The best boy on campus

Chapter 1110 School!

It was another sunny morning. Today, it was rare for Liu Boyang not to go to the company. He wanted to go back to school to have a look. After all, since the beginning of school, he has appeared in school very rarely. However, during the most difficult period of starting the company, he even forgot that he was a student.

But the moment he just woke up, suddenly a jade arm next to him gently grabbed his wrist. Liu Boyang turned his head and saw that it was Ning Yeqi, who was beautiful and unpredictable, gently pulling him, Liu Boyang whispered He smiled and asked, "Woke up so early?"

Ning Yeqi nodded, and gently propped herself up. Wearing snow-white pajamas, she looked like a lively mermaid, "Boyang, I have something to tell you."

Liu Boyang was stunned for a moment, and gently smoothed her long hair that was hanging on her shoulders with his hands, and said with a smile, "Speak."

Ning Yeqi looked at Ma Ke'er, Song Jiayao, Concubine Gui, Diao Chan and others who were still soundly asleep on the big soft bed, and said softly, "Let's go out and talk about it."


The two went out, Ning Yeqi gently led Liu Boyang outside the corridor, Liu Boyang helped her put on her coat, and said: "Now we can talk."

"Boyang, do you remember what you promised me years ago?" Ning Yeqi looked at him and asked.

Liu Boyang immediately understood, nodded and said, "I remember."

"You said at the time that you would discuss with me about going back to school after the next year, but seeing how busy you are recently, you probably forgot about it." Ning Yeqi said with a light smile.

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to go back to school?"

"Yeah!" Ning Yeqi nodded earnestly, "Boyang, don't forget, I'm a freshman in high school, and I'm still a long way from finishing my studies. I see Ke'er Jiayao every day. They go to school, I feel so lonely, I really want to go back to school."

"Then... which school do you want to go back to? Don't you want to go back to Country M?" Liu Boyang asked.

Ning Yeqi was a little confused: "I have no idea now, I know that if I go back to country m, you will definitely not be at ease, but I can't just drop out of school for no reason, my student status is over there now, in The consequences of dropping out of school in country m are very serious, and if I don't go back to school for a long time, my parents will definitely know about it!"

"Daughter-in-law, let me tell you seriously, I really don't want you to go back to country M. I didn't kill that bastard Parker last time. He will never let you go! I I know too well that kind of animal that is not as good as a pig or a dog, if you go back now, it is like a sheep entering the mouth of a tiger, and I can't go there with you to protect you all the time!" Liu Boyang said, stroking her delicate face with his hands.

"Then what should I do? I can't ruin my future for that kind of despicable person. Over there, the teachers and classmates treat me well. How could there be such an annoying person like Parker? Could it be that I didn't even care about it?" Can't you go to school?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law's distressed look, Liu Boyang smiled softly and said: "Who can blame this, if you want to blame, you can blame my daughter-in-law. You are so beautiful. You are a man and your heart is moved after seeing it. Forgive my husband for the difficulties now. Can't be destroyed, when my husband has that strength in the future, I will definitely wipe out all the Kryon clan, and vent my anger on you!"

Ning Yeqi was taken aback when she heard that, even if she didn't understand the world's underworld, she also knew that the Kryon family, one of the five major families, is not easy to mess with, so she hurriedly said: "Don't! Boyang, you must not do stupid things for me , I know you are doing it for my own good, but I already feel very happy and content when you are safe and sound every day and don’t cause trouble. Then shall I listen to you? Wherever you tell me to go, I will go there!"

Liu Boyang said with a chuckle: "Alright, then don't go back. I happen to be going to school today, and when the time comes, I will ask old man Ren to see if he can get your student status back. Go back to Bei x Middle School again, I can guarantee that in City G, no one will dare to bully you!"

"Hmm..." Ning Yeqi nodded obediently.

