The best boy on campus

Chapter 1119 Want to go to the Northeast!

The reason why the Wolf King ranks in the top ten of the world's killer rankings is of course not for nothing. The old cat is obviously a bit careless and underestimates the enemy. Seeing the opponent's iron fist swinging towards him, he can only raise his arms to block, " Bang!!" With a sound, the wolf king's iron fist slammed hard on the old cat's raised forearm, and suddenly a blunt numbness came, and the old cat roared, pushing away the opponent's fist forcefully, Just as he was about to strike back with a punch, the wolf king's other huge fist had already struck. The old cat turned around and the wolf king's fist just brushed past him. It was scratched, but at this time the wolf king had both punches empty, and the man was very close to the old cat. It was definitely an opportunity for the old cat who is good at close combat. Lightning pulled out the kitchen knife and wanted to chop the wolf king Wrists, who knows that the wolf king is also cunning and ruthless, with two punches suddenly, two half-moon-shaped metal arc-shaped circular knives popped out from the periphery of the two boxing gloves, extremely sharp, cold and bright!

The wolf king killed an unknown number of people with these two arc blades. Taking advantage of the old cat's panic, he pulled back with two fists fiercely. If the two arc blades scratched the old cat, he would definitely die on the spot!

The old cat had no time to counterattack, so he could only dodge the arc blade of the wolf king with a kitchen knife, and shook his arms left and right, "Dang!" Shi also took advantage of the opportunity to leave the old cat's attack range, and the two fought each other at the last moment. The old cat slashed with the knife, and the wolf king stabbed fiercely with two arc blades, and there was another violent crash. The two sides fought evenly and bounced off each other!

The wolf king was forced to bounce back, and he was also a little surprised by Lao Mao's skill. He was able to fight him even at a young age, and his future achievements were simply immeasurable!

The vision and mind of a killer are much faster than that of ordinary people. The female killer Christina and the wolf king dressed in "princess costumes" both know that this place is not suitable to stay for a long time, so they quickly choose to retreat. Cui Guodong Huzi and others lead their brothers to fight hard After chasing him, he saw that the wolf king was running on all fours with the appalling way of running. He really ran forward like a wolf. The arc blade on the glove had already been retracted, and it was replaced with a pair of ferocious wolf claws. , every time it jumps over a ground, it leaves a row of small pits. (_&&)

Seeing that the wolf king and Kristina escaped faster than killing people, Lai Bingwen directly took out his two guns and aimed at the wolf king with a sharp burst. With a jump, he climbed horizontally to the wall next to him, stepped on the wall with all four limbs and walked sharply, avoiding Lai Bingwen's hail of bullets, and then jumped down again, dodging around, and fled away in a flash!

As for the "snake demon girl" Christina, although she did not escape as fast as the wolf king, she was definitely not slow. Cui Guodong and Huzi both chased after her, but she jumped up from the ground and spun around like a celestial girl scattered flowers. Hey, a dense cloud of black needles sprinkled in a 360-degree range around, Cui Guodong and Huzi could only dodge, but when they looked up again, they found that Kristina had also slipped away!

With so many brothers, watching the two killers run away, not to mention how angry they were, the old cat had nowhere to go and yelled: "F*ck!"

Cui Guodong and Huzi also gritted their teeth in hatred, and were about to rush forward to chase them down to the end, when they suddenly heard someone shouting from behind: "Don't chase!"

Everyone turned their heads, and found that Liu Boyang walked over with a gloomy expression.

"Brother Yang! Those two assassins from Country M are so fucking arrogant! If I hadn't been unprepared for their hidden weapons all over their bodies, I would have taken one today!" the old cat said angrily.

Liu Boyang waved his hand. Although he was far away just now, he didn't come up to help in time, but he also saw the wolf king fighting with the old cat. That guy's skill is really good. Don't try to catch him.Liu Boyang hadn't figured out the identities of those two people before, but when he saw the image of the wolf king, he suddenly guessed something in his mind.

