The best boy on campus

Chapter 1100 Marching into business!

Regarding the question of what the merged unified gang should be called, Liu Boyang was really hesitant. The name "Jiulong Club" was given by their brothers when they first started mixing. Brothers will be the core of the gang, and it will be easier to find a sense of belonging. In this sense, it seems more appropriate for the new gang to be named Jiulong Club.

But the name "Battle Soul Hall" was established when Liu Boyang encountered a big setback in his life and was poor and poor, and it also has great significance for him.

After comprehensive consideration with his brothers, Liu Boyang finally decided to designate the unified big gang as "Battle Soul Hall". There is no other reason. There are not only nine brothers anymore, if we don't unite everyone else, it will be detrimental to the future development and growth.

After the major issue of merging gangs was resolved, Liu Boyang summoned Li Gui, Hou Qiang and others to temporarily open a incense hall in city w, and decided to hand over the foundation of city w to them for management, and to leave the war spirit hall 1000 people were entrusted to them to lead. Liu Boyang believed that they had the ability. In the past, they were able to run the Jiulong Club well, but now it is unreasonable that they cannot manage the sub-helm of the War Soul Hall, not to mention that there are no four major gangs as stumbling blocks. The foundation is bound to prosper!

On the afternoon of the nineteenth day of the first lunar month, Liu Boyang and Gao Zhenfei were discharged from the hospital. They agreed to go back to Liujiawan together, and then rushed back to City G overnight.

Before returning to County H, Liu Boyang asked his daughter-in-law Ning Yeqi what she meant. This time when she came back for the new year, the heartbroken Bingshan beauty really didn’t go home to have a look. Back to City W, does she really not have to go home and have a look?

After all, Ning Yeqi was not so cruel, she hesitated again and again, and asked Liu Boyang to take her back. Ning Huatian and Hou Peipei didn't know that their daughter had returned to China, and Ning Yeqi was tired of making phone calls, but now when Ning Yeqi When Qi really decided to go home and have a look, she still couldn't help but burst into tears.Arriving at the outskirts of Ning's villa, Ning Yeqi didn't enter the door, but just took a look from a distance, and then asked Liu Boyang to take her away.


The year has passed, and the major events in City W have settled down, but Liu Boyang has no sense of accomplishment to unify another city. On the contrary, he is a little disappointed, because he himself has suffered heavy losses in this war, and he has been married to Jinlan. Brother betrayed!

Fortunately, the ending is happy. Liu Boyang finally smashed He Xiaobin's sinister plot and failed to let him succeed. After decades, he once again seized the underground ruling power of City W. The era of Qin Wangshan and the four major gangs is completely complete. Finish!

Of course, in addition to these major issues, Liu Boyang still has many "little things" that have not been resolved, such as the heart disease that Xiao Xueting left in his heart, and what he doesn't know is that Zhao Jiayi has been brutally imprisoned by He Xiaobin. For example, a few fish that slipped through the net could not be eradicated under his temporary sympathy, so that the rebellion in W City that shocked the whole country and caused another>


Liu Boyang returned to Liujiawan, not to leave relatives, the old man left before him, and the second and third uncles didn't live here either, he just brought Yang Lin, Gao Zhenfei, Lao Mao, Guo Dong, Hu Zi, etc. Brothers go to say goodbye to their relatives. After all, brothers have worked so hard to follow me, and it is not easy to spend time with their>

Until the last time he left with his wives and brothers, Liu Boyang was so cruel that he didn't take a last look at He Xiaobin. Liu Boyang had already promised himself that he would not give him another chance.Everything is>

Thinking about it carefully, He Xiaobin is not only the biggest winner of the entire chaos, but also the biggest loser. He worked so hard to plot for a long time, but in the end he lost his wife and lost his army. This group of brothers Liu Boyang.This may be the so-called evil caused by heaven, which is still forgivable, but self-inflicted, cannot live!


After nine o'clock in the evening, Liu Boyang took everyone to have dinner in Jiujiawan, and then embarked on the journey back to G City.

Since the Chinese New Year, the weather in City W has been bad. This night, the sky is full of splendor, and there is also wet and cold sleet falling.

The land was covered by heavy snow, and the high road was icy everywhere. The convoy did not dare to drive too fast. It took more than seven hours to come, and a full ten hours to go back. When they finally arrived in G City, everyone was shocked. Already exhausted.


Returning to City G meant that the flavor of the new year had completely faded away. After two days of rest, everything started to get back on track.

The start date of Beixing Middle School is logically the [-]th day of the first lunar month, but for Liu Boyang and his group of brothers, whether or not that rule is the same, now no one in the school, no matter the teacher or principal, dares to trouble them .

However, the school start date for Ma Keer and Song Jiayao has already passed, and the two went to school the second day after they came back. Song Jiayao's school is No. [-] Middle School, which is not as well-known as Beixing Middle School, but it is also a well-known school in City G .

Liu Boyang and the old cat Cui Guodong only showed up at school once, but in the next few days, they spent the next few days together with Yang Lin and Zhao Shuangmei, discussing about contracting projects and starting some new companies in City G. It was already planned when the incense hall was opened for the second time.

However, it’s okay to let Liu Boyang lead his brothers into the underworld, but he and Yang Lin are laymen when it comes to doing business and engineering. On this point, Zhao Shuangmei provided a lot of help with all her heart. She took the initiative to help Liu Boyang find a few people in g People who have been successful in the business world, but due to various reasons, are now bankrupt or have retired bravely. They are more eager than anyone else to get a chance to make a comeback in Fang Xiaoshan, and they have rich experience. Zhao Shuangmei will give them This opportunity to cooperate with Liu Boyang will definitely give full play to the double advantages and put all the businesses in Liu Boyang's plan into practice as soon as possible.

In addition, Zhao Shuangmei also paid special attention to some graduates with a background in business administration and business management for Liu Boyang's use. If it is true, it can really help Liu Boyang rise suddenly in the business world.

Starting a company, doing business, these things are easy to say, but when it is really time to put them into practice, Liu Boyang realizes that it is indeed more cumbersome and troublesome than he imagined. All aspects need to be considered, and it is impossible to do it overnight in a short period of time. .

On this day, Liu Boyang, whose legs and feet have almost recovered, brought his concubine Diaochan, Yang Lin Laomao, Zhao Shuangmei and several business professionals with tricky eyes, to the city before a skyscraper called "Guomao Building" , After discussing with all the brothers, Liu Boyang has decided to take this place down as the Empire State Building for the rise of his business world!

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