Seeing her sensible and obedient appearance, Liu Boyang sighed softly, opened his big hands and hugged her into his arms, "To be honest, daughter-in-law, it really doesn't matter whether you go to school or not, I can support you, but I know You have your own ideals, so I unconditionally support your choice. I originally wanted to let you learn to do business to help me after everything in the company is on the right track. Since you are still willing to be a student, I will wait for you We'll talk about it after graduation."

Ning Yeqi didn't speak, she lay in Liu Boyang's arms and drew circles quietly, greedily enjoying this kind of thick security and nostalgia.


Lao Mao and Cui Guodong were very busy during this period, so they didn't go back to school with Liu Boyang. Liu Boyang only went back to the long-lost Beixing Middle School with Ma Keer. He didn't drive his own Ferrari, Huzi drove them here. .

To be honest, Liu Boyang is not the kind of person who likes to pretend, especially when he was a student. He doesn't like to show off. A high school student who drives a Ferrari to school is a second-generation dude who doesn't know the heights of the world or a second-generation ancestor who has no family education. What you can do, is awesome in front of a group of high school classmates who are not even 20 years old, is that called skill?

The great god Liu Boyang returned to school without any accident, causing an explosive sensation. Now everyone knows the illustrious reputation of the War Soul Hall, and the existence of Liu Boyang like the emperor of the earth is even more the object of worship by countless men and women!Let alone Liu Boyang now, any boy in the school who can join the Battle Soul Hall will be looked up to by others no matter where he goes. The teacher dare not make things difficult, and the classmates have to respect him. Once you are awesome, everything will go smoothly, no matter where you go, no one will dare to trip you up. As for Marco, she has enjoyed the treatment of a queen for a long time. Even if she lays down a big Simmons bed in the classroom and listens to the class, no one will dare to say anything.

Liu Boyang's purpose of going back to school today is very simple. He was really exhausted a few days ago. He wanted to relax, take a rest, and relive the feeling of being a simple high school student. Besides, he had to talk to old man Ren about his daughter-in-law's school status. Have a good talk.

From the moment Liu Boyang brought Ma Keer into the school gate, thousands of waves were instantly stirred up. Countless students and teaching buildings were blown up. After hearing the news, everyone was ready to fight, as if they were facing an enemy!You must know that with the principal Ren Jianhua, many high-level leaders in the school's leadership team have had feuds with Liu Boyang. Wouldn't he come back to settle accounts?

But it turns out that Liu Boyang didn't intend to pay attention to them at all, and there are too many people who have a big problem with him. What are these bird principals and directors in the school?Is it necessary to fight with them to blush and have a thick neck?Don't you think it's brittle?

He just took Marco'er's little hand back to the classroom he hadn't seen for a long time. The people in Class [-] suddenly went crazy. Li Bing and the others are also different from the past. Not to mention the killer Tang who was incorporated into Huzi, he once participated in several large-scale underworld fights with the gang, and has become a tough guy after a lot of hard work. In the near future, Gao Zhenfei might drag them into the barren hills to practice in the wild. After they come out, they will become even stronger one by one.

"Brother Yang, why are you here today?" The younger brothers asked happily.Since Liu Boyang re-opened the incense hall, it is not easy for them, the most low-level younger brothers, to see Brother Yang. How can they not be kind when they see the boss they admire?

"Hehe, come and take a look if you have nothing to do, ㊣(6) It's time for morning reading, you don't have to surround me, go back and sit, do whatever you want, don't even miss class because of me. "Liu Boyang laughed.

All the male and female students hurriedly responded, and ran back to sit down one after another, but the gazes that they looked at Liu Boyang from time to time, as well as the buzzing of discussions resounding throughout the classroom, still showed their inner excitement and excitement!

Just as Liu Boyang returned to his classroom and sat down in the back row, suddenly a delicate figure appeared at the door. Yang Yunping stared at Liu Boyang coldly, filled with righteous indignation, and then shouted at the whole classroom with a tiger face: "Everyone! Why are you arguing?! Don’t you want to go to class? Forgot what you are doing?——Emperor Yang Qing, you still dare to come, come out for me!!”

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