang's personality, she felt inexplicably disappointed in her heart. She finally realized that Liu Boyang was not interested in her from the bottom of her heart. That's right, there are so many beautiful women around him, and he is not even clean, so he is really not good enough for>

"Then I'm going, you have to hold on, you have a mobile phone, if you can't hold on, call me, I'll leave the number to you! And I have cotton wool in this drawer, do you want to start by yourself?" Clean up the wound..." Xiao Xueting asked worriedly before leaving.

Liu Boyang nodded, and comforted her with a light smile: "Don't worry, I will wait for you to come back..."

"Well! Then I'll go!" Xiao Xueting ran out in a panic, but suddenly a thought flashed in her mind, and she backed up and said, "Liu Boyang, do I need to call Qianxia and Xiaorou and tell them that you are here?" , let them come to take care of you too?"

Liu Boyang froze for a moment, shook his head weakly and said: "No need, I don't want to worry them yet, wait until I take out the bullet."

ps: Hehe, ask for a monthly ticket

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