The best boy on campus

Chapter 11 The Big Flying Tiger

"Haha, Boss, is it really you? You came to City W? That's great, we brothers can meet again now, brother. I'm out of town now, so I'll hurry back and call my brothers tonight for a get-together."

"I'm expecting you to come, wait, I'll go find you right away"

"Hehe, boss, brothers look forward to the stars and the moon! Has Uncle Zhenlong let you go at last? Haha, where are you now?"

"Boss, it's too late for you to come. I'm taking my little brother out to kill people. I don't have time now. I'll treat my brothers to dinner tonight, and I'll make an apology."


After a while, those brothers all returned messages to him. Liu Boyang looked at the messages with a warm smile on his lips. He hadn't seen each other for nearly two years. It can be seen that the personalities of these brothers have not changed, and they all seem to be They are all doing well, I really miss them.

However, to Liu Boyang's regret, due to the short time at noon, Liu Boyang sent this message in a hurry. Many brothers who were away from COSCO could not catch up for the time being. Only the fourth "Dragon Wing" Gao Zhenfei and the seventh "Dragon Palm" "The tiger rushed over

Gao Zhenfei, nicknamed Da Fei, belongs to the kind of ruthless person who cuts people down and sets fire without even blinking an eye. Showing a respectful face, his family is not very prominent. It belongs to the kind of honest self-made. When he followed others to steal oil, he was discovered by the master's family. Not forgiving, Gao Zhenfei hacked more than 30 people in a row in a fit of rage, and became famous from then on. Later, he was rescued by Liu Boyang from the bureau, joined the Jiulong Club, ranked fourth, and has always been loyal to Liu Boyang

Huzi, whose name is Wang Tianhai, is a number one person in H County, and his family is also a master of Taoism for generations, but he is not as awesome as Liu Tianlong, He Jiuxiao, Yang Tinglei, and Cui Bajuan. He was also a ruthless person in high school. She was relatively low-key at the time, but ever since her first love girlfriend was raped by others, she was so angry that she single-handedly overthrew the culprit of that gang, tied her in the house and burned her to death. Fished out of the shop, ranked seventh in the Kowloon Society

Liu Boyang hadn't seen these two brothers in the past two years. When they met, they would naturally have endless things to say. The three of them found a hotel outside, chatted while drinking, and told about what happened to them in the past two years. Even Gao Zhenfei, who usually doesn't like to talk much, has been holding Liu Boyang's hand and talking non-stop today. It can be seen that he is really happy, and from now on he can finally be with his brother Yang again.

This meal at noon can only be regarded as a small gathering. After all, most of the brothers have not come yet, and the night is the big head. After drinking, it is already 01:30. Liu Boyang asked Dafei and Huzi to go to find an internet connection near their school first. , I will join them after school, and then we will go find other brothers

Although he drank some wine, Liu Boyang is not confused at all, because he has been learning to drink from the old man since he was seven years old. The old man is a typical wine jar, and the most important thing in the house is wine.

After returning to school, before entering the door, I heard waves of scolding coming from my classroom

Liu Boyang walked into the back door and saw that there were two groups of people standing at the back of the classroom facing each other. One group was Hou Qiang who had just followed him in the morning, and the other group was Li Gui who had just left the infirmary and had not fully recovered. Song Jinlong and others whose face was swollen higher than a fist and had bandages on their arms

"Hou Qiang, you're just a piece of shit, you know? You've been eating all the stuff and you've followed Liu Boyang, you wait for Si Kongling to come back, I can't fuck you to death" Li Gui pointed at Hou Qiang's nose and scolded that his ass is not there yet. ok just lean on a table

"You're a fucking idiot, you know what? I'll just be with Brother Yang for the rest of my life? You can control it? Even if Si Kongling comes back, I'm not afraid. My legs are on my body. I can be with whoever I want. Do you know what it means to abandon the dark and turn to the bright with whom? Brother Yang will definitely not be a thing in the pool in the future, so you, a fool, can't see it." Hou Qiang turned his back to Liu Boyang, and retorted

"Your mother Chi, I can see that you are a coward. You are capable..." Before he could finish speaking, he suddenly got stuck because he saw Liu Boyang standing at the door.

With a quick swipe, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Li Gui's back. Damn it, I thought Liu Boyang would not come so early, so I rushed to find Hou Qiang and others to ask the teacher, but I didn't expect to be caught by Liu Boyang. write

Thinking of Liu Boyang's bloody method when he cleaned himself up in the morning, he still feels uncomfortable. He won't clean up himself again?

"Ah, Brother Yang, you're here." Hou Qiang and the others also realized Liu Boyang's appearance, and greeted him respectfully

"Yeah." Liu Boyang nodded lightly.

Liu Boyang walked up to Li Gui without saying a word, and said lightly: "What do you want to do? If you have something to say? Don't make trouble with them, just come straight to me."

The cold sweat oozed out of Li Gui's forehead, and a feeling of suffocation emerged spontaneously. Liu Boyang's death-like eyes really made his bone marrow shudder.

In fact, not only Li Gui, but also other students in the class were overwhelmed by Liu Boyang's arrogance at this moment. The news that Liu Boyang smoothed out Zhang Qiang, the second-ranked person in the first grade, was of course Hou Qiang. He did it deliberately, and everyone has seen his methods with their own eyes, so everyone can't help but be shocked by his aura again

Within half a day, one person defeated the two overlords of the first grade with bare hands. This kind of thing has never happened since the establishment of the gang in S. Liu Boyang created a miracle, a legend

Boys who are masculine and tough are very popular with girls. This is the nature of girls who worship heroes and strong men. So at this moment, all the girls in the class, including the iceberg beauty Ning Yeqi, all set their sights on this seemingly handsome man. On the ordinary boy in white shirt, except for the pungent sister Xiao Xueting who disappeared since the morning

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