The best boy on campus

Chapter 1121 Revisiting the past!

In the International Hotel, in an elegant large box, Liu Boyang, Chen Yuesheng, and several of their confidantes sat down one by one. () Liu Boyang specially told the person in charge of the hotel that good wine and good food can be served inside, so in a very short period of time, the place is filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the fragrance is overflowing, and it is overwhelming.

"Master Yang, it's a bit of a waste. We have so few people, we can't eat so much." Chen Yuesheng smiled as he watched the banquet full of Han people.

For some reason, Liu Boyang always feels that his attitude when talking to him is different from before. It is no longer the condescending tone of the past, but rather friendly. Is it because his reputation and status are not inferior to him now, so he has learned to be polite ?

"Rough tea and light food, just to show my respect to Mr. Chen." Liu Boyang smiled lightly.

"Hehe, Hall Master Yang is too modest to say that. If this is considered to be ordinary food, then there is nothing in the world that can be called a 'delicacy on a jade plate'." Chen Yuesheng laughed.

Liu Boyang smiled, and said to the waitress standing respectfully beside him: "It's time to start."

The waitress wearing a cheongsam hurried up and carefully poured wine for the men on the wine table. Liu Boyang looked at the crystal clear wine filling the quilt, and asked Chen Yuesheng with a smile, "To be honest, I am very impressed with Mr. City G is quite surprised, it's not that I don't welcome you, it's just that the situation in Fang Xiaobei is dangerous now, and Mr. Chen must also know about it, Lord Nachuan didn't call you to Fang Xiaobei?"

Chen Yuesheng said: "Yes, but I don't want to go for the time being." He smiled, "Regarding these matters, Hall Master Yang, don't worry, it won't be up to us if the sky falls, you have to trust the old prince and the others Their ability, just a few people from J country, can't stop them."

Liu Boyang said: "But I heard that the old men of country e, the mafia of country m, and some hostile gangs in South Asia and overseas in Fang Xiaohua are also showing signs of dealing with country Z. If this is the case, the situation may not be the same. wonderful?"

"It's just a bluff, why do you have to think so much? Let's manage the one-third of an acre of land in Province S and prevent the people of Country J from being arrogant. That's enough. If there is more, it is not our concern." Chen Yuesheng wrote lightly.

Liu Boyang was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Yuesheng to say such words. When he came to see him last time, didn't he especially encourage himself to actively challenge the people of country J and do his best for the country and the nation?But why are you so negative now?What happened to him during this time?The changes are really big!

"Compared to Fang Xiaobei's affairs, I'm more interested in the star-making competition you are organizing now, Section Master Yang." Chen Yuesheng suddenly changed the subject, "Section Leader Yang, what kind of idea are you based on? Created the competition single-handedly?"

Liu Boyang took a sip of wine lightly and said: "Crossing the river by feeling the stones, learning business, that's all."

Chen Yuesheng said: "Didn't you learn from us in N City? Didn't your idea come from our 'beauty contest'?"

"Huh?" Liu Boyang was taken aback when he heard the words, and almost coughed out a sip of wine, "Mr. Chen, where did you start with this? You have a 'beauty contest' in city n? I never knew about it! 'Star-making contest' The idea was thought up by the Provincial Director Ripon for me, and it has nothing to do with your n city."

"Oh, that's how it is." Chen Yuesheng thought for a while, then smiled lightly: "Okay, I've thought too much. Hall Master Yang, let's not discuss this for now. You can watch the baby's performance on stage today." Arrived? Or even if you didn’t see it, you should have heard the audience’s reaction?”

Liu Boyang said: "I didn't see it. I was busy with other things at that time, but I heard all the audience's comments. Ms. Chen must have performed very well on stage. I must check out the video when I have time."

Chen Yuesheng had the pride and kindness of being a father on his face, "That's natural, this baby can dance and sing since she was a child, from childhood to adulthood, whenever she appeared on the stage at any school, she would definitely win an award! Sometimes even a father like me can’t figure out where she got this talent in singing and dancing. I feel very proud to have such a daughter! In today’s competition, there were eight judges in the audience, and the baby only danced once. They all showed their cards for a perfect score, and finally let the baby jump into the game with an excellent score of [-]. I think this score is beyond your expectation?"

Liu Boyang nodded with a faint smile: "Yes! Ms. Chen is extremely talented and deserves this honor. I look forward to her next performance, and I will definitely support her in person!"

Chen Yuesheng said: "Baobao is not only talented, but also looks and figure are obvious to all. Although she sometimes plays a bit of a young lady's temper, her nature is very kind."

Fuck!Is she still kind in nature?They all kidnapped themselves with that girl surnamed Shangguan!Liu Boyang sneered disapprovingly, but nodded perfunctorily and said, "Well! Maybe, although I don't know Miss Chen very well, I believe her nature is not bad."

"Hehe, Hall Master Yang, do you know? It is a gift from God to me, Chen Yuesheng, to have a daughter like a baby in my life. I, Chen Yuesheng, have been mixed up to this day. It can be said that I want the wind and the rain, but Only when I become a baby's father can I really feel satisfied! However, I am a father after all, and I can't take care of the baby for a lifetime, so since the day she passed her birthday, I have been helping him find a There is a man who can take over from me to take care of her for the rest of her life. I didn't find one until I met you." Chen Yuesheng looked at Liu Boyang and said.

faint!When Liu Boyang heard this, he was speechless in an instant. Why did he go around and come back to this matter again?Didn't I make it very clear last time?Sister Baobao is indeed beautiful, but I don't intend to ask her to be my wife, let alone give up all the girls for her?Why is Chen Yuesheng still not giving up?

"Mr. Chen, this..."

"Master Yang, listen to what I have to say. I know that I have already come to you once for the matter of choosing a son-in-law, and you also rejected me. But I did not give up on you. I have observed you for a long time, and I always feel that you are the best candidate for my son-in-law of the Chen family. First of all, the man of the baby must not be inferior to me in achievement! Secondly, he must be able to protect the people around him. Let the baby suffer any harm! Third, he must love the girl and not let the baby suffer any grievances! I think you can do all these three aspects, and my daughter is also a rare girl in the world. I sincerely hope that you can Think about it again, think about the matter in the long run, do you want to accept the baby as the son-in-law of my Chen family?" Chen Yuesheng stared at Liu Boyang and asked.

"Mr. Chen..."

"Emperor Yang Qing, don't rush to answer me, you must think clearly! If you accept the baby, not only will you have my daughter, but everything I have in S Province will also be yours! My son gets all the country in province S!" Chen Yuesheng said with an emphasis!

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