The best boy on campus

Chapter 1093 Brother 3 Came to Visit You!

Of course, Lao Mao and Cui Guodong would not really beat Qu Rongjiang to death. Liu Boyang was his own generation, and he wanted to take this person back with him, so the two of them just ordered some "appetizers" until Qu Rongjiang was beaten. When he was dying, the old cat resented him, and the two dragged Qu Rongjiang away from the Chengfang Novels police station like a dead dog, and brought him back to the city hospital-_


But when he arrived at the hospital, when Liu Boyang saw Qu Rongjiang for the first time, he almost didn't recognize him. Not to mention the scars all over his body, the face could no longer be seen as a human face. Ye Qi and the other girls were so scared that they ran out quickly and didn't dare to look any further.

The bastard beast in front of him who caused Liu Boyang a lot of suffering, almost raped Xiao Xueting, and indirectly killed Xiao Xueting's grandma, opened his swollen eyelids, and finally recognized Liu Boyang, and finally knew whose hands he fell into. He said weakly to Liu Boyang: "Forgive...forgive..."

Liu Boyang sneered, and the old cat and Cui Guodong on both sides let go, Qu Rongjiang knelt down directly, and the old cat stepped on his head and said, "Brother Yang, what do you do with him? You really can live, I smoked 150 No matter how many whips you whip, you won't die!"

Liu Boyang squinted his eyes and looked at Qu Rongjiang coldly, and sighed: "It's a pity that Xue Ting didn't see this scene! This bastard who killed a thousand swords! You two dragged him to the upstairs where there was no one behind, and pushed him away." Go down and fall to your death!"

"Okay!" The two of them were about to leave when Hutou suddenly stood up, "No! Boyang, it's wrong for you to do this. There are already many people in the hospital. If someone falls to his death and his brain bursts, he will frighten people." What to do, even if it doesn't scare people, it's not good to dirty the flowers and plants!"

"Uncle Hutou, you are quite kind, so what do you want to do?" Liu Boyang asked lightly.

"Leave it to me. It's better to bury him alive. It saves trouble and worry." Hutou walked up, shaking his arms, and said to Baoshan, "Leopard, help me, let's go out and choose a good feng shui for him..."

Poor Qu Rongjiang was dragged out by Hutou and Baoshan before he even had time to plead for mercy.

The old cat and Cui Guodong watched Hutou and Baoshan go out, and they couldn't laugh or cry. This is really more ruthless from generation to generation. The old cat shook his head and asked Liu Boyang, "Brother Yang, are the second brothers back yet?"

Liu Boyang sighed bitterly, lay back on the bed and said, "Not yet..."


Throughout the whole night, Yang Lin and others failed to find Xiao Xueting's trace. In the end, they really had no choice but to give up if they didn't give up.

In the early morning of the next day, all the brothers who had been busy all night in the hall were settled down to rest. Yang Lin only brought the tired Sister Sha, Hu Die, Zhang Xiangfang, Lai Bingwen, Duan Yi and others back to their orders. , we searched all the places we should look for, the whole city of W was turned upside down, but we still couldn't find Xiao Xueting, it's all my fault, if I had been more careful then, things wouldn't have turned out like this Trouble, if it’s really impossible, I’ll take my brothers to look outside the city or surrounding cities today? There’s no reason for a living person to disappear for no reason!”

Hu Die also said: "That's right, in order to find her, we mobilized the public, and the whole city knows about it! She should be able to hear the movement, too. If she didn't hide on purpose, I'm afraid..."

I didn't go on with the rest of the words, but the meaning is obvious. I'm afraid I met a bad person, was locked up or>

Liu Boyang sighed deeply, looked at Yang Lin, Hu Diesha and the others' exhausted looks, and said lightly: "Since I can't find it for now, let's forget it and talk about it tomorrow. I have a way to know whether she is restricted or not." You have been looking for personal freedom all night, and you are all tired, so let’s rest today.”

"Brother Yang, I'm not tired. It's true that I've neglected my duty. You asked me so urgently, but I didn't hurry up. It's my fault!" Yang Lin said, holding his bloodshot eyes, looking very nervous. It's guilt.