"Brother Yang, what are you looking for?" The brothers watched Liu Boyang go straight to the black needles that Christina dropped when she escaped, and asked him suspiciously.

Liu Boyang didn't say anything, squatted down, and carefully observed the row of black needles inserted into the ground, and found that each black needle was covered with black crystals, and there was some liquid on the tip of the needles. If Liu Boyang guessed correctly, This should be snake venom!

"It really is them!" Liu Boyang stood up, looking at the empty distance with a gloomy expression.


The Snake King and Christina sneaked into country Z to assassinate Liu Boyang. This is an extremely bad signal. First of all, it means that the Kryon family has no intention of letting Liu Boyang go. , but the deeper warning message is that the words of Lan Fengtu's junior sister, the female killer who ranks first in the world, have no effect. Christina and Wolf King didn't give face to that colleague, but this Does it also mean that the mafia families in country m have expressed their position to some extent, and they want to join hands with people from country j to launch an underground world war against country z?

With the advent of terrifying danger, Liu Boyang's comfortable life some time ago was finally broken. The so-called business and star-making competition had to withdraw from the focus of his life. He had more important things to do.


After returning, Liu Boyang called all the brothers in the gang to hold a meeting in the main conference room of "East Star Media", and told them the origins and identities of Wolf King and Christina without any concealment, and I proposed my plan to go to the Northeast.

There are two reasons. I am a big fan now, and there will definitely be some more difficult and terrifying opponents who will come to me in the future, and my current skills are simply too difficult to deal with. I must go to Lan Fengtu as soon as possible to learn from a teacher. Daddy, if I really learned the heaven-defying ability of the sixteen-stage Tang sword, I would be able to kill the heavenly king and Lao Tzu, so that I can protect myself and my loved ones!

Secondly, the Northeast is now a place of turmoil and chaos, and the bridgehead that the people of country j are trying to capture. If it is said that only the people of country j wanted to go to war with the people of country z, Liu Boyang is not too worried. He believes in the old prince of Nachuan and those domestic heroes㊣ ) the tiger generation can handle it, but now even the old men of country e and the mafia of country m are mixed in, and the situation is precarious. Two fists are no match for four hands. It is necessary to go over and help, anyway, until now, no one from country j has appeared in province s!


When they heard that the origin of the two people turned out to be from the five major families of country M, all the brothers were also very shocked. Everyone knows that in today's world, the three most terrifying black forces are the Chinese gang, the pheasant gang of country J, and the mafia .Now that the War Soul Hall is being targeted by two powerful organizations, the situation is indeed very difficult.

But for Liu Boyang's idea of ​​going to the Northeast, the brothers support it, and some think it's inappropriate. The reason for the inappropriateness is that Liu Boyang has always been the backbone of the unity and forge ahead in the War Soul Hall. He is a banner figure, and now he is It is a critical moment when the star-making contest is in full swing and the gang business is flourishing. If the boss leaves, who will lead the powerful team of the Battle Soul Hall?

And if Liu Boyang learns from a teacher, it is impossible for him to come back in a short period of time. Lan Fengtu spent his whole life working hard to create the [-]-stage peerless martial art. You want to learn it in a week or two. Is that possible? ?

Furthermore, although the current situation in the Northeast is not good, no one can guarantee that S province will be safe and sound. Maybe there are already a large number of red flower ninjas waiting for the opportunity. Once Liu Boyang leaves, they may make a surprise attack , how will you let the brothers deal with it?

——Don’t think that these brothers who dissuaded Liu Boyang from leaving are selfish. In fact, their considerations are not unreasonable. If Liu Boyang goes to the Northeast, he cannot go alone. with.But if these people leave, the battle strength of the Battle Soul Hall will lose more than 70.00%. If there is a big disturbance, who will resist it?

But when all the brothers had their own concerns, a call came from the third venue of the preliminary round. Someone discovered that the mayor of the night, Chen Yuesheng, was actually sitting in the auditorium, and the unparalleled sister Baobao had already overwhelmed all the competitors and qualified ahead of schedule. The whole venue exploded!

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