Liu Boyang shook his head: "Forget it, second child, it's not your fault, I was in a bad temper yesterday, so don't take it to heart, it's all because I didn't come and explain everything to you, otherwise you wouldn't be careless. "

Hu Die rubbed her ankles speechlessly: "Hey! I said you two brothers should stop apologizing to each other here! Since things have already happened, what's the use of talking about them? But brother Yang, what are you talking about?" What do you mean? Are you really sure to find out if the girl is hidden by the bad guys?"

Liu Boyang nodded and said: "Well, I can only gamble, see you tomorrow."


In the Phoenix Garden turmoil, the four major gangs plus the Nine Dragons Club killed nearly ten thousand people, and a large area around Jiadao, Gaopo, and the road outside was destroyed, and even the road surface was bombed. The need for renovation is so serious!

However, the result of the handling of it was more thunderous and rainy than many people imagined. Even Liu Zhenjiang himself did not expect that he could escape this time. With the security team coming forward, the consequences of this incident It was impossible not to suppress it, so the police came forward to block the news on Baidao, and did not give any clear explanation. Anyway, it was vague, and ordered the city's media public opinion, and no one dared to report it.

And as a cooperation, the more than 2 people in the War Soul Hall are not idle. In addition to mopping up the remnants of the four major gangs in one day, they are wandering back and forth throughout the city to put pressure on ordinary citizens. If anyone dares to expose this matter , Guarantee he can't eat and walk around!

For ordinary citizens, they are not fools. Who doesn't know that the nature of this great war is gangster fighting, and it's none of their business anyway. Just keep your distance from the underworld!

Of course, among the family members of the victims of the underworld members, there are also many who want to sue, but do you really think that the province doesn't know about this matter?Just kidding, they actually got the news a long time ago, but because the security team intervened, they had to choose to turn a blind eye to it.Anyway, these gangsters, no matter how many people die, the high-level government will not feel sorry for them, and the security team will take care of them if something goes wrong!

However, so many people died in the melee in the Phoenix Garden, the government always has to express it, and symbolically gave a certain amount of pension to the families of the deceased who were angry, it was regarded as a hush money, and finally passed the two-pronged approach of black and white, The mainstream voice finally chose to compromise, and no one is ignorant, petitioning or messing around.


That night, Liu Boyang was really tired from lying on the bed. He hadn't been on the ground for more than two days, and he almost forgot how to get on the road. How can one's own legs recover?

The old man has already asked the most authoritative doctor in this hospital. It is unlikely that Liu Boyang will become lame in the future, but it will take a long time to fully recover. Liu Boyang is a quick-tempered person, and he simply cannot wait. No, just when I feel better, I'm going to come down to "activities" and "activities".

"Da Fei, let's compare who will recover faster, who can be discharged first!" Liu Boyang stood down with the support of Sun Xiaorou and Song Qianxia, ​​and smiled at Gao Zhenfei.

Gao Zhenfei, whose body was covered with bandages, smiled: "Brother Yang, it must be you. The doctor said that it will take a long time for my skin and flesh to fully heal."

"Haha, don't say that, my injury may not be worse than yours. I regret it now when I think about it. I really shouldn't have let Xueting help me find that dog bastard to get the bullet for me that night. I can save myself ㊣(6) suffering a lot..." Liu Boyang sighed.

The two were talking, when suddenly the door of the ward was opened, and Hu Zi walked in hesitantly, "Brother Yang, that..."

"What's wrong?" Liu Boyang raised his head and asked.Immediately, everyone in the room looked at Hu Zi.

"Third Brother is here to see you." Huzi finished speaking with curled lips, and turned sideways, only to see He Xiaobin appearing at the door of the ward with both hands struggling to support his crutches.

ps: This damn irritating episode is finally coming to an end, everyone is tired, and I am too, so I will write a new story after a little finishing.In the future, I will write the stories concisely, even if it is, I will not procrastinate the number of words.Strive to complete the book and start a new one as soon as possible.hehe.It's the middle of the month, brothers who have tickets, don't be stingy

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